
Regalia : Prince Noir the Eighth

Prince Noir has been mocked his entire life every since he became this prince. With everyone being his enemy or doesn't want to involve themselves with him, he has to struggle his way to ascend the throne while at the same time, an impending cataclysm is coming.

Jakyll · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

*At the center of Tamiel, a parade was held so that Midas would announced to everyone about how the next ruler of Tamiel will be choose officially. In the center of the parade was built a standalone throne for Midas to seat on. Then one by one, the Crown candidate walks through the crowd towards Midas together with their Hand Knights. It starts from Richard and onto the next followed up by their age. Crowds were cheering until it was Noir's turn*

Noir: * walking towards Midas and his other siblings nervously* (This is so awkward, It was not suppose to be like this!)

*Noir was walking in front with Tohya and Abby accompanying him at the back. Tohya was still wearing the mercenary gear, making him looks like a professional bandit while Abby was wearing a mishmash set of armor. She wears a helmet so people are unable to see how she looks like but the tail and wing was unable to hide. She looks like she was wearing the armor of those she kill*

Townsfolk: I thought they were joking but I guess it's true *whispering*

Guy: I heard Prince Noir is actually cunning and smart. He was able to bring the Red Reaper to his side.

Old lady: I heard his Right Hand Knight was able to take on Prince Richard

Other Old Lady: But Prince Richard is the strongest among the Crown candidates?

Old Lady: Exactly. How did that Prince Noir bring such guy to his side?

Soldier: I still can't believe how he can make the Red Reaper into his Left Hand knights.

Soldier 2: Didn't you hear? He got the balls to bargain with his Majesty. I heard he challenged him!

Soldier 3: Not just that, i heard King Midas told the other crown candidates that Prince Noir is the most kingly among the rest.

Soldier: If his majesty himself said that, it must be true.

Soldier 2: The man just made a deadly demon into his underling? He may be LINKLESS but he must be damn cunning and smart to reason with something so unreasonable.

Noir: (I didn't do anything!) *cries inside realized that he was the one begging Abby and Tohya to be his Hand Knights*

*Noir expected he would get backlash and slurs for the usual but worse due to him bringing Abby who was on wanted to be his Hand Knight but instead, rumors has spread here and there and people are beginning to fear him*

Tohya: ..... *Face remains serious* (Oh yeesssss, I was the one fighting toe to toe with Richard, A.K.A. the strongest Crown candidates!) ...

Abby: (Everyone is watching! aaaaaaaaaa, I'm so embarrassed!) .......


*After the king left, one by one left with him. The one who hasn't left yet was Richard and Leia*

Noir:.................* As soon as Midas was no where on sight* *sigh* *fell down with his knees shaking* I.... did it-

Tohya: That was cool!!!!!!!

*Tohya jumps towards Noir and hugged him*

Noir: Tohya!?

Tohya: Who knew you had it in you?

Noir: I was thinking non stop how to save your reckless ass!

Tohya: Dude, I had to do something, Abby might get executed.

*Noir and Tohya then stopped then stared at Abby who was standing, crying watching them. Noir and Tohya smiled sheepishly then offered their arm. Noir raises his left arm while Tohya raises his right arm*

Abby: *hic* waaaaaaaaaa!

*Abby then jumps towards Noir and Tohya, imitating Tohya. As Abby land on both Noir and Tohya's shoulder, Noir and Tohya both wraps their arm and the three of them does a group hug*

Richard:....... krh..... * in disbelieve*

Leia: She may looked like one. But I don't think a dangerous murderous demon would cry and being appreciative or even hugging for the matter when someone saved their life.

Richard: ............. *feeling like Leia was right when he saw Abby's innocent crying face* ......

Leia: Just drop it Richard. I know the story of your nightmare you always share us.

Richard: You remembered?

Leia: Yeah. It was the only thing capable of scaring my fearless brother *smirks*

Richard: *embarrassed* shut up.

