
Red Eyes Red Souls (an Undertale/Naruto Story)

after defeating Omega Flowey, Frisk returns to the surface and returned to her normal life. however, her guilt and regret draws her back to the Underground but is followed by a classmate who noticed her strange behavior. This person is Akio Uchiha. what turned into a chance encounter turns into a fight for his life as he ventures to the Underground and back. how will he handle the Underground? will he fall to the Monsters below? or fall to his own power?

KingRenetti · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Welcome to the Ruins!

Frisk lands on a field of golden flowers and did a commando roll. She had rolled off the flowers. She jumps up onto her feet with a smile.

"Nailed it." she said, to no one in particular.

Last time she dropped down she landed on her face. Hurt like hell so she was glad she didn't break her face when she landed this time. She wonders how Akio will land. She giggles internally thinking that he'll land like she did her first. Time. She turned around. Akio dropped down but he simply lands hero style. He then stands up and glances at Frisk who has wide eyes.

"What?" he asks, wondering what has her so shocked.

Frisk sighs sadly.

"Nothing." she said, sad that she was the only one to fall onto her face when she first fell.

Akio raised an eyebrow. He was curious as to why she was seemingly sad and disappointed. But he rather not question it. He figures it's not important. After shrugging off Frisk's reaction to his landing, Akio looked around. Most of the cavern they were in was drenched in darkness but the light beaming down from the hole above gave just enough light to see and move around without tripping on anything.

He soon spots the frame of a door. The ancient stone cracked and decrepit from the sands of time. Vines have grown along the sides of the old stone arch. A symbol edged above the frame remains intact giving a glimpse of what it could have looked like prior to its current withered state.

"So what now?" he asks calmly.

"We need to get out of the Ruins." she responds. "But be careful there are a lot of puzzles in the Ruins." she said, remembering the times she's failed some of the puzzles a couple times.

Kira manifests herself beside Akio.

"Shouldn't be too hard to pass." the spirit said confidently.

"when I first passed through it was hard. I got stuck on a couple of them." Frisk said, nervously.

She didn't want to admit her fallings, but she doesn't like to tell lies so she had to suck it up and live in shame.

Akio stared at her unimpressed. He honestly didn't know what he expected. Even after she returned from this place that they're in. She still got stuck on numerous things at School. She wasn't behind by any means; she still passed a lot of her classes. But she did get stuck on various things during the day. But some way, somehow, she'd find a way to power through and succeed. He didn't even understand why people at the school disliked her. Maybe it's because of her persistence? Her determination?

Commonly it's because she's an Orphan and everyone in that wretched school is self-entitled and arrogant thinking, they're better than everyone around them. Orphans suffer the most in school. Frisk had been bullied day in and day out. Sometimes getting beaten by them. Akio often ignored this and just left fate deal with it. She always seems to come back the next day perfectly fine. But maybe she's just hiding all her emotions behind a mask like him.

He became a Ghost, a freak of nature to everyone around him. Everyone fears him, he WANTS everyone to fear him. He feared his father and was weak. But no more. He made everyone fear him so he'll never be seen as a weakling ever again. After he helps Frisk with whatever the hell she needs to be done in the Underground. He's going to leave and go back home the first chance he gets. He isn't looking to make friends. Especially not with Frisk. All he needs is his mother and Kira. That's all he needs and that's all he wants.

"let's go. I don't want to waste time." he said coldly.

Frisk felt a little hurt by it as she watched him walk towards the withered doorway. Kira stood beside her.

"you'll have to excuse his cold-hearted actions." Kira said with a somber expression.

"Why is he like that?" the passive girl asks, slightly still hurt by his cold tone.

"It's.... best I don't say. That's something Akio has a say in." she said while sympathetically looking at Akio who now reached the doorway.

Frisk turned her gaze to him and saw him inspecting the decrepit frame.

"Some prefer to face their Demon's, and some wish to bury them in the past." she said sadly.

Frisk quickly looked at Kira after she said that. Kira then teleports over to Akio. Frisk sighs softly before advancing towards the duo to catch up to them. It didn't take her long.

"you called this place the Ruins?" he asks, stoically and without looking at her.

"yep. Rightfully named. Then again the King of the Monsters wasn't the best at naming things." she said, with a semi reluctant tone with a hint of guilt at the mere mention of the King.

Akio gave her a side ways glance for a few seconds before looking forward and advancing through the ancient gate way. Frisk followed him as Kira floats after them. The trio walk--or in Kira's case float—into a new chamber. This one had a pillar of light shining onto a patch of grass in the center of the dark room. Another ancient door frame was across them on the other side off the room.

Frisk was wondering if he'd show up. As they advanced, a flower pops up from the ground on the patch of grass.

"Howdy, I'm Flowey! Flowey the-FRISK!?" he shouted in shock seeing a familiar human.

"hi Flowey." she greets with a closed eyed smile and wave of her hand.

"You know this magic flower?" he asks.

"he's tried to kill me a few times." she said nonchalantly.

"That so?" he asks calmly before pulling out a Kunai.

Frisk panicked seeing it and grabbed his wrist.

