
Regression of Chemistry

After a fatal experiment, a brilliant chemist awakens as his 8-year-old self with all his memories of his past life intact. Determined to prevent his untimely death, he sets out to change the course of history by using his knowledge to accumulate wealth and improve his social standing. However, he soon realizes that his childhood and high school years were plagued by misery and bullying, leading him to focus on fixing his past rather than preventing his death. As he navigates through his new life, the scientist faces numerous challenges, including dodging his previous enemies and adjusting to his new-found confidence. Despite the obstacles, he perseveres, using his intelligence and cunning to turn his fortunes around. Along the way, he discovers that altering history is more challenging than he ever imagined, and that even the smallest changes can have significant consequences. With his fate in his own hands, the scientist must balance his old memories with his new life, making choices that will not only change his own future but the fate of those around him. But unlike his past self his naive and kind personality is now so different because of the harsh experiences growing up.

Gyumle · sci-fi
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4 Chs

Triumphing Failure

"In the 21st century or many people would like to call it THE AGE OF TECHNOLOGY, as the new Era approaches many technological advancement has been made, and even going further back in the 20th century many predictions have been made on what our future would be like.

Would there be flying cars or a self driving car perhaps? What about robots finally helping us in our work or just day to day lives? Space or Time travel? A virtual reality? A renewable energy source? Or finally the ability to control machines using our brain?

Those predictions are just a few and most well known that our ancestors tried to predict, and looking at our current world right now aren't most of those things accessible to you today?"

Many of the attendees of the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony cannot believe what they are currently listening to.

"Isn't he petty just because Dr. Torres isn't here to receive his Nobel Prize, why does his douche bag friend have to receive it."

"I don't even understand why the Novel Prize Committee accepted him as a representative. It would have been better if they would just make Dr. Torres received his Award at a later date."

The disgust that they have felt after watching Dr. Torres's friend's deliver a speech unrelating to the Award that he accepted and contributed to.

"To deliver a speech that is full of unrelated things to the research and just bragging to the start to end. Aren't you too self-centred, Dr. I MODERNIZED THE 21st CENTURY?" In an insulting manner without hesitation Dr. Lawley said while Dr. Edison is talking with other famous doctors in the Novel Banquet.

The other doctors that Dr. Edison are talking to heard and saw Dr. Lawley approaching and directly provoking Dr. Edison.

While they also feel the same way, they can't bring themselves to say any of those words in front of Dr. Edison. Their expressions changed while Dr. Edison's was still the same, he was unbothered by any of those words.

"Why are your faces like that?" He asked while smiling and he followed their eyes behind him he saw her.

"Oh, didn't see you there." He said sarcastically.

"Obviously, duh anyway what would your beloved FRIEND be doing much more important than receiving his award and sending his FRIEND as a representative to receive the award?"

Other Doctors are slowly gathering around them and garnering a crowd as their beef to each is cooking.

"Oh, I don't know, He asked me to accept the award for him as a fri-" He was cut off by Dr.Lawley's cough.

"Sorry, but did he also made you to present that wonderful speech about... what is the award you received for again?

"I apologize if the speech I prepared was too... how should I say it? Oh, impressive. If not for me there wouldn't have been a breakthrough."

A man approached Dr. Edison and whispered something to him that instantly changed his expression.

"I am sorry everyone, but it seems we need to worry about something else for now." He said and Dr. Edison along with the man they left the banquet and with bodyguards outside waiting they left.

"Leaving without letting me response, what a." Instead of saying anything negative Dr. Lawley sighed and calmed herself.

Inside the car Dr. Edison is talking to his attendant, his facial expression and his tone of voice changed as he tried over and over again to contact someone but no one is answering.

"Mr. Shik, what's the update on the lab?" Dr. Edison said as he bites his fingernails stressing on the situation."

Meanwhile on the Lab a fire broke out after an experiment failure than caused an explosion. It caused a panic between the new interns.

"Dr. Torres, you need to leave the lab now!" said another Doctor younger than him and worrying for him.

The young Doctor help Dr. Torres by resting Dr. Torres's arm in his shoulder and helped him walk to the exit l, as the other doctors see them they helped him carry Dr. Torres to safety.

Back to the Car to Dr. Edison

Dr. Edison's fingernails are now short due to him stressing about his friend's safety. After a few attempt to call, the attendant finally got connected to someone.

"Sir, Here for you" The attendant stretched his had to the back passenger sit to Dr. Edison.

Dr. Edison got connected to a doctor from the lab and the first thing he asked is Dr. Torres's status. He finally able to stop worrying about his friend after finding out his friend had evacuated the lab and was in a good state.

"That geezer had me worried for a sec!" He exclaimed and laughed. His attendant and driver also took a sigh of relief.

After a few minutes later Dr. Edison arrived at the lab and at that time the fire was already taken care of but the fire spread too fast and caused the whole lab to burn.

The Laboratory that was unfortunately burnt is The PROTON Labs (Polymer Research and Optimization for Technical Operations and Nanotechnology) a Laboratory that Dr. Torres established in 2041.

Dr. Edison got off the his car and after asking the other doctors about Dr. Torres he walks towards a tent right besides a firetruck.

