
(239) Sub-Class

'Did you just say Sub-Class?' Geth asked, his mind suddenly burning with curiosity.

'Yes. The Sub-Class Establishment is a location the city provides where its citizens can learn job-like Classes.

Those who have already learned a Sub-Class as their main Class in the past can use the facility to choose a fighting Class if they so choose.

The only downside is that there will be no Talents offered for whichever Class becomes your Sub. You can learn Skills for the Sub-Class, however.

The Sub-Class Leveling system is also independent of your main Class and is done by Grades and not Levels.'

Geth processed this information quickly and posed another question, 'Is it possible to choose another fighting Class as a secondary?'

'No, you can only have one Battle Class and one Utility Class. Which you choose to be Primary or Secondary is up to the individual.'