
Redoing My Life (Modern Family)

Daniel is stuck in a dead-end job with no direction in life, but he is given a second chance when he wakes up as a kid again. He realizes that there are subtle changes in the world around him, particularly in popular culture like movies, music, and technology. He decides to make use of this opportunity to the fullest The story is set in the modern family world, where the main character has only vague memories of the TV show. If you wish to support me check out my patreon.com/Illusiveone

Illusiveone · TV
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109 Chs

The Cameo

Time passed quickly, and soon December was here. This year seemed to pass very quickly; the holiday spirit was already ablaze, and our house was no exception. 

Toy Story 2 was supposed to come out this month, but Chris decided to move the release to next year due to some problems that arose during production. There was also the fact that the studio was expanding.

Mom, Nathan, and I were busy preparing for an evening out. The occasion? We were going to a Christmas party organized by one of Mom's friends, Pepper, whom she had met through Cam and Mitchell. I had never met him in person, and apparently, he had specifically requested my presence—a detail Mom wouldn't let me forget.

As I played with my tie, sitting on the couch in the living room, I looked at Mom coming down the stairs. "Mom, do I really have to go? I was planning to hang out with Haley and the gang. I don't get much free time with all the book events and school stuff."

From across the hallway, Mom's voice floated back. "Daniel, we've been invited for months, and Pepper specifically asked for you to be there. It's important."

Bewildered, I asked, "Who plans a Christmas party months in advance?"

Just then, Nathan walked in. "Well, he is an event planner," he chuckled, adjusting his own tie. "Probably planning for next year already."

I sighed and continued, "Did he plan your wedding too?"

Mom laughed. "Oh, we wanted him to, but Pepper was booked out for a year. He did help us find a fantastic replacement, though."

Reluctantly, I got off the couch, resigned to the fact that there was no getting out of this. Maybe I'll have some fun at the party. Cam and Mitchell will be there; I haven't seen them in a while, not since I went to visit Luke after he broke his arm on his birthday.

"Come on, Danny," Mom called from the entrance. 

Alice was being babysat by Nathan's mom, who was visiting. 

Sighing, I grabbed my coat and followed my Mom and Nathan out the door.

The party was in full swing when we arrived, the place decked out in lavish holiday decor—a bit overdone, in my opinion. As we entered, we instantly spotted Cam and Mitchell, and they were the first to greet us.

"Daniel, it's been ages!" Cam exclaimed, pulling me into a hug.

"Oh, relax, Cam, we just saw him at Claire's," Mitchell said.

"So, how is everything? I hope everything is going well with Haley," Mitchell added.

I was about to respond when Mom appeared beside me. "Daniel, look who I found!" she said cheerily. Behind her was the host of the party, Pepper Saltzman.

"Daniel, I'm so glad you could make it. It's high time we met," he said with a smile, extending his hand.

"It's great to meet you as well, Mr. Saltzman," I said, shaking his hand.

"Mr. Saltzman? No, no, call me Pepper. 'Mr. Saltzman' makes me sound old," he said with an exaggerated tone of disgust.

"Well, Pepper it is then," I said. Before I could continue my conversation with Cam and Mitchell, Pepper took the lead, whisking me away to meet various guests. "Come, I want you to meet some very interesting people," he insisted, his tone suggesting these were more than just casual introductions.

"Well, we won't be seeing him for a while," I heard Mitchell say as Pepper led me into the house. To my surprise, as we navigated through groups of chatting guests, Pepper introduced me to several figures in the film industry. They were behind-the-scenes people, so an average person might not find them special in any way, but these were the people you needed to know, and there was even a member of the academy among them. Maybe coming to the party was worth it after all.

Seizing the opportunity, I engaged the man in a conversation about the Oscars, curious about the intricacies of the voting process and film selection. "So, how exactly does the selection work? I've read a bit about it, but I'd love to hear from someone with firsthand experience," I asked, genuinely interested.

The man, a middle-aged gentleman, was more than willing to share. "Well, it's a combination of factors—artistic merit, of course, but also the campaigns behind the scenes. You'd be surprised how much of it is influenced by the right screenings and the buzz they generate."

"You would not believe the amount of 'gifts' I have received over the years. It has only increased in the last decade. I'll tell you this, Mr. Adler, it's all about how the campaign is run now. I feel the whole award will become meaningless after a while," he said, taking another sip of his drink.

As we talked, I gathered insights that were both fascinating and a tad disheartening, realizing how much of the industry was driven by orchestrated promotions rather than artistic value. Yet, this was the reality of the cinematic world—a reality I was slowly becoming part of.

As the evening progressed, I found myself enjoying the party and was soon dragged into a conversation between Cam, Mitchell, Pepper, and their friends. Mom and Nathan had disappeared somewhere, leaving me with them.

"So, Daniel, Cam here has been boasting that he was almost in 'The Blair Witch Project.' Is there any truth to that?" Pepper asked, his tone teasing but curious.



[Cam and Mitchell Commentary]

"I might have told our friends a small lie," Cam admitted. "I told them Daniel offered me a role in 'The Blair Witch Project.'"

