
Red Overpowered (English)

Logan is an orphan born with a genetic anomaly that gives his eyes the color red. Taken in by a benevolent family, his life will change dramatically. And he will be called to discover a new world invoked by it. As a hero? Certainly not, he will now follow his own path. --------------------- The art of the cover is not mine follow the artist here :https://twitter.com/1L9l2Aa8UCL0IGJ/status/1322058207842328576?t=xfRkboLUCb6KjBg7rgpM7A&s=19

Lyl · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
68 Chs

13/Nice monsters

<p>----------------------------<br/>Thank to you Rebecca_VanderBerg for rate the book. :)<br/>-----------------------------<br/>Logan's POV<br/><br/>I woke up an hour before the meeting, feeling the need for some solitude. I decided to exercise a bit before embarking on the hunt. I quickly got ready and headed towards the mountain that majestically stood opposite the forest, the latter being problematic and monster-infested.<br/><br/>The path was steep and demanding, but the climb offered me a sense of freedom and clarity of mind. The fresh morning air filled my lungs as I climbed the rocky slopes, my thoughts organizing themselves with each step. The higher I went, the more spectacular the view became, revealing a breathtaking panorama of the surroundings.<br/><br/>Upon reaching the summit, I paused to catch my breath and take in the vast landscape. That's when I saw creatures I had never encountered before. Stone serpents, moving with surprising fluidity despite their rigid appearance, slithered between the rocks. Their skin had the texture of stone, blending almost perfectly with the scenery.<br/><br/>Not far away, I also saw white bears, but they were different from the ones we know. They had long, pointed horns on their heads, giving them a majestic and formidable look. These creatures seemed to be guarding the mountain, silent sentinels of this isolated and mysterious place.<br/><br/>"Analyze." (Logan)<br/><br/>Species: Dedos / Level: 35<br/><br/>Vitality: 200 / Attack: 100 / Defense: 300 / Speed: 90 / Endurance: 150 / Agility: 139 / Intelligence: 100 / Physical: 250<br/><br/>Skills: Stone Throw Level 6 / Quicksand Level 7<br/><br/>Unique Skills: None<br/><br/>Elements: Earth<br/><br/>The stone serpent seemed strong, but it was nothing compared to this bear.<br/><br/>Species: Garonne Bear / Level: 45<br/><br/>Vitality: 300 / Magic Power: 158 Attack: 200 / Defense: 300 / Speed: 90 Endurance: 150 / Agility: 139 / Intelligence: 500 / Physical: 300<br/><br/>Skills: Polar Claw Level 8 / Ice Shield Level 10<br/><br/>Unique Skills: Blizzard<br/><br/>Elements: Ice<br/><br/>It had high vitality and defense, as well as some skills at a certain level. But the most impressive was its intelligence stat.<br/><br/>"Could it be one of those monsters with consciousness?" (Logan)<br/><br/>I definitely wanted to measure myself against it to gauge the power of my attacks. I stood in front of it, waiting for it to attack me. But it ignored me, and I saw that this bear had cubs.<br/><br/>"So some monsters aren't aggressive." I said as I continued on my way peacefully.<br/><br/>Realizing they were harmless, I continued running a bit, letting myself get absorbed by the physical effort and the calm of the environment. The stone serpents, too, seemed indifferent to my presence, peacefully slithering between the rocks without any hostile intent.<br/><br/>After some time, I finally reached the top of the mountain. There, a stunning panorama unfolded before me, a magnificent view stretching to the horizon. The surrounding mountains stood majestically, the forests spread out like infinite green carpets, and the rivers sparkled under the sunlight.<br/><br/>I sat quietly on a flat rock, letting the cool breeze caress my face. It was a perfect moment for reflection. Recent events played through my mind like a film.<br/><br/>"Alfred and his men are anything but sympathetic, especially since they seem to be planning something against me. Aria's presence is also strange and not a coincidence because coincidences always have a logical explanation. Are they planning to use her against me? If they think they can take me down, they are sorely mistaken. There's also the question of how I will change this society. And who is this goddess, what is her purpose?" (Logan)<br/><br/>I then thought back to the day of my summoning into this world.<br/><br/>"Should I kill my comrades if they stand in my way? Probably, but what intrigues me the most are the dungeons, what are the reasons for their existence? But above all, the many inconsistencies I've noticed in the history books I've read? It can only be related to one thing, this famous goddess!" (Logan)<br/><br/>"But for now, one thing at a time." I said as I stood up.