
Red Talon Piercing The Darkness

Jason Slate was your ordinary spy, if you could say such things about spies. High marksmanship, battle tested, and expert infiltrator. Never has he lost a battle, and never has his mark escaped. Though while finishing up his latest assignment, the unexpected happened. Now Jason has been thrust into a world of martial arts and cultivation in a body of a five year old and given a new name and purpose. Into a land where the strong rule over the weak and corruption reins free. The only way to return home is to become the strongest in the land. He must attain the cultivation rank of God within his lifetime. Can he survive? How exactly will this master infiltrator adapt into this strange world?

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128 Chs

Li Family Estate

A brief walk later from the village market, Li Wuhan stopped in front of an iron gate. "We are about to enter the family grounds." He looked at Hong Zhao with all the authority a seven year old boy could muster. "Please be on your best behavior here."

Hong Zhao laughed on the inside, yet let nothing show. He couldn't believe such a young boy thought so highly of himself. Then again, he too was supposed to be a five year old. He gave an inward sigh and smiled at Li Wuhan. "I will not make trouble for you."

The three walked through the iron gate and Hong Zhao looked at the looming four story building on the grounds. On each side of it stood another two story courtyard. "Your family must be pretty well known."

"My father runs a lot of the trade in the town." Li Wuhan walked Hong Zhao down the path to the larger building. "He also looks after a lot of the beggars you heard the 'important' people in the town were talking about." He spat important out like it was disgusting. Hong Zhao's opinion of the young boy improved more by the minute. At least the boy he saved had a profound sense of justice in a world where it seemed such ideals would get you killed.

Li Wei showed her age as she ran to the building and pushed the double doors open. "Father! We're home!" She yelled into the big structure. Hong Zhao couldn't hold in a chuckle as he saw the youth sprinting into the estate.

"It has been nearly two months since we've been home." Li Wuhan said with his own small smile. "I think she is allowed to be a little excited." He held up two fingers indicating the right amount. He then put his hand on Hong Zhao's back, just below Shadow and gestured him inside. He then led him to a room on the second floor where there was a tub of water for washing. "It's going to be cold, but you can wash here." He went to a cabinet and brought out a thing of coarse soap. "You should probably wash up before you meet my father."

Hong Zhao bowed in thanks to Li Wuhan as the young boy took his leave. When the door shut, he took a long sigh of relief. It had been close to a month since he was forced to act more adolescent than he was.

Motioning to the ground, Hong Zhao waited for Shadow to jump from his shoulders. When he did, a large tear formed on his panther robe. "I'm glad I just got it replaced." He said with a sigh.

Shadow laid down comfortably in a corner. In a moment, Hong Zhao could hear a content purring from him.

Taking off his pants, gloves and robe, Hong Zhao lowered himself into the cold water. Almost instantly the water turned a light brownish color. "It's been a long time since the pond where I was brought." He dunked his hair into the water and noticed twigs falling to the surface.

After a while he started to feel more like himself. He washed the blood and dirt from his face and his hazel eyes shone brightly. "I am going to need to make sure my next home is at least this nice."

When he got out of the tub, he found a small brush and tamed his wild wet hair. It hung down in a straight line to the small of his back. He then took out the new clothes he had purchased and put on the robe first. It seemed to fit like a glove. "That saleswoman truly knew my size just by looking at me." He said in wonder as he took the gold band and tore just a thin line out of it. He then used the small strip of gold to tie his hair back in a ponytail, then put the band around his waist.

Out of everything, he appreciated the black boots with gold lining the most. When he put them on, he sighed in content when he felt how soft the bottoms were. His makeshift shadow panther boots were always so warm and lumpy. His feet would sweat more and result in more blisters with the shoddy footwear.

Having fully dressed himself, Hong Zhao felt like a new man. "Come, Shadow. Let's see what the Li family has in store for us."

The shadow panther rose slowly to his feet and stretched. A long yawn followed before he started after his master. The whole experience reminded Hong Zhao of the cats from his world. The thought made him chuckle. Shadow was no longer just a tiny shadow panther cub. He now rose to around Hong Zhao's knee. That made him slightly awkward to carry, but he didn't seem to mind when he had his panther clothing on. Now that he had the new fabric, he would make him walk.

When he exited the bathroom, he was greeted by Li Wei. She inspected him thoroughly with a thoughtful look. "You clean up quite well." She beamed in delight, as much as a five year old child could beam.

"Thank you." Hong Zhao smiled as he took in his surroundings.

"Li Wuhan has gone to inform father on the turn of events. He wanted to make sure you weren't there, that way you wouldn't be able to play down what you did for us."

