
Chap 16

"Is it really okay for you to go with Anthony to see his grandparents?" Demi asked him again when he picked his nephew at the hospital. Anthony wanted to see his grandparents again but his parents were busy at the hospital.

Anthony started his class at school and he wants to brag to his maternal grandparents about his new friends. It was Saturday and he doesn't have a class. So, he volunteered to just go with him. Maybe he needed to go out of town anyway.

"You know I can't refuse anything when it comes to Anthony, I will always make time."

"And that is also why he loves you more than anyone else." Demi declared smiling then face her son. "Listen to your uncle Rafael when you're in the road, okay? And say hi to your lola and lolo for me."

"Si, mamá." The boy answered and kissed her mom goodbye before going to him. "Seré un buen chico. Lo prometo." He promised her mom that he'll be a good boy.

Looks like his nephew learned the language that fast when they stayed in Mexico for almost a month, maybe it's really in his blood. Plus, it's amazing that he looks like a split image if his father, like a reincarnation. But, isn't that thing only happens when someone died? Anyway, maybe Javier's gene is more powerful than Demi's.

"Looks like you already know how to speak Spanish, pequeño amigo." They were already on the road and Anthony was sitting at the back so he needs to see him through the front mirror.

"Gran abuelo Juan can't understand any language except Spanish, that's why gran abuela Susan taught me, abuela Juliana too." He talks about his paternal great-grandparents and grandmother.

"Have you enjoyed staying there?"

"Yes, but don't tell this to papa, tio. I don't like staying at the ranch with the horses because I prefer staying here with the ocean waters and fishes."

Rafael can't help but smile. That's what Javier said when they ask him what he preferred before. Even when he grew up in the ranch, he prefers living in the island.

"Tio, I'm hungry." Anthony said after a while and he checked his watch. It's already lunch time.

The timing was just right, because he saw a restaurant nearby. They're already at the Angeles City where his grandparents lived but Rafael doesn't want to bother them if he's going to eat there too.

"Okay, let's eat first." He parked the car on that restaurant's parking and they both go in.

"Good afternoon, sir, table for two?" A waiter approached them and he just nodded. "Please follow me."

He brings them to their table and Anthony sat immediately but his forehead knotted to see the table setting. "Tio, is there a wedding here?"

"Eh? Not that I know of. Why did you asked?"

"This looks the same when papa and mama get married before." He pointed the table.

He chuckled on his nephews re arks and saw the waiter smile as well while waiting for their orders.

"Some restaurants do that, pequeño amigo. Anyway, is there a food you can't eat or you wanted to eat?"

"Mmmm, no, I can eat anything except green piece."

Again, Rafael was bewildered to know another similarity of his nephew and brother. That's already giving him creeps.

"Give us a recommended main dish, without green piece." He said to the waiter. "And for the drink, give us any fruit juice."

After the server left he roamed his gaze inside the restaurant. It's cozy, but very formal. Not his style, but maybe the food will change his mind.

"Tio, mama told me that sooner or later, if you're going to have a girlfriend, you won't have time to be with me already." He turned to face his nephew when he talked. "Do you have a girlfriend already, tio?"

"No, I don't have one yet, but even though I have, I will still have time for you. As long I am free from work or from others things, I will always have time if you need me."

"Thanks, tio, although I wish you also have a girlfriend like tio Oscar. Tia Ysa is so nice to me. So, I wish your girlfriend will be like that too."

He just smiled at him and their orders came in.