<br/><br/>My eyes scanned the horizon, capturing every detail of the breathtaking landscape stretching before me. After one last look, I took a deep breath and prepared for the next step of my journey.<br/><br/>I let myself fall into the void, feeling the cool wind whip against my skin with invigorating intensity. The sensation of free fall, of total surrender to the forces of nature, brought a strange sense of freedom.<br/><br/>"I stopped being afraid the day the most cherished person in my life committed suicide." I murmured, thinking of Saori, whose memory still haunted me.<br/><br/>Her loss had etched an unyielding determination and indifference to danger into me. The ground approached quickly, but I kept my hands in my pockets, calm and impassive. Just before impact, I stabilized in the air, using my powers to control my descent. My landing was marked by a powerful gust of wind that spread around me, lifting dust and dead leaves.<br/><br/>Standing at the foot of the mountain, I felt more alive than ever. The solid ground under my feet, I took a moment to savor the sensation of power that emanated from this bold gesture. Every fiber of my being was awakened, ready to face the challenges ahead.<br/><br/>Calculation Capacity Used: 55.<br/><br/>As I continued on my way, my gaze was drawn to a heartbreaking scene in the distance. The white bear I had seen earlier was being ambushed by a group of humans. She was desperately trying to protect her cubs, her magnificent white fur now stained with blood. Every movement she made was filled with pain and determination.<br/><br/>"She's at her limit, guys! Let's finish this quickly, her cubs will sell for a fortune." one of the men shouted, his eyes gleaming with greed and cruelty. <br/><br/>Their intentions were clear, and their thirst for profit made them ruthless.<br/><br/>The men gathered to launch a combined attack, mixing the elements of fire and lightning. A formidable burst of power was aimed at the bear, threatening to reduce her to ashes. However, their attack never reached her. A protective wall had risen in front of her, stopping the assault in its tracks.<br/><br/>Approaching the bear, I gently stroked her head, feeling her labored breathing and diminishing strength.<br/><br/>"You fought well, don't worry, I'll take care of them." I murmured, my fingers gliding over her bloodstained fur. The men, surprised and furious, turned towards me, their eyes filled with anger.<br/><br/>"Who are you, why are you protecting this monster!" one of the men complained.<br/><br/>"This monster is harmless, why do you want it dead?" I asked, staring at the adventurers, my tone calm yet challenging.<br/><br/>"For money, of course!" one of the adventurers replied with an avaricious smile.<br/><br/>Their motivation was simple and cruel, their humanity eclipsed by their greed.<br/><br/>"I see, I just wanted to confirm, but now, you'll have to leave her alone." I said, nodding slightly.<br/><br/>The adventurers burst into laughter, their gazes hardening with disdain.<br/><br/>"What are you talking about? Get out of here or we'll kill you too." one of them threatened, his tone filled with menace.<br/><br/>There were six of them, all level 30, formidable opponents for many. But for me, it was the perfect opportunity to exercise and test my abilities.<br/><br/>"Leave this beast alone and I'll forget the threats." I warned, my eyes gleaming with cold determination.<br/><br/>The leader of the adventurers laughed heartily, pointing a finger at me.<br/><br/>"Ah, ah! Kill him!" he ordered, and immediately, a barrage of magical attacks was directed at me, a devastating mix of fire, lightning, and ice.<br/><br/>Without wasting a second, I raised my hand and invoked a thick triple barrier around the bear and her cubs. The attacks crashed against the barriers with deafening violence, but they remained intact, protected by the force of my will and power.<br/><br/>The bear, exhausted and out of breath, looked up at me, her cubs huddled against her.<br/><br/>"Stay here." I whispered, giving them a reassuring look.<br/><br/>Turning back to the adventurers, I felt a palpable energy rise within me.<br/><br/>"You've made your choice, now it's my turn." I said with an icy voice.<br/><br/>Calculation Power Used: 140.<br/><br/>I dashed towards the adventurers. My mind was focused, my body ready to react to any attack. The six men, surprised by my speed and determination, launched a barrage of spells in my direction.<br/><br/>I dodged their attacks with agility, my swift and precise movements allowing me to thwart their attempts to hit me. Fire, lightning, and ice created utter chaos around me, but I remained an elusive shadow, slipping between the destructive gusts.<br/><br/>Despite my vigilance, the adventurers coordinated their efforts for a combined attack. A massive burst of magic hit me, and this time, I couldn't completely avoid it. The force of the impact threw me back a few meters.