"I told you it wouldn't end well," Mitchell said.

"I know, I know. But it seemed harmless at the time, and everyone got so excited. How was I supposed to back down after that?" Cam said, holding his head.

[End commentary]



Everyone's eyes turned to me, including Cam's, which carried a silent plea. I caught on quickly and decided to play along.

"Actually, yes," I said, nodding. "Cam was indeed supposed to be part of the project, but unfortunately, we wrapped up production earlier than expected."

A collective gasp followed by enthusiastic murmurs spread through the group. Cam's face lit up with a mix of relief and pride as he received congratulatory pats and looks from everyone around.

Then an idea came to me, something I had been thinking about. "And that's not all. Cam is also set to voice a character in our next movie," I announced.

The surprise was palpable, and I looked to see the shocked expressions on Cam and Mitchell's faces.

"Is this true, Cam?" Pepper asked. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I... umm... I wanted it to be a surprise... Surprise! Now you know," Cam said quickly, playing the part. We talked for a while, and soon Cam, Mitchell, and I found ourselves alone.

"Why did you do that?" Cam asked.

"What, I thought you would be excited to be in a movie," I said.

"Wait, you were serious?" Cam asked.

"There's a character in the next Toy Story that I think you would be perfect for; it's just ten seconds of lines," I said.

"Oh my God, Mitchell, I'm going to be in a movie!" Cam said, shaking Mitchell.

"I know, Cam, I heard," Mitchell said, calming his boyfriend. "So, what is the part anyway?"

"So, Haley told me about Fizbo," which got a reaction from Cam, but Mitchell stopped him and asked me to continue.

"There is a character, a clown. I thought, when I heard of your clown persona, maybe you could voice him—a small cameo, if you will."

Cam's excitement reached a new height, and he turned to Mitchell, who was equally astonished. "Mitchell, did you hear that? Fizbo is going to be in a movie!" Cam exclaimed, his voice filled with giddy joy.

"Daniel, I can't thank you enough. This means a lot to me," he said, his voice thick with emotion.

"I'll call you later with details," I replied, clapping him on the shoulder.

Cam nodded eagerly. "I won't let you down," he said as I walked away.




Mitchell adjusted his jacket, ready for the day ahead. His sister had left a few moments ago with Lily; he was glad she agreed to babysit her while they went to the studio for Cam's voice recording session. Just as he was smoothing out the fabric, the doorbell chimed. Opening the door, he was greeted by Gloria's beaming face.

"Hola, Mitchell!" Gloria exclaimed, her enthusiasm palpable as she stepped inside, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor.

Mitchell returned her greeting with a warm smile. "Gloria, so glad you could make it. Come on in!"

"Hi, Mitchell," Gloria greeted in her heavy accent, then looked around. "Where's Cam? Where's the movie star?" she inquired, her gaze flitting towards the hallway.

Mitchell sighed, a slight frown forming as he glanced towards the bathroom door. "He's been a bit...nervous. He's been locked in there for quite a while now," he explained.

"I'll go see what he is doing," Mitchell said, walking over to the bathroom. He then gently knocked on it. "Cam, you ready in there?"

"Just a minute!" came the muffled reply.

Time seemed to drag until the bathroom door finally swung open, and out stepped Cam—not as himself, but as Fizbo. "Fizbo is ready for his film debut!" he announced dramatically, spreading his arms wide in presentation.

Mitchell facepalmed at the sight, while Gloria clapped her hands delightedly. "Ay, Cam! I'm so happy for you!" she exclaimed.

Cam bowed theatrically. "Thank you, Gloria. Thank you, everyone." His voice carried a mix of pride and a touch of nerves as he adjusted his clown wig.

Mitchell just shook his head. "Come on, we are going to be late," he said.

As they drove toward the studio, Cam rehearsed his lines, each rendition of "Look here, kids, it's Fizbo the clown!" more animated than the last. He tested different voices, trying to find the perfect tone for his on-screen debut.

Mitchell, who had been supportive at first, eventually reached his limit. "Cam, can you please stop for a while?" he asked.

Gloria, sitting in the back seat, immediately came to Cam's defense. "Let him practice, Mitchell. He's preparing for his big moment," she chided.

"Thank you, Gloria," Cam said, sending a quick glare Mitchell's way before resuming his practice with slightly subdued enthusiasm.

Mitchell, catching the glare, finally decided to confront him about his attire. "Did you really have to wear the costume now? What will Daniel think? You're going to embarrass him," he said.

Cam, unfazed, chuckled. "Oh please, Daniel won't mind. He'll probably find it funny. I think you're the one who's embarrassed, not him," he retorted.

"Yes, Cam is right," Gloria added, nodding in agreement from the back seat. "Daniel is going to love it. He is a good boy."

"I am not embarrassed," Mitchell protested weakly, his argument falling flat against the united front of Cam and Gloria.

The rest of the ride passed with Cam intermittently whispering his lines under his breath, with Gloria cheering Cam on from the back seat, while Mitchell drove on, resigning himself to the inevitable spectacle that awaited them at the studio.

