
Redemption is for the weak

Quirky_Alicia · Urban
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 - Melissa (unedited)

I glanced down at the scuffed linoleum floor, trying to ignore the whispers and laughter echoing through the crowded hallway. The rhythmic thud of lockers slamming shut reverberated in my ears as I made my way to my next class, backpack slung over my shoulder like a shield against the hostile glares.

As I turned the corner, my eyes met a trio of figures that seemed to be waiting for me. The leader of this specifc pack, Melissa, flanked by her two loyal jocks, Chad and Jake. I couldn't escape the pit in my stomach as I realized this was going to be another routine encounter.

Melissa, with her perfectly styled hair and a smile that could charm anyone, sneered at me. "Look who decided to grace us with his presence. Ready for another thrilling round of 'Let's make the nerd's life miserable'?"

Chad and Jake chuckled in unison, their chiseled physiques making them seem larger than life. I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm in order to avoid serious beating again... nope can't do it. Being a smart-ass I sneered at them, "If you're looking for entertainment, I suggest you find a better hobby."

Melissa raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "Oh, the nerd can talk back? How cute. You should stick to your books, maybe then you won't embarrass yourself."

I clenched my fists, refusing to let their words get under my skin. "Embarrassment is subjective. I prefer intellectual pursuits and you know, actually having a life after highechool over petty bullying."

Chad stepped forward, his towering frame casting a shadow over me. "Intellectual pursuits won't save you, nerd. Maybe if you hit the gym once in a while, you wouldn't be such an easy target."

I stood my ground, refusing to be intimidated. "Strength isn't just physical. It's the ability to endure, to persevere. Something you might want to learn beyond the weight room dumbass."

Chad face turned completely red from my remark which resulted in him grabbing my shirt. Melissa's laughter echoed down the hallway as if mocking my words. "You're hilarious, nerd. But remember, the only thing you're good for is a good laugh."

One look at Chad's eyes and I knew I had a beating coming but just as chad was about to start pounding my face the vell rang inhaling the start of the first period.

With that, they sauntered away, leaving me alone in the hallway with a mixture of anger and frustration swirling inside me. Little did I know that the turning point in my monotonous high school life was about to unfold in the most unexpected way.


I shuffled into the history class, trying to find solace in the world of dates and events. As I settled into my seat at the back of the room, Melissa and her lackeys took their usual spots in the middle rows, shooting disdainful glances my way.

Mr. Thompson, our history teacher, launched into a lecture about the Civil War but as it was nothing I didn't know about already I couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment, my mind wandering to a safer place, a place where I'm actually someone. I glanced at the clock, hoping for an escape from the monotony.

As Mr. Thompson paused to catch his breath, Melissa seized the opportunity to strike. She turned around, a sly grin on her face. "Hey, nerd, do you know what year it is?"

I raised an eyebrow, not in the mood for her games. "Yes, Melissa, I'm aware of the current year. Are you?"

She chuckled, clearly pleased with herself. "Oh, I'm well aware. Just making sure you're keeping up, you know, since you're so shit with dates."

Her jocks joined in the laughter, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Impressive, Melissa. You've discovered the concept of a calendar. Now, how about you focus on the lecture, I mean you don't want to fail history as well do you?"

The class erupted in a mix of laughter and groans. Mr. Thompson shot us a disapproving glance but didn't intervene. With her face red from embarrassment and anger Melissa whispered, "you are so going to pay for this". Melissa turned back around, leaving me to simmer in the collective amusement of my classmates. I knew I was going to pay for it but this was so worth it.

Finally, the torturous history class came to an end, and I made a beeline for the cafeteria. I spotted Sarah and Mike at our usual table, engrossed in a heated debate about the latest superhero movie.

Sarah, with her vibrant red hair and infectious laughter, looked up as I approached. "Hey, there he is! The conqueror of all things historical."

I gave them a huge smile, taking a seat next to them. "More like the survivor of Melissa's latest attempt at humor."

Mike, the laid-back athlete with a heart of gold, nudged me. "Dude, we really need to teach her a lesson. Maybe a lesson in algebra lol."

I chuckled, appreciating the poor attempt at humor. "I'm not sure algebra is her strong suit, Mike. Besides, I prefer to win with words, not numbers."

Sarah leaned in, her eyes filled with concern. "Seriously, though, how do you deal with it every day? It must be exhausting."

