
Redo of Miracle Singer

Yuuya Ichikawa is a renowned singer in Japan, known to all as the "Miracle of Music" his songs not only entertain, but also inspire support and hope in the lives of his listeners. In a heartwarming incident, a coma patient who had been unconscious for many years miraculously awakened upon listening to Yuuya's live music. They were able to reunite with their family and continue living. Another time, a high school girl, tormented by bullies and contemplating suicide, found solace and courage in Yuuya's live music. Encouraged by his songs, she stood up against her tormentors and emerged victorious, reclaiming her confidence. In a moment of crisis, a drug addict took a child hostage to demand ransom. However, when Yuuya's live music reached his ears, the power of the melodies transformed him. Overwhelmed with remorse, he released the child and surrendered himself, vowing to overcome his addiction and lead a normal life. Yuuya's music even had an impact on exploitative owners of large companies who forced their employees into overtime. Stirred by the power of his live performances, they reconsidered their policies, introducing changes that helped employees lead happier lives. However, tragedy strikes when Yuuya is murdered, leaving behind a mystery: the identity of the killer and the motive. As the year went on, the memory of Yuuya and his miracle music gradually fades from people's minds, as if it were all just a dream. Miraculously, Yuuya regains consciousness, finding himself transported back to the age of 18, before he was scouted into the entertainment industry. “Heh, despite trying so hard to save everyone. But in the end, it came back to be killed in vain. Well, this time I will try to do everything for myself according to her suggestion.” Determined to pursue his own happiness this time, he vows to prioritize his own needs above others and refrain from helping anyone without compensation. His first step is to join a small entertainment company, where he can have full control over his career. Living on the top floor of the company building, Yuuya encounters new people and reconnects with those he met in his previous lives. Unhesitatingly, he demands significant sums of money from those seeking his assistance. Meanwhile, he embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind his previous murder. Among those he encounters, he meets a beautiful high school girl with dreams of becoming an idol but fails auditions, a cute female idol with a streak of bad luck, a young girl on the verge of being coerced into wrongdoing, a diligent girl burdened by her family's debts, and a runaway girl escaping from family troubles. “Huh, if you don't have the money to pay back, Come and serve me with your body.” Those were Yuuya's words, the girls who meet yuuya and has been saved by him, decided to move in and life with Yuuya at his small entertainment company, becomes a faithful servant who does everything Yuuya wants in return. But Yuuya didn't know, the girls are not there merely to repay their debts to Yuuya. They genuinely appreciate him and his music, willingly following and serving him without expecting anything in return. They find happiness in his presence and intentionally accumulate debts as an excuse to remain by his side. As the story unfolds, the relationships between Yuuya and the girls deepen, revealing the true motivations and complexities of their connection. Together, they navigate the challenges of the entertainment industry, strive for their dreams, and uncover the hidden truths surrounding Yuuya's past life.

EvilcatNarumi · realistisch
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: A Ray of Hope

In a small hospital room, a sense of despair hangs heavy in the air. A coma patient lies motionless on the bed, their pale face devoid of expression. The family, gathered around, clings to the flickering hope that someone, something, can awaken their loved one from this unyielding slumber.

Word had spread of Yuuya Ichikawa, the renowned Miracle of Music, whose melodies possessed a mystical power to heal and inspire. With trembling anticipation, the family reached out to him, praying for a miracle.

As Yuuya enters the room, a gentle aura surrounds him. His presence brings a glimmer of hope to the hearts of those who have been carrying the weight of worry for far too long. With his guitar in hand, he steps closer to the patient's bedside, ready to perform his live music.

The room falls into a reverent silence as Yuuya strums the first chord. The sweet sound resonates through the sterile walls, filling the space with an otherworldly warmth. The melodies, like ethereal whispers, weave their way into the depths of everyone's souls.

Yuuya closes his eyes, his voice a conduit for emotions untold. As he sings, his voice carries the weight of longing, of unspoken desires, and the collective yearning for a miracle. The room is transformed as the melodies dance through the air, creating a mystical ambiance.

In the patient's stillness, a subtle movement stirs, as if a dormant seed has been awakened. Fingers twitch, a foot jerks, and finally, the patient's eyes flutter open. The family gasps, hope surging through their veins, as their loved one gazes upon them with newfound awareness.

Tears of joy stream down the faces of family members as they rush forward, embracing the patient who has returned from the realm of shadows. Words of love and gratitude spill forth, mixing with the lingering echoes of Yuuya's music.

As the room fills with jubilation, something extraordinary occurs. The melodies of Yuuya's music seem to take on a life of their own, swirling and intertwining in a mesmerizing display. The walls fade away, replaced by a vivid landscape where illusions come alive.

In this enchanted world, the patient and their family find themselves in the midst of a radiant garden, filled with blooming flowers of every color. Butterflies flutter around them, their delicate wings reflecting the hues of the melodies. It is a place of ethereal beauty, a manifestation of the healing power of music.

The patient's eyes widen in awe as they reach out, their fingers brushing against a vibrant rose. As they inhale its scent, memories long forgotten flood back, intertwining with the melodies. Their loved ones surround them, laughing and crying tears of joy, their presence a testament to the enduring bonds of family.

In this moment of shared enchantment, the patient and their family bask in the warmth of love, the melodies embracing them like a protective cocoon. It is a fleeting but profound experience, an ephemeral tale woven by the magic of Yuuya's music.

Slowly, the illusion begins to fade, the vibrant garden melting away as the room regains its hospital starkness. But the impact remains, etched in the hearts of all who bore witness to this miraculous awakening.

Yuuya, a humble smile adorning his face, gazes at the reunited family. "It was your unwavering love and the power of music that brought this miracle to life," he whispers softly, his voice filled with awe.

The family, their eyes filled with tears of gratitude, turn to Yuuya, expressing their heartfelt thanks. They know that his music has bestowed upon them a second chance, a precious opportunity to cherish the gift of life.

As Yuuya leaves the room, the melody of his music lingers in the air, leaving a trace of wonder and hope. He carries with him the memory of the illusion, the tale that unfolded when people listened to his melodies. It is a reminder of the extraordinary journeys his music can evoke, the transformative power it holds.

With renewed determination, Yuuya sets forth, his path illuminated by the knowledge that his music can transcend the boundaries of the physical world, guiding souls toward healing, love, and a renewed sense of purpose. The journey of the Miracle of Music continues, one melody at a time.