
Reflection of The Moon *The Untamed/MDZS/GDC*

Wei YingYue/Wei Yue Wei - contains the character for "ghost"; Yue - "moon"; Yingyue - "reflection of the moon" Wei Yingyue has always been different from her twin brother, Wei Wuxian. They share the same fierce protectiveness over the ones they loved, but even a blind man can tell the differences between the twins. Most of her life, when she was locked away by Madam Yu, Yingyue was studying. A master swordswoman, a scholar, and a well rounded young woman, she was the pride and joy of the YunmengJiang Sect. Most of her youth, she was sent away to learn from some of the wisest, most admired scholars, per her request. It was a shock to everyone when she appeared out of no where at the GusuLan Sect for Teacher Lan's lesson, seeing as the female was rarely seen in public since she left for education. With the Wei Twins back together, everyone assumed that the arrogance of Wei Ying would be snuffed out by his sister, but that is the least of everyone's problems as dangers begin to arise in the world of Cultivation. With old and new friends, Wei Yue begins to find her place in the world as a common threat, the Wen Clan, rises and threatens the peace of everyone's worlds. What will Wei Yingyue do when danger comes knocking on her door? What will the young woman do when tragedy and death strikes, crippling the world she once knew to the ground? What will she do when everyone turns on her older twin, casting her aside for something as simple as having the same name? What will she do when her world is shattered?

Jazmine_Bowman · Andere
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29 Chs

Chapter Five

After they returned to the Cloud Recesses with the blubbering Mo Xuanyu, Wei Yingyue excused herself from the scene that was taking place in front of the Recesses. She walked up the walkway and looked towards Lan Zhan, bowing her head slightly when he looked at her.

"Where are you going?" He asked monotonically.

"I am going to go to the secluded section of the cold spring that you showed me. Then I might do some secluded meditation, unless you wish to join me." She informed him, glancing back to watch Lan Jingyi try to deal with Mo Xuanyu.

"Thank you, Wei Yue." She nodded and bowed to Lan Zhan, walking up the path with her hands behind her back. As she rounded the corner, she paused when she saw Lan Xichen walking down the path. He smiled when he saw her, coming to a halt beside the young woman.

"Lan Huan." She greeted him, he nodded his head before his eyes landed on her cheek. He reached up and brushed his fingers under the cut that was there, a bruise already clouding her fair skin. "It's fine, it will be healed by the end of the week." She whispered as his brows furrowed, he nodded and looked towards the sound of Mo Xuanyu.

"What is that?" He asked, his body turning towards the noise.

"Lan Zhan and I brought someone back." She replied, letting out a sigh as she closed her eyes.

"Quite loud, isn't he." Lan Huan jokes, she opened her eyes and looked up at the man, who was smiling down at her in return.

"He is indeed. I am going to go to the cold springs, then some meditation. I will see you at supper, Lan Huan." She stated calmly, bowing before walking away swiftly. He watched her leave before walking down to greet his brother, leaving the girl to walk to the springs on her own. She stopped at her bedroom and study first, grabbing a Hanfu identical to the one she was wearing before she left her room and made her way to the springs. As she walked, she let the soothing atmosphere welcome her back when her eyes landed on the back of a man with a red tie in his long black hair. Her heart stopped and she narrowed her eyes as she froze in place, her fingers clasping over the pendant of a lotus around her neck. "Wei Ying?" She whispered, memories of moments with her brother in this spot flowing back to her.

When Wei Wuxian heard his younger twin's voice call his birth name, he turned and she blinked. Her hand that wasn't wrapped around a strange pendant he seemed to have never seen before clutched a bundle of white clothing. She huffed and looked away, blinking several times before looking back at him.

"I am sorry, Master Mo. I have mistaken you for someone else." She whispered as she bowed deeply, moving to walk past him when he spoke.

"Lady Wei, why are you wearing so much white? Are you in mourning?" He asked as she passed, her figure stopping a step away. "You fit in well with the Recesses. Everything is so mournful, you kind of dress like Hanguang-Jun." He remarked, though he paused when she tensed. She turned and looked at him, her face expressionless as she bowed.

"I apologize for making you feel mournful." She stated stiffly, not even sparing him a glance when she straightened and walked away. Wei Wuxian watched after her and frowned as he watched his sister walk away, though it did not seem to be his sister that had just spoken to him. It seemed, to him, to simply be a shell of what used to be his little YingYing.

Wei Xuxian, after Lan Zhan had immobilized him, was still awake as he stared at the man beside him, unable to move. Lan Zhan was quiet and seemed to be asleep, but Wei Xuxian began to make small noises to disturb the man.

"Be quiet." Lan Zhan muttered.

"Hanguang-Jun, can I ask you something about Lady Wei?" Wei Ying asked, blinking slightly. The man was silent so Wei Ying continued. "I bumped into her earlier and she called me Wei Ying. Isn't that the Yiling Patriarch?" He murmured, pretending to not know that he and the girl were related.

"She is his younger twin sister." Lan Zhan sighed, not opening his eyes, though Wei Wuxian saw his jaw tighten. He smiled lightly as he came up with a way to tease Lan Zhan.

"Do you like Lady Wei?" He cooed, this seemed to have no effect on the man.

"No." He answered simply. "Not like that, I mean." He clarified after Wei Ying let out a sound of understanding.

"What do you mean?" He asked, continuing to play stupid.

"Wei Yingyue is like my younger sister, Mo Xuanyu." Lan Zhan sighed, his brows furrowing. Wei Ying paused and watched Lan Zhan, his eyes moving down to a pendant he held in his hand.

"You have one too?" He asked, though Lan Zhan moved the pendant away from his view. "Where did you get them?"

"I made them." His answered simply, seeming bored with the small talk. "Can we sleep now? It's past nine." Lan Zhan grumbled, turning his head away from Wei Ying.

"Why does she dress in white like she's mourning?" Wei Ying asked, finally getting to the question he wanted to ask. Lan Zhan's eyes finally opened as he turned his head to look at the paralized man's face, frowning before his eyes moved to look at the ceiling.

"She is in mourning. She's been mourning for the last thirteen years since her brother died. " He whispered, his voice thick with sadness. His fingers tightened around the pendant, while his lips tightened into a thin line. "Enough questions, go to sleep or I'll throw you outside." He growled, turning away from Wei Wuxian. As Lan Zhan turned his back, Wei Ying looked at the ceiling, a frown falling on his face as he thought of his sister.