I shrugged, trying to downplay the impact. "You get used to it. Besides, I've got you two to keep me sane."

Mike grinned, clapping me on the back. "That's the spirit!"

As we bantered at our usual table in the cafeteria, the aroma of mystery meat and overcooked vegetables wafting through the air, Sarah leaned forward, her green eyes filled with empathy. "Seriously, though, we can't just let Melissa keep treating you like this. Can't we do something about it?"

I sighed, tracing patterns on the scratched surface of the lunch table. "It's not that simple, Sarah. Melissa's got connections. She's the principal's niece, and we all know how that story goes."

Mike, ever the optimist, chimed in. "Connections or not, we should stand up for you. It's not fair, man."

I appreciated their unwavering support, but I shook my head. "I can't risk it, guys. You know I'm on a scholarship here, and Melissa's family practically funds the whole school. If I make a big move against her, I could jeopardize everything."

Sarah's expression shifted from concern to frustration. "This is so messed up. She gets away with everything just because of who her family is?"

I nodded, a bitter taste in my mouth. "Welcome to the harsh realities of high school hierarchy. Money talks. Well not that I can be silenced lol", I added.

Mike, always the pragmatic one, suggested, "Maybe we should come up with a different approach. Something that doesn't involve taking her down but at least lets her know she can't mess with you without consequences."

I pondered his words, appreciating the brainstorming. "I'm open to ideas, but it has to be subtle. No direct confrontations."

Sarah, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, grinned. "What about exposing her not-so-perfect side to the world? A little social media magic, perhaps?"

Mike smirked, intrigued by the prospect. "That could work. A well-timed dose of reality might knock her off her pedestal."

Knowing the potential implications and being the voice of reason in our group I added, "Thanks, I really appreciate it but let's just forget about that. I don't want this blowing up in our faces. let's come up with something else."

As we continued discussing potential strategies, our conversation morphed into a brainstorming session fueled by determination and a touch of rebellion. Not soon after the bell rang singling that it is time to head back to class.


Physics class with Mr. Ludwig was always an adventure. The eccentric teacher with wild gray hair and an enthusiasm for particle physics made highschool level physics which was a boring joke in my eyes seem like a thrilling rollercoaster ride through the universe. So in other words he was completely crazy.

Today's lesson was supposed to be about conversion of energy equations, but in reality most of the class was spent on Mr. Ludwig throwing gummy balls around the room to show that they dont bounce as high every time.

As the bell rang, I gathered my textbooks and made my way to the math class – the domain of both equations and unfortunately Melissa. The air in the room seemed to tighten with tension as I entered, and I found my usual seat, strategically located far from the jocks' line of sight.

Mr. James, the tall and stern-faced math teacher, began the class by handing back the exams we took the previous week. The collective groans and disappointed sighs filled the room as students examined their grades. I, on the other hand, received my paper with a confident smile. Another perfect score to add to my collection.

Melissa, sitting a few desks away, shot me a glare, clearly annoyed and that made the grade feel a whole lot sweeter. Mr. James, known for his no-nonsense attitude, silenced the room with a single stern look.

"Clearly, some of you need to spend more time on your studies," he declared, his gaze sweeping over the dissatisfied faces. "Let this be a reminder that success in this class requires dedication and focus."

Glancing toward Melissa I couldn't help but smirk at the irony of his words, considering her consistent lack of dedication to anything remotely academic. Usually Melissa don't pull any stunts at this class but nonetheless she would never let the class end without sending a few ominous glances. However, today was different. Melissa remained unusually quiet, her attention seemingly elsewhere.

Mr. James continued with the lesson, emphasizing the importance of second derivatives. The tension in the room thickened as he caught students whispering and exchanged disapproving glances. The teacher's patience wore thin, and his reprimands echoed through the classroom, completely silencing it every time.

As the class approached its end, Mr. James fixed his gaze on me, and I prepared myself for the impending request. "Young man," he said with a slight nod, "stay back after class."

The second the class ended the other students fled out, soon after leaving me alone with Mr. James, who wasted no time getting to the point. "I have a student in this class who's struggling. I believe your academic prowess could be beneficial to her. Would you be willing to tutor her for extra credits?"

I weighed the request in my mind, considering the potential benefits. Extra credits won't affect my grade for the class but it will be very helpful for my scholarship. "I'll do it, Mr. James. I appreciate the opportunity, and the extra credits can't hurt."

