
Reflections of Us

Daniel’s life takes an unexpected turn when he wakes up beside a girl who looks eerily like him—only she’s not just similar, she is him, but in a girl's body. As they navigate the strange reality of their shared existence, Daniel finds himself drawn to her in ways he can’t fully understand, but that also make him question everything about himself. As emotions grow more complicated, Daniel battles with self-doubt, confusion, and a deepening connection to her. Together, they’ll have to face their inner struggles, all while Daniel begins to notice the way her gaze lingers on him just a little longer, filled with something unspoken—something that stirs feelings he can’t ignore.

DaoisteqHaDS · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Finding Peace Above

Nestled in a sea of plastic bottles under the bed, I tried to find some comfort in the chaos. My back ached from the awkward position, and the constant pressure of the discarded bottles digging into my sides wasn't helping. I shifted uncomfortably, but it didn't feel like it used to. Something was off—maybe I was just sore from lying in one spot for too long.

My mind wandered to the practicalities of hiding out here—how long I could stay, what I'd do for food and water—but I couldn't focus. Everything felt strange. My body ached in unfamiliar ways, like I wasn't moving right, and the tight space under the bed was more cramped than I remembered. I brushed it off as stress. There were bigger things to worry about right now.

When I heard my mom leaving for work, I knew it was time to find a better spot. She left every day at the same time, ever since Dad took off. I crawled out from under the bed and stood up, stretching my stiff back. The room felt different, like it had shifted while I was hiding. Maybe it was just the tension wearing me down.

I crawled out from under the bed and quietly slipped out of my room. I made my way to the bathroom.

Closing the door, I hesitated, staring at the mirror. A knot twisted in my stomach. The reflection staring back wasn't what I expected.

My face was still mine... sort of. The thick eyebrows, dark eyes, and unruly hair—it was familiar but wrong. My hair was too long, falling around my face in wild, soft waves. I stepped closer to the mirror, my breath catching. I touched my face, my hand trembling as it moved over unfamiliar curves. My heart raced as I traced my jawline—it was softer, more rounded.

I blinked, looking down. My clothes hung loosely on my frame. My hands shook as I stared at the small bump on my chest. "No, no," I whispered, stumbling back from the mirror. I was Daniel, wasn't I? But... this?

I grabbed the edge of the sink, trying to steady myself. My breath came in quick bursts as confusion clawed at my chest. "This isn't me," I muttered, clenching my hands into fists. But the reflection stared back with wide, fearful eyes. The body was mine, but I wasn't me.

I looked down at my body to confirm it was real and noticed a soft bump on my chest. My breath caught in my throat as I hesitated, staring at the unfamiliar curve. I looked back at the mirror. My frame was smaller, my face more feminine. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks—I had transformed into a girl.

My heart pounded, and my hands gripped the sink tighter. "What's happening to me?" I gasped, feeling the panic surge. My chest rose and fell rapidly as I struggled to understand. How could this be happening? My pulse thundered in my ears, and the world around me began to spin. Desperately, I looked around for something—anything—to anchor me, but the room dissolved into chaos.

The tiles and walls faded, transforming into the edge of a cliff. The air grew cold as a storm erupted, wind whipping around me. I saw myself standing there, struggling to keep balance, teetering on the brink. The chaos was overwhelming, and just as it seemed too much to bear, I heard a soft voice, "Calm down."

"How can I calm down?" I thought, the panic gripping me tightly. Yet, strangely, a slight sense of calm washed over me. The voice spoke again, "Do not worry." Suddenly, the storm and cliff vanished, and I found myself back in the bathroom, staring into the mirror. Though the fear and stress remained, I felt a warmth envelop me, quieting my racing heartbeat and dulling the edge of my nerves. I took a deep breath, steadying myself, and then walked out of the bathroom.

The house was quiet, and I observed my surroundings with careful eyes, forcing myself to describe each object and detail. My room was next to my brother's, now empty since he left for college. Down the hallway, the staircase led to the first floor. I could feel myself calming down a bit.

As I continued my search, my eyes flicked upward and landed on the attic entrance. It struck me as the ideal spot to establish a new base of operations. I rushed down the stairs, grabbing a bag of chips and some water along the way. I gathered everything I might need for a while and opened the attic door, tossing my supplies up there.

Once I had everything, I climbed into the attic, closed the door behind me, and sighed in relief. Finally, I had a safe space to lay back and rest, dizzy from all the work. I glanced around the attic and noticed it was oddly clean and empty, a stark contrast to the cluttered chaos of the rest of the house. I let out a nervous laugh. "Ha ha, that's kinda weird, right?"

Trying to ground myself amidst the strangeness, I knelt down and prayed, thanking God for the unexpected calm that had settled over me. Just as I finished my prayer, the comforting warmth abruptly turned icy cold, as if a chill had swept through the room. It felt angry, as though someone was glaring at me. Startled, I quickly stood up, glancing around the attic.

The attic became eerily quiet, and the lack of noise made my thoughts race even more. I started to feel the nervousness creeping back in. Trying to calm myself, I muttered, "Okay, I'm a girl now. Is that bad? What the heck? I'm a girl?" My voice wavered as I struggled to make sense of it all. My mind spun, unable to settle on anything solid.

Then, out of nowhere, it struck me—I had seen myself, Daniel, leaving for school when I woke up. My mind had somehow glazed over that fact, as if I hadn't been able to process what I saw and felt. It was like I had just been born, disoriented and struggling to make sense of anything.

Instinctively, I squeezed my legs together, and that's when it hit me. The ache of something that should've been there...wasn't. A wave of nausea twisted through me.

The full weight of the situation crashed over me. I grabbed my head, my thoughts spiraling out of control, each new realization hitting me harder than the last. Panic surged back, more intense than before, and this time I couldn't control it. "This can't be happening," I gasped, my breath coming in short, sharp bursts. The fear took over completely, overwhelming every attempt to stay calm. I felt like I was drowning, unable to find a way out.

That's when I noticed the old mattress in the corner. My heart pounded, each beat a painful reminder of my new, alien form. I stumbled over to it and collapsed, desperately hoping sleep would bring clarity, or at least some relief from the chaos of my new reality. I clung to the hope that maybe, just maybe, when I woke up, I would find this had all been a horrible dream. But deep down, I knew I had to confront this new existence, no matter how terrifying it seemed.

As I drifted into sleep on the old mattress, my mind wandered into a dream-like state where I was once again the male version of myself. At first, it felt like a dream, but as moments passed, I realized this was different—I was seeing the world through his eyes. Everything around me felt familiar, yet distant, as if I were a passenger observing his life. I watched as he went about his day, interacting with others and going to school, completely unaware of my presence within him.

Though male Daniel was oblivious to what was happening, I couldn't deny the unique opportunity this presented. I was living through his eyes, observing his world as he experienced it, yet my existence remained unknown to him.

* * *

As Daniel exited the entrance gate, he let out a long breath, eager to relax and unwind after the long day. His thoughts drifted to the girl from this morning, who he assumed was still hiding under his bed. He found himself worrying about her—wondering how she was faring while he was gone. Did she have enough to eat and drink? His concern for her surprised him, but it also felt genuine and natural.

Meanwhile, the 'female' Daniel sensed his thoughts and his care for her well-being in her dream. Her cheeks reddened slightly, her body curled a bit, and a small smile appeared on her face.


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