Leia: In the end, dreams are not reality... brother. *smiles at Richard*

Richard:..... *started to walks away* Actually, I agree with father. *stops while starring at Noir* He did sound like a proper king that one moment. *then he continues to walk*

Leia: *smiles happily* Would you look at that.

*Leia then walks towards the three of them*

Leia: So you two are Noir's Hand Knights *smiles*

*The three of them stopped hugging then sat on the ground one by one*

Abby: *nods slowly*

Tohya: We're his friends!

Noir: *blushes* Tohya

Leia: *Claps once then smiled happily* Wow! Wonderful! Isn't that great Noir.

Noir: Yeah.... *smiles happily*

Leia: (You finally found your ally)... anyway. You were in luck we manage to meet you while meeting up with Richard here. I was looking for you everywhere.

Noir: Why?

Leia: Tomorrow, father is going to announce the next ruler procedure officially at the town square Tamiel. We're suppose to show up at the parade one by one so that they could see the future ruler of Endora. Except Duvar though.... *having a sudden headache* That man... *sigh*. Make sure you bring your..... what was your names again?

Abby: Abaddon. But, call me Abby

Tohya: Tohya is fine.

Leia: *smiles* Right. Bring Tohya and Abby. Aaand..... ahahaha, not to be rude. You guys should really prepare how Abby would look like properly. Don't cause a havoc on the parade. If you know what I mean.

Tohya: Everyone is going to be freaked out from her sight alone

Abby: Sorry.....

Tohya: It's not your fault! Don't apologize!

Leia: *giggles* If I haven't seen your crying face, I would be truly terrified to see you as well Abby.

Abby: AaAAaaA *blushes*

Leia: *notices how read Abby is* Oh, you're blushing, how cute

Abby: C-c-cute!? *looks at Tohya*

Tohya: *blushes* Don't look at me like that!

Leia: Oh, something going on with this two?

Noir: Tohya wants to m-

Tohya: *Shuts Noir's mouth with his hand* I DO NOT! NO MORE WORD!

Noir: MMmMmmmM!!!!

*Leia and Abby was both laughing seeing both Tohya and Noir*

<End of flashback>

Noir: (In the end, we just scrap and left over armor laying around the forest and campsite.)

Tohya: (Now that I see it, Abby looks like Bankei, but instead taking the losers weapon, she took their armor)

*Finally all Crown Candidate arrived at the podium*

Midas: One of them will be the next ruler of Endora! Serve them, love them, support them! Your feelings will be the answer to who is fit to rule Endora!

*All of the crowd shouts*

Noir: *smiles proudly*... ( I... have a chance!) *Looks behind him and saw Tohya smiling watching Noir and gives Noir a thumbs up. Abby was seen nodding when Noir turn his attention to her* (Because now, I have allies)

*After the parade, The three of them went to Noir's room in the palace. Unlike before whenever Noir walks around, people would bad mouthing him, now everyone simply try to avoid him*

Tohya: Back then, you said people will take every chance to criticize you. Doesn't look that way

Noir: *smile* well, probably because of you guys

Tohya: Nah, mostly probably because of her *points at Abby who was already laying down on Noir's bed happily*

Noir: So what's the plan?

Tohya: What plan? didn't you hear what everyone was saying. You're the brain.

Noir: You know it's not true.

Tohya: But you can be. Can't you?

Noir: I can...

Tohya: You don't have to be a LINK user to be smart. Why don't you be like that guy who's good at giving orders and plans outstanding strategy. You got us two at your disposal.

Noir: Don't make it sound like you're a tool!

Tohya: Chill, I'm not. But, with two strength. The team only need the brain left. Abby doesn't know what to do and I might do something reckless again in the future. You, well, it's your job to fix that and make us into the perfect Knights. Your knights.

Noir: Yea... I like the sound of that! How bout you Abby?

Abby: I'm okay with it.

Noir: Then here's the plan! We will make our own house! At Cel Da' Mul!

Abby: House! *excited*

Tohya: You got the resources?