"Ren! How are you, are you okay, why are you still here?!?! You should've went to a hospital or go home by now!!" Dr. Edison can't himself from worrying even though he know that his friend has been in safety a few minutes ago and bombarded Dr. Torres a bunch of questions.

"Has the fire been stopped?" Dr. Torres asked and looked at his friend with a serious expression.

Dr. Edison nodded his head and before he even say anything Dr. Torres got off the bed and grabbed Edison's coat and asked him to help him go back in the lab.

Without asking a question Edison agreed.

The people outside was shocked. Crowd garnered around them and slowly reporters arrived and even more people surrounded them.

out of frustration Dr. Torres shouted them.

Ah?!?! The reporter's followed us?!

"I'm sorry my friend but I think it's my fault we're surrounded, we can't escape these reporter's in your condition."

The reporter's was shocked at Dr. Torres but that didn't last for a while they continued to take a picture at them and asked them questions.

Even bodyguards are having difficulty controlling the news thirsty reporters.


Dr. Torres knew himself this kind of situations are hard to deal with and one of his hated things, this is also the reason he didn't attend the award ceremony for his noble prize.

The bodyguards escorted them Edison's car.

"I know that there is a reason you want to go back and it's probably important to the extent that in you don't even care about your current condition. but for now you need to take rest."

"No! I NEED TO GO BACK NOW!" He exclaimed as he breath as if he is losing oxygen.

"I won't tell you that you don't need to worry and I would get something for you back there because I know that thing right that you are trying to get your hands back on is something with great importance. As a scientist myself something that would make you act like that is something amazing that you can't tell anybody."

"Thank you for understanding, but reverse psychology won't work on me, THOMAS!" He said with the intent of making him mad and force him to make Edison kick him of his car.

When Dr. Torres said THOMAS, He is calling Dr. Edison in his nickname which can is not an insult but can be one depending on the context.

I hate arguing with this old fart.

"Don't worry we are not heading home we are just making them think we do, we'll go back when the amount of people decrease. You don't want them to speculate why you so eager to go back in your current state right? That would raise suspension and your enemies might try to get their hands on whatever you, psycho posses."

Dr. Edison sent some of his men to disguise and and patrol around the Laboratory incase someone tried to do something. He also hired snipers not to kill but to scout the outside the laboratory.

Back at The Nobel Prize the event the banquet ended already and due to the news of the fire the burnt down laboratory that the renowned Dr. Torres established the Nobel Prize exhibition has been delayed.

Many great scientist that idolized Dr. Torres and his students in The Nobel Prize felt pity of the demise of the laboratory that they once worked in.

"It is truly unfortunate that this kind of tragedy occurred and coincidentally the same time he was supposed to receive his award. But along with that sad news also come a great news that Dr. Torres himself is now out of danger and resting. We pray and wish for his fast recovery, in so that we can work with him again."

After the committee share their condolences in the tragedy and wished their prayers for their co-scientist, they continued the event and proceed the Nobel Prize Exhibition without the presence of any representative.

Many of the scientist on the event can't help to talk about the horrible tragedy as a fellow scientist that can of horrible event is a nightmare for a scientist.

Dr. Lawley who received an Novel Prize Award in Physiology, the entire time she was composed and no shows no sign of worry and confidently exhibits his awards but deep inside is feeling the same as the others.

He left as soon he receive the news firsthand and the expression he showed... Is that a facade or is he really sincere?

Dr. Lawley can't seem to read what Dr. Edison's true emotion and still wondering what his intentions might be in showing that kind of degenerate personality.

Back again to Dr. Torres and Dr. Edison, the people outside the lab has decrease and they received an Intel from the snipers that a group of suspicious looking individuals has intered the ruined laboratory.

Now they are headed back to enter the laboratory and get their hands first at that THING.

"YOU HAVE SNIPERS AND YOU IMOBILIZED THEM?!?!" Dr. Torres is furious at Edison and started suspecting him. He thinks those individuals are Edison's.

This damn geezer. How'd I even still friend's with this dude.


Dr. Edison didn't reply and just let Dr. Torres say anything he want, he knows he can't argue with someone who can't be even reason with.

How'd he even become like this, he use to be so different.

They arrived at ruined laboratory and Dr. Torres along with Edison they entered the building.

Dr. Edison didn't want to enter the building but he knows he can't let his friend enter alone while there are suspicious individuals inside carrying artillery.

Dr. Torres personally asked his friend to accompany him because he cannot use his cane and that would make a clicking noise and it's be wiser to have someone along. He still don't trust his friend though.

The state of the ruined laboratory he once dreamed of is now in a state of such, but no tears or sign of bother shows in his face, the only thing he got on his mind is the THING.

As they navigate the ruined laboratory they also see sight of undentifiable remains of his colleagues.

After a few moments of navigating through the building while also trying to avoid the suspicious individuals, They finally arrived at the ruined cafeteria.

"Why are we here? Your lab is on the other side."

Dr. Torres didn't respond to his friend's question but instead he proceeded to enter the kitchen and towards the refrigerators in the far back a freezer, he opened and asked his friend to removed everything.

As Edison continue to unload the freezer they heard a faint noise.

Stomp Stomp...

The suspicious individuals has entered the cafeteria.