
Red Pill: Lugal Bar

Waking up on a planet that wasn't Earth was a surprise, but the battle to survive was shocking.

MrEGrape · Fantasie
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4 Chs

The Adaptive Technology System (Red Pill)

This sudden life-threatening scenario of a large creature attacking wiped away my issues with Bill and threw me into a fight for survival. I dodged, but the creature managed to swing its haunches enough to bump me. The bump propelled me through the air, and it wasn't until I struck a tree that I stopped, the wind was knocked out of me.

The creature, which looked kind of like a purple, and red tiger, didn't slow down and pursued me to finish me off. Barely able to breathe, I didn't think I could dodge, but somehow, I did. Now it was the creature's turn to struggle to breathe and think once it struck the same impossibly strong tree. I scrambled for a weapon of some sort and found a rock. I slammed the rock as hard as I could into the tiger's head.

To my surprise, the rock crumbled to dust, and the impact seemed to refocus the tiger. It growledand took a swipe tearing open my chest. I acted on instinct at this point, and attacked rather than retreat. My arm snaked around the creature's thick iron neck as I moved to its side, and brought it to the ground.

We fought as it struggled to get off its back while I kept it from getting leverage. This thing was strong. I was no slouch myself. My genes were improved to the point that I had a bear's durability and a gorilla's strength. Yet I was barely able to hold onto this thing.

There was no choice, and I had to maintain the advantage tightening my arm around the creature's neck. Squeezing its neck and blocking the air. After what seemed an eternity, the creature stopped moving.

I tossed the creature off and moved away from it, gasping for air. Everything hurt but the real pain would come after the adrenaline wore off. I looked at the creature, and my eyes turned black as my white sclera opened the emitters the red pill manufactured within my body. My eyes glowed red, they burned slightly as rays shot out, encompassing the body of the tiger. The tiger's body broke down to yellow light particles. The particles flew toward me and my mouth opened to swallow the prize.

After the particles entered my mouth, the broken bones and ripped-open chest were healed. My body itched intensely, but it was a familiar experience. Getting to my feet and returning to the ship was my priority.

The trip back to the ship wasn't easy, and like my first night in this world, the sun was setting by the time I was near it. A couple of soldiers shut the new gate after me. Guards manned large and small weapons through open spaces in a pre-fab wall. The ship had defensive and offensive capabilities, it was more like a fort. Amazing how much they were able to get done in one day.

There was only one place for me to go after my encounter with the tiger. It wasn't the medical bay, it was a special lab created for me. Bill and the three remaining scientists in the group were waiting for me. I climbed into a transparent container, and the door shut me in. It looked like a jet fighter's cockpit if I were lying on my back minus the chairs.

As a viscous red liquid filled the cabin, I secured the oxygen mask and took deep breaths of purified air.

"How's the data on the creature that attacked him?" I heard Bill ask one of the others. The regenerative process exhausted me, and I fell asleep as the scientists did their thing.

Six days later, I awakened. This was common. Whenever I absorb so much genetic information and energy, I experience rebirth. The rebirth process recreates my body from the inside out. I can rebirth without the Rebirth Chamber, but it isn't as efficient, and I don't reap as many benefits.

The fluid serves to incubate me, pouring in pre-selected materials that will help recreate my body. The ATS (Red Pill) aims to rebuild my body while absorbing and analyzing the strengths of other lifeforms. I don't completely understand how it works, but the thing is nothing less than genius.

It was created by a team led by Bill, and I was the first field subject, but there were plenty of test subjects that never left the lab. This alien world filled with strange new life was exactly why I was brought along. Once they learned how to make me stronger, they could pass those improvements on to the rest of the crew. I initiate the ship-wide adaptation process.

The most amazing thing is how much stronger I felt. Flexing my muscles made me feel invincible. Was the ATS meant to be this effective? I felt ten times stronger than before.

The community adaption process is to verify that the new coding initiated a beneficial artificial mutation. Once this is proven, a chosen member of the crew is given the first round of treatment. Once that is successful, the crew will report for evolution on a rotating schedule until the entire crew has benefited.

All of this starts with me because I'm expendable, but this Noah's Ark of Geniuses isn't.

Unfortunately, while I was in my rebirthing process, they tried to rebirth one of the other crewmates, but for some reason, they didn't survive the process. This was unfortunate, not only because another life was lost, but because everyone left was essential. We were down to thirty-four remaining crew members.

I heard the scientists arguing about why it didn't work as I left the Rebirth pod.

"I know why it didn't work," I said after a while. Everyone looked at me; Bill's heated eyes bore into me. He slowly shifted his demeanor to a more amicable one.

"Please share," Bill said.

"You never tested this process, did you? Or maybe you tested it, but you didn't test on this crew, right?"

I was pretty happy when I saw the puzzled look on Bill and the other genius scientists' faces.

"No, we didn't test it on this crew, but we tested it thoroughly. How did you know?"

