
Regression: From Hero to Villain?

Boom!! A loud bang echoed through the continent as everyone could felt the impact of powerhourses clashing againts each other. In the midst of a desolate plain, a body of a man could be seen, with both armed and legs severed from his body. The man was recognized as the enemy of mankind and the most evil human being known in history. In his dying moments, the man looked towards the sky as he keep repeating the same words over and over again 'I am sorry'. The man closed his eyes, ready to meet his final moments. Suddenly a white light appeared in front of him "Do you regret everything?" > The cover art is not mine, if the owner wish to take it down please message me

Space_IOI · Fantasie
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Hunters potential are determined by their mana compatibility and aptitude but that alone won't make a hunter become the best. The strongest hunters are the one that have both high mana compatibility and high rank traits and there is only a single artifact in the whole world that could determine the rank of traits that a person has. Furthermore, even that artifact won't be able to see what a trait does and only showed it's rank.

Hence, it will be impossible for his parents or anyone in the world to see through his lie. 

'With this, I believe that they would definitely agree with keeping my awakening results hidden' Lucas thought to himself as a smile smirk appeared on his face as he saw both his parents staring intensely at each other because of his words.

From his trait that allowed him to see the future, to the destruction of both the Sylvester and Adams family, if anyone else have heard those words, they would call you crazy. 

Who would even predict that 2 of the strongest ruling families will fall in the future, when even the weakest ruling families have held their position for more than a decade.

And after a couple seconds of silence, Grace opened her mouth

"Honey... you're not lying are you?" Grace said seriously as the words that Lucas said was truly surprising to them. 

"Sigh... everything that I said was what I saw mom" Lucas said sorrily before continuing "Thats why I believe keeping my awakening results hidden would be the best option for us"

"But, even then-" As Grace was about to reply her son's words, Daniel intterupted them

"Lets hear him out first Grace"

"You don't seriously believe everything he said right Daniel" Grace replied coldly

"Of course I have some doubts.. but I believe that there must be some kind of reason if he goes this far just to lie" Daniel replied as he stared at Lucas, demanding an answer

'Well.. as expected of my parents, they don't believe just anything that I said' Lucas said to himself as he heard his parents bickering

"Unfortunately I can't answer your questions right now Dad... but I can be 100% sure that everything I said was for the best of us" Lucas said while showing a genuine smile on his face

"Sigh... then what do you think we should do now?" Daniel asked again

Hearing those words, Lucas fisted his palm as he had finally managed to convince his parents and could start his plans.

"First of all, lets just announce that my awakening results are comparable to the other heirs of other ruling families" Lucas said

"Alright, lets do just as you said" Daniel replied 

"Oh right, did you mention my awakening results to grandma yet?" Lucas said as he remembered something

"Yes, I contacted her straight away, and she was very happy to hear the news. But, it seems that she is still busy exploring those abandoned land as there is a recent monster outbreak" Grace said sadly

Abandoned land, just like what its name implied is land that humanity has abandoned as they have truly become domain for powerful monsters and the associations and ruling families have deemed too dangerous to reclaim.

While there are many countries in the past, the whole world united as they fought againts the monsters and there are only 5 of the strongest countries left that remain standing, which are called Gaia, Frostholm, Otomo, Primera, Invierno. 

The planet was called blue star, which is more than 10x bigger than our planet earth, and each of the remaining countries are much bigger than America. 

Frostholm in the north, Otomo in the west, Primara in the south and Invierno in the east, and lastly Gaia in the center. 

Both the Sylvester family and Adams family resides in Gaia as they have complete control of the country due to the marriage between the 2 families. These type of marriage are normal for Ruling families as they want to continue their reign and gain more power in the way.

Lucas too had a fiance who came from another ruling family. But, that relationship soon broke because he caught his fiance cheating on him with none other than Vincent. 

"Ah right Luke, dont forget that your cousin birthday is coming up, make sure to prepare a present for her okay?" Daniel said as he remembered something before continuing "Ahh and your fiance will go there with your fiance and make sure to treat her nice."

Lucas eyes turned dangerous as he heard those words as one of the woman that stood with Vincent the day he died is none other than this fiance of his.

"Of course Dad.. I will surely be on my best behaviour that day" Lucas said while forcing a huge smile on his face before continuing "Ahh I also want to start my own company that will be focused on raising my own people" 

"Okay, just tell Alfred to arrange all of the paperwork and it will be done immediately. But Luke, do know that I will keep a close eye on you okay honey?" His mother Grace replied

 As mentioned before, the Sylvester family is one of the wealthiest and most powerful family in the world, and their net worth is estimated to be 1 Trillion Dollar. Hence, setting a corporation for Lucas is nothing for them.

"Thanks mom.. I will make sure to live up to your expectations" Lucas said as he stood up and hugged his mom


In a huge mansion on another part of the world, a man who is in his forties picked up a newspaper as he read the headlines 

<<The shocking awakening results of the esteemed heir Sylvester family, magic aptitude 81%>>