
Chapter 01

- "Good morning, Dad." - The girl greeted as she headed to the dining room.

- "Good morning, Adhara." - The wizard replied. - "How did you sleep?" - He asked, as he normally did.

- "More or less I had the same dream again, but this time I heard my mother's scream and I saw green eyes looking at me coldly." - The girl murmured with a lost look.

- "Calm down, okay, don't think about that, remember that I will always be here to protect you." - He assured her with a smile that conveyed security.

- "I know, I still remember your promise Dad."- Adhara said remembering.


- "Well, little one is bedtime." - The black-haired wizard spoke and then accompanied her to her room and waited until the girl had put on her pajamas. He helped her up onto the bed and tucked her in. - "Good night, little Potter." - And with those last words he left the room.

An hour later, a little girl with messy red hair woke up crying and screaming. Regulus, hearing the screams from the other side of the room, ran to see what was happening.

- "What's up, little one? Why are you crying?" - Asked the wizard very concerned about the appearance of the girl.

- "I miss my parents and I don't know where my brother is, I'm afraid something will happen to him." - She spoke, wiping the few tears that were left.

- "It is normal that you miss them, but you should know that they will not come back, and the best thing you can do now is to move on." - He spoke, but he instantly regretted it when he saw that the girl only lowered her head sadly.

- "They died, didn't they?" - She didn't ask, she affirmed it and sighed before speaking again. - "I remember it well, my father ran out and my mother I... I saw how she screamed, and she fell to the ground." - She spoke slowly as if she were remembering what happened. - "I also heard my brother crying and minutes later a big explosion, then well... Everything went black before my eyes." - She finished narrating with sadness reflected on her face.

- "I understand your sadness, but you should know that you are not alone, there are people out there who love you and will protect you." - Regulus said, wiping the tears that fell from the girl's face.

- "You are one of them?" - She asked more calmly.

Regulus remained silent all his life, he had been alone, his parents had only hoped that he would be a good heir and his brother had left him aside for his friends, he took a long sigh and then looked at the girl and smiled slightly.

- "Of course, I am little one, from now on I Regulus Arcturus Black swear to protect the life of Adhara Clarissa Potter Black." - He finished speaking to look at the girl, who watched him with amazement and love.

- "Thank you very much, I really appreciate it... but wait, did you say Black? I think you're wrong I'm not a Black, my mother was Muggle-born and my father is a Potter." - She said with noticeable confusion.

- "Exactly your father was a Potter and although your mother was a daughter of Muggles she was the best witch of her generation, you should not be ashamed of your origins Adhara." - He emphasized the latter seriously.

- "I'm not ashamed, I know my mother was a great witch." - She assured him. - "But I don't understand why you say I'm a Black..." - She murmured confusedly.

- "Well, you see your great-grandmother was a Black who married a Potter and I also see the Black gene in your eyes." - Regulus spoke with a big smile when he saw the surprise in the girl's eyes.

- "Wow..." - It was the only thing she could say.

- "Like you, I am Black and from this moment you should know that you will not only be my niece from now on I will consider you my daughter." - He muttered the last with fear of being rejected.

- "Are you serious?" - Seeing a settlement in that man's eyes, she could only smile as much as she could and throw herself into his arms to hug him. - "Thanks, Dad."

Regulus began to caress the girl's hair unconsciously, and when she was fast asleep a thought struck him.

He would have to protect her at all costs, no matter the pure blood, the Death Eaters, or Dumbledore, and even if it were the same from the Dark Lord himself, he would keep his promise and take care of her on behalf of his brother's deceased friends because the girl did not deserve to live with her guilt or suffering from the past.

Nothing and no one will stand between his daughter's happiness, there was no doubt that he would take care of making her happy.

*End flashback*

- "You should be calm." - Regulus assured.

- "I know, I know...by the way, Dad. Who was the man with the white beard you were talking to the other night?" - She asked, pretending to be unconcerned.

- "It's nobody important, Adhara." - He spoke, wanting to end the subject.

- "I would believe you, but I heard something about a letter and a cold response from you."

- "Clarissa..." - She shrank in her seat, it was not good that he would use her middle name. - "What have I told you about listening to other people's conversations?" - He said, staring at her.

- "That is wrong and if I do it, make sure that they won't find out." - She said, smiling innocently.

- "Okay." - Sigh. - "My mistake, I meant don't do it anymore, ok?" - He said.

- "It's fine, I promise, but still tell me, what is the letter about? It is important?" - She said curiously.

- "Merlin, you are worse than my brother." - He muttered, almost inaudibly. - "It's about a school for you to learn to control your magic." - And he instantly regretted speaking when he saw the sparkle in the girl's eyes.

- "Magic School?!" - She exclaimed. - "Where to? Can I go? Are you talking about Hogwarts? I read a lot about it. When do we leave?" - She spoke quickly and very excited.

- "Yes, in England, I don't know and if it's Hogwarts, but we won't leave." - He spoke calmly, answering each question.

- "Why not?" - She asked, discouraged.

- "It's dangerous, there are still many Death Eaters on the loose who seek revenge for their lord and don't hesitate to hurt you or your brother." - He said. The wizard felt a shiver when mentioning the Death Eaters.

She just sighed before nodding, she knew how dangerous the magical world was out there because she hadn't left the Black mansion if it wasn't necessary, and she always went with her security spells.

According to her father, his brother Harry was with his uncles, it was supposed to be a safe place. Although she would like to think that he was right, she always had a bad feeling about it, yet she knew that her father was right about the school as the Headmaster was not to be trusted.

The rumors that spread about the one they called the dark lord were many, what she knew was that supposedly her brother had defeated him, but she knew that there was something more behind that story because she had been present and witnessed the whole tragedy.

She, after hearing all the version that was known from her father, promised to avenge her family in the name of the Potter House and the Black House. She also swore that she would keep her brother safe and that as long as she lived, no one would harm him.

- "I'll go to the library, Father." - She said to run away.

Regulus watched as the girl ran out of the dining room, he knew that although she did not admit it out loud it hurt her that she could not be a normal girl and go to school and make friends, but he was also sure that Adhara was a strong girl, and she had a great future ahead of her.

And with that last thought, he took a quill and a piece of parchment and began to write a letter.

"Dear cousin...