"Well, Bill, you openly demonstrated your extreme arrogance to me this morning. You probably tested it "enough" but never considered that there's a difference between the crew and me that led to the death of your colleague."

Bill pondered my words, ignoring my aggressive mocking.

"I don't understand. What's the difference?"

"Haha, it's so obvious, All of you are the greatest minds of your generation while I'm just some average guy!"

"What? How does that matter? Our bodies still function the same way; that's absurd!" Muhammed exclaimed with irritation. Bill, however, looked shocked and enlightened.

"No, no, he's onto something. There must be some differences we didn't account for, maybe IQ or something else. Until we discover what went wrong, no one is going through rebirth."

Bill looked at me with a grin, "Looks like you found a way to be useful. You can go." With that, I was dismissed, but I didn't want to let it go.

"Ok Wild Bill, I wish you success."

"Wild Bill?" Bill mumbled to himself before returning to his discussion with the others.

Leaving the lab, I went to the cafeteria to get some food. The few people there talked about Mike, the crewmate who died while undergoing rebirth. Focusing on my food I chose not to engage, but I could feel everyone's eyes on me. Why is everything always so awkward? Will I be able to make any friends, or will I always be a pariah?

Thinking things over, it occurred to me that Bill was right; I did find a way to be useful. It was my job to adapt and explore. I remember how strange the environment was during my fight with the tiger. The Tree the tiger and I crashed into was like a steel pillar, while the heavy rock crumbled like sand.

Tomorrow, it was time to begin exploring our surroundings. Eager for my work to begin, sleep soon found me. Early the next morning, I got up, showered, ate, and then went to the armory. It was there that my exploration gear was stored.

The first things I put on were an armored exoskeleton overlayed with a durable battledress, helmet, and boots. The helmet completely covered my head and provided both protection and support. It recorded everything I did while analyzing the environment. It filtered the air and regulated my body temperature through the suit. Next was the gear in my backpack included a sampling kit with a drill, scanning tablet, and robotic hands for intricate work. There were a lot of things in the backpack. It was pretty impressive. I also checked out a field knife, laser pistol, and automatic laser rifle. Experience is a hard mistress, so preparation was key.

Returning to my favorite spot, I began a meticulous process of studying everything in the environment. From the soil to the rocks, trees, and grasses. All the data collected by the helmet and other gear were immediately sent to the primary lab. Wary of the environment, the system constantly scans the surroundings. After finishing processing the site, I began mapping the land. The priority was to find a river. Rivers were a good source of water, food, and transportation.

When I located a river I was surprised because on the river were several boats! There was intelligent life on this planet. I sent a priority message back to the base with the recording.

"Gray, where are you?" It was the ODA Captain Marcus Miller who was speaking.

"I'm at the plateau of one of the mountains, and I've set a waypoint for my location. The River is six klicks South West of the James Cook."

"Copy that, Gray, return to base."

The communication ended, and I packed up my things, returning to base. When I arrived, there was excitement electrifying the air. Not only were we in a habitable world, but we discovered life alien to our own.

For the first time since I initially met Bill, he gave me a friendly look. He was thrilled with the discovery.

"Very useful indeed! You see, you're the man for the job!"

I couldn't help but be pleased with the compliment. It caused the previous unpleasantness to melt away from my mind. Maybe it was just stress.

"What's next, boss?" I said this to be friendly back and show him. If you treat me with respect, I'll treat you the same way. It never occurred to me that he would take it in another direction. After saying it, a smug look appeared on his face.

"Next, we're going to put together a three-man team, including you. The three of you will follow the river to find the closest port. I'll plan things out with Captain Miller, so you'll get your orders soon. Dismissed."

Things were awkward again; why was I being dismissed? No one else was.

"What do you mean dismissed?"

A cold look spread across Bill's face.

"You don't know what the word dismissed means? Someone, find this man a dictionary!"

What was this guy's problem? Every time I tried to be nice, he made it a point to be a jerk.

"Okay, Bill, I'm done with this attitude of yours. You can dismiss me, but find someone else to go on mission with the soldier boys!"

"Are you disobeying my orders?" A cold edge to his steely words was evident.

"Yeah, as far as I'm concerned, you don't give me orders. I'm done with this. You confessed that you trumped up charges against me to make me your test subject. You know I'm not a criminal, but you keep treating me like that's what I am. You need to change your attitude or else!"

"Are you breaching your contract? You will lose your deal and spend the rest of your life in prison when we get back!"

"When we get back, Bill? Look at the ship, do you even know where we are? I've seen the stars there aren't any recognizable constellations in the sky. We aren't going back, so the threat of prison doesn't mean much to me."

Bill was quiet, but I knew he was smoldering. He wasn't used to people telling him no. He spoke the wrong way to me one too many times.

"Fine, then we'll arrest you and keep you in your cell."

"You can try." I ripped a section of thick alloy from the wall and crushed it into a usable weapon. Everyone, especially Bill, was shocked by my display of strength.

"Well, come on, let's settle this!" I screamed.


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