
Reflection of The Moon *The Untamed/MDZS/GDC*

Wei YingYue/Wei Yue Wei - contains the character for "ghost"; Yue - "moon"; Yingyue - "reflection of the moon" Wei Yingyue has always been different from her twin brother, Wei Wuxian. They share the same fierce protectiveness over the ones they loved, but even a blind man can tell the differences between the twins. Most of her life, when she was locked away by Madam Yu, Yingyue was studying. A master swordswoman, a scholar, and a well rounded young woman, she was the pride and joy of the YunmengJiang Sect. Most of her youth, she was sent away to learn from some of the wisest, most admired scholars, per her request. It was a shock to everyone when she appeared out of no where at the GusuLan Sect for Teacher Lan's lesson, seeing as the female was rarely seen in public since she left for education. With the Wei Twins back together, everyone assumed that the arrogance of Wei Ying would be snuffed out by his sister, but that is the least of everyone's problems as dangers begin to arise in the world of Cultivation. With old and new friends, Wei Yue begins to find her place in the world as a common threat, the Wen Clan, rises and threatens the peace of everyone's worlds. What will Wei Yingyue do when danger comes knocking on her door? What will the young woman do when tragedy and death strikes, crippling the world she once knew to the ground? What will she do when everyone turns on her older twin, casting her aside for something as simple as having the same name? What will she do when her world is shattered?

Jazmine_Bowman · Andere
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29 Chs



Wei Yingyue gasped as she leaned against her sword, using it like a cane as she walked up the path to the Cloud Recesses. She finally made it to the entrance and let herself drop to the ground, leaning her head against the stone that held all of the rules of the GusuLan sect.

"Who's there?" A voice called from somewhere in the distance, though Wei Yingyue's eyes would not focus as she raised her head. "Wei Yue?" The voice was that of GusuLan's Lan Xichen, the sound of his worried voice reached her ears and she hissed when he grabbed her shoulders.

"Lan Huan." She breathed, the familiar scent of one of the people closest to her wafting around her, offering comfort. His fingers loosened on her shoulders and he turned her slightly, looking at the Hanfu around her pale figure, blood visible on the light fabric covering her arms and back.

"What happened, Wei Yingyue?" He demanded as he saw the fabric darken further, lightly leaning her back as he examined the rest of her to make sure there were no further injuries. Much to his disappointment, there were multiple. She had bruised flesh under her sleeves, a few of her ribs were broken, and she had multiple lacerations on her skin.

"After I returned to the YunmengJiang Sect, Jiang Cheng punished me in place of Wei Ying." She whispered, letting her head fall as she clenched her fists. "He let the new disciples punish me after he whipped me with Zidian. They hit me with the cautioning whip, tied me up for a few days, and threw me around before letting me out to fight one of their best. We were given a dagger each and I lasted half an hour before fainting due to blood loss. Jiang Cheng threw me out and told me I was exiled from Lotus Pier." She finished, tears running down her face as she laid limp against the stone.

"Wei Yue." Lan Xichen cupped her face and made her look him in the eyes, a frown replaced the smile that was always there on his face. She gasped when he pulled her up, making her lean on him as he picked up her sword. "Let's get you cleaned up. You can stay here at the Recesses." He stated as he walked her inside.