Noir: No.... we surely needs money. But let me tell ya, we have woods!

Tohya: No kidding. It's a forest...

Noir: So first agenda, let us think on how to make money!

Tohya: You're... not rich?

Noir: *looking depressed* No.... Most of my siblings gain money from their businesses, trades and taxes from their people..... *crying painfully* I don't have any people to rule over.

Tohya: You have us two

Abby: Yes.

Noir: *looking disappointed at the both of them* Do you two have money?

Abby & Tohya: No...

Tohya: Then we do what all Isekai hero do!

Noir: what's that?

Tohya: Tell me Noir, is there a-

-Later that day at night time, they were in front of the guild house-

Noir: You mean this?

Tohya: *eyes sparkles* yes! Every Isekai main character heads here! It's easy money!

*The three of them was in disguise, all wearing cloak, hiding their identity*

Noir: But you need to-

Tohya: Register and stuff! I know! Heh heh heh, just like in simulation. I'm actually excited!

Noir:..... no Tohya.... You don't understand.... uhh..... We can't be in a guild. Like literally. It's against the law. I'm a royal and you're like a knight with the highest ranking in the order.

Tohya: *shoulder slumps* oh..... So idea is a no go?

Noir: I'm sorry, I know you're trying to help.

Abby: There there *pats on Tohya's shoulder*

*Suddenly the door was kicked open then someone was thrown outside*

Noir: what the?

Tohya: It's a girl!? HEY!

*Abby was the one who try to help the girl getting thrown out*

Guild member: Get out of here! Your kind doesn't belong here!

Girl: Please! I don't care what you think of me or what you would do! But please help us! They will all die at this point!

Guild member: Look, if the military ain't doing anything about it, why should we?

Girl: I'm begging you! * Kneel before the guy with her head on the ground, begging*

Guild member: Get out of here! Before I call the Knights to settle you. In fact, I'm pretty sure you're living here illegally.

Noir: Illegally? * Looks at the girl's face clearly and saw Besta* Besta?

*Besta was seen with her hair free and her elf ear seen*

Tohya: Hoi, Is that a way to treat a lady?

Guildmember: Huh? Lady? Can't you see her? are you blind? she's nothing but an animal. A worthless Kinless!

Tohya: You-

Noir: That's enough Tohya. *Pulls down his hood*

Guildmember: Y-you're Prince Noir!?

Tohya: Noir?

Besta: *shocked* N-Noir?

Noir: Let's go somewhere else. Would you come with us? Besta?

-At the outskirt of Tamiel-

Besta: I saw you at the podium. You actually have Hand Knights. I'm impressed

Noir: You don't look like one.

Besta: Sorry...

Noir: What's going on?

Besta: You know why I came working here? My village, it's on a lawless land. A land with no ruler. A neutral land of Endora. However, land like that tend to have bandits lurking around. It's not just me. There's a lot of us from that village working at different cities. All of our earnings were given to the bandits who's taking the whole village hostage. Then suddenly, they marked up their price and if not, they will raze the village and loot everything. I think they're getting bored with us.

Tohya: Then why aren't they offer to help!? It's their job!

Besta: Seriously? *Pissed at Tohya*

Noir: Tohya here is from another world.

Besta: Seriously!? *shocked*

Abby: But Noir, don't you think this is our chance?

*The three of them turn their attention to Abby*

Abby: We need money and we have a quest here presented with us

Noir: yeah but-

*Besta then on her knees in front of Noir, holding both his hands tightly with tears at the end of her eyes*

Besta: I beg you Noir! I'll give you anything, i'll give you all the money I have! If you help, I'll forever be in your debt! I'll always support you in any way you want and I'll always follow you! Your Highness! I beg you!

Noir: ....… * Feeling his chest in pain, seeing Besta* Tohya, Abby. *Looking serious *We have a village to save.

Besta: *shocked* Noi-... Your highness *crying while resting her head on Noir's hand* Thank you

Tohya: Alright! Our first adventure!

Abby: Mm!