<br/><br/>Calculation Capacity Exceeded, Mana Compensated. Remaining Mana: 70/200<br/><br/>"The next attack like that, I'll take damage," I declared in a detached tone, continuing my frantic run.<br/><br/>My opponents, troubled by the fact that their powerful attack hadn't stopped me, hesitated a moment too long. Taking advantage of their confusion, I rushed towards one of the men. Before he could react, I grabbed him by the head and slammed him violently to the ground. With my free hand, I touched the ground, channeling my energy. A stone spike shot up from the ground, piercing his skull, his blood splattering on my face.<br/><br/>"And one down, five to go!" I declared coldly, my gaze fixed on the others.<br/><br/>Without losing a moment, I charged towards the two closest men, still disoriented by the loss of their comrade. In one swift movement, I pierced their feet with stone spikes that shot up from the ground, immobilizing them in place. Taking advantage of their vulnerability, I created sharp walls around them, closing in mercilessly.<br/><br/>"No! No! No!" one of the men cried out in a final desperate effort before being impaled by the sharp spikes.<br/><br/>"Three more!" I announced, my voice resonating in the tension-laden air.<br/><br/>Blood flowed from the walls, forming a red pool in which I walked without hesitation, each step echoing the gravity of my actions. My heart pounded, a sensation of nausea rising in me as I realized the severity of what I had done. Killing a man for the first time had a far different effect than I had imagined.<br/><br/>One of the three remaining adventurers, terrified, fell to his knees and begged, tears in his eyes.<br/><br/>"Wait, man, we can work this out!" he exclaimed, panic visible in his eyes.<br/><br/>"It's too late." I replied coldly, rushing at them at full speed.<br/><br/>"Bastard!" he yelled, launching a barrage of magical attacks with his comrades in my direction.<br/><br/>I dodged with agility, picking up two stones along the way. Throwing them with deadly precision, I saw the stones pierce through the heads of two of the men, leaving them lifeless on the ground. Only one remained, desperate, launching his ultimate attack at me.<br/><br/>"Die, infernal blast!" he screamed, releasing an immense blaze.<br/><br/>At this distance, I couldn't dodge. I charged through the flames, feeling an immense and brief pain in my right arm, now completely burned, before grabbing him by the neck.<br/><br/>"Don't kill me, please!" he pleaded, his eyes filled with terror.<br/><br/>"I'm not going to kill you." I said, seeing a moment of relief pass over his face.<br/><br/>Without waiting, I violently threw him to the ground, using my magic to summon stone spikes that pierced his legs and arms, completely immobilizing him. I approached him once more, my gaze pitiless.<br/><br/>"You said you wouldn't kill me!" the man cried, desperate.<br/><br/>"Not me, but she will." I replied calmly, as a gigantic bear approached him, her eyes glowing with protective fury.<br/><br/>"No, please... No... Ahh..." he screamed as the bear, with one powerful blow, tore off his head, splattering my clothes and face with blood.<br/><br/>I stood there, breath short, my heart pounding in my ears. The scene around me was filled with brutal violence and blood-soaked corpses.<br/><br/>New Title Acquired: Friend of Beasts.<br/><br/>Name: Logan<br/><br/>Race: Human / Age: 18<br/><br/>Profession: Avenger - ??? / Level: 60<br/><br/>Vitality: 410 / Magic Power: 170 Attack: 150 / Defense: 145 / Speed: 129 Endurance: 159 / Agility: 143 / Intelligence: 290 / Physical: 189 / Calculation: 280<br/><br/>Skills: Analyze Level 5 / Concealment Level 7 / High Couture Max Level<br/><br/>Unique Skills: None<br/><br/>Legendary Skills: None<br/><br/>Exclusive Skills: Vector Control / Ultra Fast Learning / Encyclopedia.<br/><br/>Elements: None<br/><br/>Titles:<br/><br/>Goblin Exterminator<br/><br/>Ruthless<br/><br/>Pigeon Shooter<br/><br/>Insatiable<br/><br/>Friend of Beasts<br/>-------------------------------<br/>Thanks to my new contributor Allan Kellar for his level 1 subscription<br/>-------------------------------<br/>If you want more, the two next chapters are already available here : https://bit.ly/3i1HaYm<br/><br/>You can help me financially and have access to many advantages just from 3 €. It is important for me to be independent<br/><br/>Thanks to the contributors.<br/><br/>Thanks to Cadméa for her subscription level 3.<br/><br/>Thanks to Allan Kellar for her subscription level 1.<br/>--------------------------------<br/>Special thanks to Rebecca/Amari/Zezima/Crowny_66/Bored dragon/ Sky_Shay/A_F_D/Fidelissama/Morgan/Arjunn/TheGreatSucc/Jared/ Grimjaw/Damion/ for her power stones.<br/>--------------------------------</p>