As they arrived at the studio, Mitchell couldn't help but notice the curious stares directed their way. Despite his discomfort, Cam marched forward with Gloria by his side, both seemingly unfazed by the attention.

At the entrance, they saw Daniel waiting for them. He was surprised to see Cam in his costume. His initial expression of surprise quickly turned into a broad smile as he took in Cam's full Fizbo attire. "Wow, Cam, you came dressed as Fizbo!" he exclaimed, his tone a mix of amusement and approval.

Mitchell, feeling a need to explain, interjected, "I told him not to do it..."

But Daniel waved off his concerns, chuckling. "No, no, it's cool. I like it. You look in character. It's like you're method acting!"

Cam had a smug smile on his face, which he directed at Mitchell, clearly pleased with Daniel's approval.

Daniel gestured for them to follow him. "Let me give you a tour of the studio first," he said, leading them deeper into the complex.

Daniel gave them a behind-the-scenes look at the inner workings of the studio, showing them the sets for their upcoming projects. By the end of the tour, Daniel led them into a room filled with concept art and character models.

"I have something to show you," Daniel said as he brought them an artwork. "Check this out," he said as he unveiled Fizbo drawn in the Toy Story art style.

Cam gasped, taking the artwork from Daniel's hands.

He was visibly moved, his eyes wide as he took in the artwork. "You did this for me?" Cam asked, his voice thick with emotion.

"Yep, after you were cast, we decided to tailor the character more in line with Fizbo," Daniel explained with a proud smile.

As Cam and Gloria admired the artwork, Mitchell pulled Daniel aside. "Thank you for doing this," he said sincerely.

"It's nothing," Daniel replied, dismissing the thanks with a casual wave. Just then, the door swung open, and Dave entered the room. He looked surprised to see Cam in full Fizbo attire, but his expression turned to one of delight. He then looked at Daniel. "This is perfect," he exclaimed before darting out of the room.

"Who was that?" Mitchell asked, a puzzled look on his face.

"That's Dave, one of our screenwriters," Daniel answered.

"Why did he run away?" Cam asked.

"Oh..ohh," Daniel said, as if he had realized something.

"Cam, do me a favor and hide behind those boards," Daniel said, pointing to the boards which had artwork pinned on them.

"Why?" Gloria asked.

"Trust me," Daniel said. Cam did as he was asked and hid behind the board. Just as he hid, Dave returned, this time accompanied by a confused Sam.

"What's going on?" Sam asked, his eyes scanning the room and landing on the group.

"Come out, Cam," Daniel called, prompting Cam to step out from behind the board.

Sam's reaction was immediate and dramatic. Upon seeing Cam in his clown makeup, he stumbled backward, stammering, "Clown... clown..." before turning and running out of the room.

Laughter erupted from Daniel and Dave, with Dave even collapsing to the ground in amusement. "This is great," Dave managed to say through his laughter.

"Why did he run?" Cam asked, both shocked and a bit concerned by Sam's reaction.

"He's afraid of clowns," Daniel explained, still chuckling.

"Well, that wasn't very nice," Cam remarked, his tone serious. "Fizbo is supposed to bring joy to people"

"Sorry, Cam, if that offended you," Daniel apologized, realizing his prank might have gone a bit too far.

"Now, come on, time to make your film debut," Daniel said, leading them to the recording studio.

Cam stepped into the voice booth while Daniel, Mitchell, Gloria, and the audio engineer Jack all got inside the control room, with Jack giving the thumbs up to Cam. Daniel, Mitchell, and Gloria joined in as well, all offering a supportive thumbs up.

"Alright, Cam, whenever you're ready," Jack said, his voice calm and encouraging.

Cam cleared his throat and tried his first take. "Look here, kids, it's Fizbo the clown!" His voice was too high-pitched this time.

"Not quite, let's try it a bit deeper," Jack suggested.

Cam nodded and took a deep breath, then tried again. "Look here, kids, it's Fizbo the clown!" This time his voice was too deep, losing the playful tone necessary for Fizbo.

Jack paused, then smiled. "Let's find the middle ground, Cam."

Cam adjusted his stance, nodded determinedly, and gave it another go. "Look here, kids, it's Fizbo the clown!"

"You're getting there, Cam. Now, try to mix in some excitement," Jack coached.

This continued on for an hour as everyone in the control room sat around and waited for Cam to get his one line the way he wanted.

"Alright, Cam, again," Jack said, looking at Daniel, who did not meet his eyes.

"Look here, kids, it's Fizbo the clown!" Cam said.

"Oh, I think that's the one," Cam added.

"Thank God," Jack said, standing up and clapping. Daniel and Mitchell joined in, and Gloria, who had fallen asleep, was woken by the sound and joined in as well.

Cam, however, wasn't quite satisfied. "I think I can do one better," he said, readying himself for another take.

"No, you nailed it, Cam," Daniel intervened, his voice firm but friendly. "That was perfect. Let's not overdo it."


"Trust me, you're done," Daniel insisted. "Great job, Cam."

"He would have gone another hour, wouldn't he?" Daniel asked Mitchell.

"Yeppp," Mitchell said.