He nodded, keeping a stern expression "Good. I knew I could count on you. I will have a chat with the student so meet us here after school, and we'll arrange a schedule. You can go now."

As I left the classroom, thoughts swirled in my mind, wondering who am I gonna be tutoring. But I quickly drop the subject since other than Melissa I'm on good terms with everyone in class.

Still I swiftly pulled out my phone and texted Sarah, "Guess what? Mr. James wants me to tutor a failing student after school. Wonder who it could be..."

Her reply came almost instantly, "Oh shit sounds like a huge pain lol. why didn't you say no?"

I chuckled to myself as I texted my reply, "oh right I forgot you don't take his classes. You don't say no to Mr. James. Also he promised he will give me extra credits and you know, scholarship."

Not even three seconds passed and my phone buzzed again. Do all girls type this fast? "Wait I'm totally speculating over here but what if its Melissa?? Doesn't she have horrendus grades in that class?"

I nodded to myself, sharing Sarah's concerns for a moment. "Sarah.. it is horrendous not horrendus lol. Also Melissa has been skating by with her family's influence since the beginning of the year so It's probably not her."

Bzzz - " first thing you are horrendous, don't correct me lol. Second thats probably right, I can't see that bitch actually studying for anything."

Another text followed, "so who do you think is it?"

Heading to my next class for the day I worked my brain on it and eventually reached a conclusion- there's no point to even wonder about it since two thirds of the class are already failing it. I will just have to either untill the end of the day to find out who I will be tutoring.


As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I made my way back to the math classroom. Unsurprisingly Mr. James was already there, arranging papers on his desk.

Mr. James looked up as I entered, keeping his notorious never changing stern face. "Ah, there you are. Thank you for staying back."

I gave him a smile, as for some reason I liked the guy even though he was a mean old man. "No problem, Mr. James. Happy to help."

As we chatted a bit about my scholarship and then about my university plans and at some point we started talking about mathematics. By the time half an hour has passed, a sudden knock interrupted our conversation. Not waiting for an answer the door creaked open, revealing Melissa, her usually composed demeanor replaced with frustration.

"Mr. James, this is ridiculous! I don't need a tutor. I've got better things to do with my time," she complained, her voice a blend of annoyance and entitlement.

Mr. James sighed, maintaining his calm demeanor. "Melissa, your recent performance in class heavily suggests otherwise. This is an opportunity for improvement. If you dont wish to fail this class please, consider it seriously ."

She crossed her arms almost as if she was considering it for a moment. glaring at him furiously she reached her decision, "Fine, whatever. But make whatever this is quick. I have a million other things to do."

Mr. James nodded, gesturing for her to take a seat. "I've already arranged for you to receive tutoring. This is the student who will be assisting you."

Melissa's eyes flicked to me, and for a moment, surprise and irritation flashed across her face. I couldn't help but revel in the unexpected turn of events. I mean how much of an idiot is she to not expect it was me considering my record in this class and Mr. James asking me to stay after class earlier today.

As Mr. James explained the tutoring schedule, Melissa fumed, arguing about the inconvenience at any chance she got. I seized the opportunity to rethink about this entire situation. At one hand I really don't want to spend any time with this entitled bitch, let alone help her. On another hand the extra credits will be very nice and I can definitely use this situation to get back at her.

Interrupting my train of thoughts Mr. James asked me once again whether I agree to tutor Melissa. The poor man probably just about now realized what kind of a tall favor he asked me to do. Melissa shot me a venomous glare promising unspoken consequences if I agree go along with the teacher request.

I see now. So Melissa only agreed to this whole tutoring thing because she expected that whoever was supposed to tutor her would drop the thing as a result of a single mean glare from her. Maybe she isn't that stupid after all as that plan peobably would've worked on anyone in class but me.

Smiling widely from ear to ear to Melissa shock I tell Mr James that I will be tutoring her.

As the meeting was reaching its conclusion, Mr. James outlined our tutoring plan which consisted of meeting twice a week for a tutoring session, that is until the next exam which will take place two months from now.

Surprisingly Melissa kept quiet while the Mr James and myself talked about the arrangement, that is until Mr James asked us about setting up the schedule for said meetings. Melissa insited on doing it on Monday and Wednesday and since I had no plans on those specific days and I had absolutely no intentions to spend my weekend on with this wretch, I agreed.

As Melissa stormed out of the room, I couldn't help but wonder whether the laughter I'm going to get out of this situation will be worth the problems I will have afterward.