
Regression: From Hero to Villain?

Boom!! A loud bang echoed through the continent as everyone could felt the impact of powerhourses clashing againts each other. In the midst of a desolate plain, a body of a man could be seen, with both armed and legs severed from his body. The man was recognized as the enemy of mankind and the most evil human being known in history. In his dying moments, the man looked towards the sky as he keep repeating the same words over and over again 'I am sorry'. The man closed his eyes, ready to meet his final moments. Suddenly a white light appeared in front of him "Do you regret everything?" > The cover art is not mine, if the owner wish to take it down please message me

Space_IOI · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Awakening (2)

Lucas then sat down in a lotus position as he began preparing for his awakening. He got rid of any extra thoughts as his mind was fully focused. 

Henry Edwards then pulled out the SS-rank mana gem, which was pure white in color and handed it to Lucas to start the awakening process.

"Empty your mind and follow my lead boy" Henry said while he placed both his hand on Lucas's back, signalling that the awakening process is about to began

The first stage of awakening is the mana core formation. In this process, humans gradually guide the pure mana energy inside of mana gems and circulate it to their heart. This is also what Henry is aiding Lucas with, as a normal person would find it extremely hard to guide the mana in a certain direction.

As Lucas already experienced awakening in his previous life, forming the mana core was a simple process to him. 

'Hmm?...' Henry thought to himself as he could feel that Lucas has already familiarize himself with the mana circulation only after a single full circulation. 

'Would you look at that' Henry removed his hand from Lucas's back as he watched the young boy finishing the mana circulation on his own.

Time passed and soon a small white crystal formed near Lucas's heart, indicating that the mana core has already been formed in his body. However, the next step is truly what is important for awakening and what makes the difference between a genius and a waste.

The second step of awakening is the mana assimilation. In this step, humans will guide the excess mana from mana gems and the surrounding and guide the mana energy throughout the whole body and remove impurities from it. This process is the most crucial step as one would be able to measure how talented a certain individual had and it will show the potential that a hunter has. The longer this process is done, the stronger mana aptitude and the higher compatibility will one have. 

Lucas started bleeding from every pore of his body as dark red substance started to come out from his body. This shows that Lucas has started removing the impurities inside his body and strengthening his body with mana.

Time passed by and Daniel is starting to worry as Lucas kept continued bleeding all over his body as his veins and muscles are continuously destroyed and repaired by mana. However, Daniel kept his silence as he knew that while this process was extremely painful, it only brings benefit to Lucas. 

"If he keep this up, wouldn't he break the awakening record?" Henry said while watching Lucas continuously enduring the extreme pain 

"Lets just hope for the best" Daniel said as he watched Lucas nervously and excitedly

While the two person were commenting on Lucas, the boy himself is currently withstanding extreme pain as the longer one assimilate mana into their body, the more unbearable the pain is. However, he knew that in order to get his revenge and become stronger, he would have to endure it.

Clenching his teeth and tightening his palm, Lucas continued the assimilation process until his body turned red. Henry and Daniel became more nervous as they could now see that his mana veins became visible and covered his whole body. 

Lucas lasted for just over 7 hours as he finally could not withstand the pain and Daniel was very happy to see that Lucas might have broken the world's record for the highest mana aptitude compatibility. Ordinary people usually have around 10-20% mana aptitude compatibility, while the geniuses have roughly 50% compatibility. 

Lucas himself could feel that his body has completely changed and knew that he had surpassed his previous self who only achieved 85% compatibility. However, there are several individuals that surpassed Lucas's previous self with one of them being Vincent Stuart, the very man who ended Lucas's life.

Lucas's generation is nicknamed the 'Golden Generation' as there are many outstanding youths who achieved near record breaking compatibility results. However, now Lucas knew that he has outdone all of the other talents as he stood above all of them.

Daniel immediately went to Lucas's side and helped him stood up 

"Now is the most important part" Henry said while gesturing for Lucas to hold the crystal orb in the middle of the room 

Lucas nodded at those words and immediately put his hands on the orb.


Seconds passed by and suddenly the orb illuminated a bright light that covered the whole room, and the words that is inside shocked all three of them to their core

-Mana compatibility: 97%-

"AHHAHAHAHHHA" Daniel laughed out histerically as this means that Lucas has broken the previous record of mankind which is 94%.

"Congratulations Daniel and to you boy" Henry said while clapping his hands

'The balance of power will shift even more with this monster' Henry thought to himself as he saw the father and son pair

"Lets announce this to the whole world... I am sure those bastards will definitely shut their mouth once they hear your record" Daniel said while he pondered something in his mind 

"Don't annouce it Dad, I think it will be better for them to see my talent themselves once we meet at that place" Lucas said while staring at his father's face as he continued "and Dad, the awakening took quite a toll on my body, I need some rest now" 

"Sigh.. alright... we will discuss this matter with your mom later" Daniel said in a gloomy tone as he was excited to show Lucas's talent to the whole world

"Ahh, and thank you Sir Henry for helping me with my awakening, and I truly hope that Sir Henry could also help keep this matter a secret" Lucas said with a bow, showing his gratitude 

"Ohh, don't worry boy, your secret is safe in my hands, especially with the favor I received from your family back then" Henry replied as a smile appeared in his old face

Lucas nodded at Henry's words and after some idle talk, both Lucas and Daniel left and returned home

'With this, my first step for revenge has been completed' Lucas thought as he layed down on his bed


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