A worried look crept up on Hong Zhao's face as he looked at his ring. If Li Wuhan told his father about his ring, he might expect some sort of compensation. He didn't know exactly how someone would react upon learning that he could just take out high grade qi grasping pills and techniques every rank he was brought up.

"He won't tell father about your ring." She read his expression. "I believe he's only going to mention how you saved our lives. Just make sure you let him speak first before you make your introduction. If you do well enough, you may actually be able to stay with us up until we leave for Yuan Academy." She smiled at the thought.

Shadow rubbed up against him as he sighed in relief. "Well then, let's hope he likes me." He smiled tiredly.

Li Wei looked at him curiously. "Sometimes you make the weirdest expressions. I swear my grandfather has the same look when he's worn out." She then led him up the stairs to the third floor. They stopped at a double door which she knocked three times and waited.

"Enter." A kind older voice said from the other side. When she opened the doors, Hong Zhao was greeted by the sight of a large desk which was stacked with papers. Behind the desk sat an older version of Li Wuhan. He wore a blue robe and glasses. Hong Zhao didn't know they actually needed glasses in this world. The man's disheveled hair gave him a very kind yet tired appearance. "Welcome to our home, Hong Zhao." He gave a tired smile.

"Thank you, Elder." Hong Zhao bowed his respect to the Li siblings father.

"Please, enough with the formalities." He waved his hand towards Hong Zhao. "You may call me Li Wen."

"Thank you, Elder Wen."

"I suppose that will do well enough." He smiled at Li Wuhan. "You were not joking about his manners, were you?"

"No, father. He saved us from the forest, helped us to improve our cultivation and protected us on the way home without asking for a thing. He even gave us gold from the bandits that would have sold us or killed us."

"It was nothing." Hong Zhao tried to play down what he had done for the siblings. "I'm sure that if someone else would have come across them, they would have done the same."

"That's where you are wrong." Li Wen looked Hong Zhao in the eye. "In a world like this, the strong survive while the weak perish. It has been like this for as long as anyone remembers. What you did was extraordinarily kind, and I thank you." He gave a slight bow to Hong Zhao which took the latter aback.

"Elder Wen, please do not lower yourself to this young boy." Hong Zhao said lightly. "Though no one else would have done the same, maybe they should have. It is my hope that times will change soon."

Li Wen nodded his approval. "That is my hope as well." He threw a ring to Hong Zhao who caught it in surprise. "You saved my children, so you will not go unrewarded. In that ring is some gold and qi pills. Along with the storage, the ring acts as a key to one of the courtyards on the grounds. You will stay here until you go to the academy."

Hong Zhao put the ring on his finger and bowed to Li Wen. "I thank you for your generosity and look forward to living with you."

Li Wuhan walked from his father's side and put his hand on Hong Zhao's shoulder. "I will show you to your courtyard." The smile he gave Hong Zhao was overwhelmingly kind.

As they shut the door behind them, Li Wuhan hugged Hong Zhao close. "You did well little Zhao, now we can rest for a while."

Hong Zhao was led by Li Wuhan to a large courtyard near the main building. "This will be your home for the next five years. Please treat it as your own." He then showed Hong Zhao how to open the door with the ring. Apparently the storage ring acted as a key. All he had to do was hold it to a small panel above the door knob, and he heard a click. Twisting the knob, he allowed himself into his new home.

Li Wuhan waved his goodbyes and allowed Hong Zhao to get a feel for his new home. "Dinner will be in a few hours at father's estate!" He turned around to yell before entering the courtyard next door to his.

Hong Zhao shut his door and looked around. The basic amenities greeted him. He saw a circle of pillows which were used to hold meetings next to the exit to the back yard. He saw a bowl of fruit and picked up an apple. Taking a bite, he noticed that it tasted much like the apples in his old world. "I guess not everything is different after all." He gave the remainder of the apple to Shadow on his way upstairs.

A large king sized bed greeted him when he reached the first room. The next held a wash room with the familiar tub. He saw clothes folded on a shelf next to the tub. "I suppose I didn't truly need to spend my money after all." He sighed as he thought of what he could have used the silver for instead. Though he was happy with his purchase, it was the first set of clothing he had bought since coming to this world. Now he had a home, food on the table and a bed to sleep in.

Hong Zhao went to the king sized bed, then to the sliding door near it. The door opened out into a spacious balcony where a single pillow sat. Seeing this, he sat and began to cultivate. It had been too long since he had been able to cultivate and he knew he had to gain strength soon. The true challenge would soon start.

The next day he would undoubtedly be introduced to Elder Huang Ji. Though he had already received Li Yen's blessing to stay within his estate, he still needed the same from the village elder. Then he also needed to find the village library. His to do list kept increasing with each passing thought. But for now, he tucked them away and only focused on each strand of qi that entered his dantian.