
Redemption Paradox

Humanity has always feared what they cannot understand. It was understandable; survival had always been humanity's instincts. Leon Kreutz, a prodigious vampire hunter, had dedicated his life to serving and protecting people. The only catch is — he was a vampire himself. In a cruel twist of fate, Leon was betrayed by those he had called his comrades. The very people he had trusted and vowed to protect had thrown him away after deeming him as unneeded. Follow Leon as he learns about his past and uncovers the truth behind the betrayal that had cost him everything. It would be a slow journey to vengeance as Leon inches closer to those who had orchestrated his downfall. When the lines between morality are blurred, Leon must grapple with his own nature as he falls into the abyss of insanity and his burning desire for vengeance. In this novel, questions are asked if redemption is worth the price. "A tale where humans should mourn the living." Also available on Royal Road!

summer_cicada · Fantasie
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15 Chs

The Slums


Leon was quite surprised to find one that existed. They were half-bloods, the offspring of a vampire and a human. 

Vampires act on a hierarchy. The stronger they become, the more their authority grows. Still, even the lowest-class vampires didn't want to associate with a Dhampir, a creature born from the humans they considered as food.

They were beings that existed in the middle, one that would never be welcomed by any side. 

Humans hated those who were a possible threat. Dhampirs were no strangers, even inside the womb of their mothers, they would already start consuming blood. Like little parasites.

And when they are born, they tear through their mother's stomach. 

In the end, they treat their mothers as a host. 

A life born after one was lost.

No human would ever accept them.

The Dhampir in front of him was visibly shaking, she reeked of fear and anxiousness. The smell was rather unpleasant. With a well-mannered smile, Leon gestured at the seat facing him "No need to be afraid. he reassured, "Come, sit."

Her face did not hide her confusion but she gave him a curt bow before she hesitantly sat. Her posture was stiff and unnatural, not once did she look him in the eye.

The half-blood's eyes were mismatched, one was a dark maroon and the other was plain brown. It was quite an interesting mix. 

"Your name?" he asked the half-blood.


Leon's smile was warm, trying to ease her anxiousness "I want to be able to call you when I need to."

"It's Elira, master." she shakily answered, lowering her head from Leon's gaze. He didn't hide his displeasure at the way she had addressed him

He rubbed the bridge of his nose before sighing "Don't call me that, please." he stressed. Elira nodded quickly, still avoiding direct eye contact.

Leon hummed "Good." 

The intricate teapot made a clinking sound when Leon poured himself a drink. The tea was a nice amber color and its scent was sweet in his nose.

"Would you like some?" he offered. 

Once again, Elira shook her head.

"Most vampires see the act of eating human food as something inferior," Leon took a sip of his tea with a soft smile "I actually enjoy eating, there's so much to try."

It reminded Leon of his time with his friends, perhaps he still found solace in his memories with them. Even though his time with them was brief, he was still attached to them.

This was a secret that he kept from his siblings. 

He doesn't like it when they get overly...jealous. That seemed to be the right term.

"It's one of humanity's small pleasures." He took a bite of the dessert, eyes sparkling with satisfaction. The taste of the pastry in Leon's tongue was comforting, custard and peaches goes together well.

There was so much he wanted to ask the half-blood. He hadn't met one in a long time.

Why would a Damphir work willingly with vampires? They all hated her and saw her as inferior. Yet, she remained at their side.

'Curious little thing' he mused to himself.

"They all resent you," Leon said calmly, his words out of place from the kind expression on his face. He was simply trying to test the waters between him and the half-blood. 

Elira glanced at him, her burgundy hair falling messily down her face "They let me live. I know that humans will hunt me despite having the same blood as them." she answered.

Leon's brow softened in some sort of understanding "It's always a matter of survival, isn't it?" he leaned back in his chair, his expression contemplative.

Elira chewed on her lips as she nodded her head "I owe my pitiful existence to Miss Noelle." Her answer was dry as if she tried to choose the right words to please Leon.

"What a surprise," Leon mused "She usually doesn't keep *strays.*"

She flinched at his words, they were sharp and imposing. Leon had meant for it to hurt.

Noelle, despite her appearance, was the strongest after him. She knew that fact very well and she didn't dare hide it. Out of all his siblings, she was the one who was close to his caliber.

The two of them were one and the same.

She was the type to see everything she did not care about as insignificant and would not hesitate to do anything for her own gain.

That was what made her charming.

Noelle could stay true to herself- her *cruel* nature. 

He played human long enough that it warped something in his mind. He leaned closer to Elira, the mask he wore earlier slipping off as he spoke,

"Humans are quite the vulgar creatures, are they not?"


The plan was more difficult than Alexander imagined. The small town's slums were very different than what he was accustomed to. 

Usually, when there were vampire sightings, citizens would immediately panic and evacuate their homes but the streets here remained busy. 

With dim, blinking lights and bustling activity, ignoring the threat that was hiding amongst them.

He scanned the passersby on the sidewalk but none of them looked afraid as if the presence of vampires were just another story in the newspaper.

One of his friends, Rowan, grinned at him "Everyone's preoccupied with their own concerns so they don't usually bother with vampires, well, not until the situation gets worse."

Get worse it did. The officials did not even bother to report to The Order until there were dozens of deaths. They only reported it because they were scared that they could be the next victim.

Alexander's brows furrowed in response but didn't dare say anything more. They continued to move through the crowded streets, the moon was bright along with the lights of the city. He paused for a moment and asked a vendor down the street.

"Excuse me, sir, are there any strange things happening in the city? Like vampire attacks?" 

The vendor looked at him up and down, probably not knowing who he was despite his Alexander's hunter uniform "No. Not that I know of." the man said dismissively, looking annoyed.

With a sigh, Rowan steps forward "We're hunters from the capital, we've received news of vampires in the city. Are there any popular brothels here?"

Rowan's question was straight to the point, it seemed like Alexander wasn't the only one who noticed the pattern of deaths.

All of them were men, mostly older men. They were of different backgrounds, some were aristocrats while some were common folks. The thing that connected them all was that they were regular visitors to various brothels.

The vendor clicked his tongue as he shrugged "The town's rampant with brothels, take your pick." he shooed them away after that, not wanting to talk.

"If you're not going to buy anything, scram and stop wasting my time."

Alexander chuckled nervously at the way Rowan's fist curled into a ball "Well, that totally narrowed down our search." he muttered sarcastically.

Thank you so much for reading! I'm a new author so please be kind to me. I would greatly appreciate comments, suggestions, and reviews about my story~

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