"NO! No killing!" the pacifist urgently said, startled by him suddenly pulling out a freaking weapon.

"why? He tried killing you? If it was me I'd return the favor gladly." he said darkly with a menacing glare directly at Frisk.

Frisk cowered a little seeing him glare into her soul menacingly. Flowey chuckles a little.

"I like this human." he said with a creepy smile on his.... face? Flower head? Doesn't matter. All that matters is he's a creepy bitch.

"So you think you're creepy huh?" she asks calmly.

Flowey looked up and saw Kira floating. He then paled as she had a MUCH creepier smile on her face.

"I can be MUCH worse." she said, her voice sounding demonic.

"AAAAHHHH!" They shout in terror.

Akio chuckled faintly at their misfortune. He likes it when Kira goes demonic. After all, she helps him inflict fear into people. Which he loves to do in his free time. Being feared and making others fear him are his favorite pass time activities. It isn't happiness or joy. He just finds it entertaining. Sure he likes it, it just doesn't bring him joy or happiness. He hasn't been happy in a long time.

Kira swiftly gets rid of the creepy look on her face and giggles at the reaction of Frisk and Flowey. Flowey shook away his terror and looked at the trio.

"So why are you here?" the flower asks stoically.

"I came back to repair the damage I've done." Frisk said.

"hmph, fat chance. Some monsters lost hope and gave up on being able to get free from this place." he explained.

"she's been gone for.... what? 4 years? I'd imagine they'd lose hope in that span of time. Let's just hope that any friends Frisky had made will still be up to help us." Kira said.

"Frisky? You already have a nickname for her?" Akio asks, calmly yet with an ever so faint hint of surprise that Kira already has a nickname for Frisk.

Kira has a history of giving people nicknames regardless of if their friend or foe. It's one of her trademark actions she does. She has a nickname for EVERYONE in the school as well as a couple more outside of school in various stores and venders around the city. Some of the nicknames are used to make fun of the person, some are used in a nice way, some tend to be used in a teasing manner and some are a bit of all three. Whatever and whoever it is, Kira has a nickname for them.

Frisk decided to ignore the nickname from Kira and look back to Flowey.

"What about Sans?" Frisk asks.

"The Smiley trash bag? What's there to say about em?" he asks in a tone that tells them that something definitely had happened while Frisk was gone. It was a "Oh boy you're in for a surprise" kind of tone.

"well?" Frisk beckons.

Flowey just sighs.

"The skeleton tried to keep hope in the first year you were gone. But as the next year came, it started to waver. The smiley trash bag isn't so smiley anymore." Flowey said in a low tone, letting Frisk know of the grim news.

Frisk's eyes widened, hearing what had befallen one of her friends. Sans.

"Sans..." her voice trails off in pain as it even sounded weak.

Kira gave Frisk a sympathetic gaze while Akio didn't even bat an eye to her and kept looking at Flowey. Not an ounce of caring about Frisk's reaction evident in his eyes.

"there a way out?" he asks stoically.

Kira glared at Akio for not caring about Frisk. She was about to scold him, but Frisk grabbed her arm stopping her. The literal paranormal entity looked at Frisk. She simply shook her head silently saying, "It's not worth it." Kira just sighs.

"only one. But to get to it you're gonna have to get through a bunch of puzzles." he said while gesturing to the door opposite of everyone with a vine.

Akio looked at the doorway. This door had some light coming through it, but it was very little. Frisk followed Akio's gaze and had a sense of déjà vu. Frisk then looked at Flowey to ask him a question.

"the Puzzles are still working?" she asks.

"not really. I broke a few of them with my vines. So the path should be clear for ya." he said.

"oh, thanks for that Flowey!" she said, thankful for Flowey's actions.

"yeah, whatever." He said, no interest in this whatsoever.

Akio sighs, seeing this as a waste of time and proceeds to walk towards the exit of the room. Kira followed him. Frisk saw this and went after them. Frisk's ankle gets grabbed by a vine.

"huh?" she looked back to see Flowey smirking evilly.

"oh come on. Did you think I would just let you walk away? You've been gone for 4 years Frisk. 4 years too long." he said menacingly.

Frisk started to get worried. She didn't want to fight Flowey again. She thought he would have let go of that grudge after so long. Kunai stabs Flowey's vine cutting it in half.

"ow!" he shouts as he pulled back what was left of the vine.

Frisk turned around and saw Akio with a glare focused on Flowey.

"stand down Flower." he orders.

"tch, who are you to command me?" he asks with the creepy look on his face.

Akio fully turns to face Flowey.

"Frisk, I suggest you step aside." Akio said darkly.

Kira heard his tone and her eyes widened.

"oh no, no, no. None of you are getting out of here just like that." more vines shoot up out of the ground. "DO YOU REALLY THINK I FORGOT ABOUT MY GOAL!?!?" the flower yells sinisterly.

Akio brought his hands together and used a series of hand signs. He then shoots fire out of his mouth at Flowey who used vines to block it. The ball of Fire impacts his vines and destroys them instantly. Flowey shrieked in pain.

"The hell!? Toriel's flames weren't that painful!! What the hell are you!?" he asks angrily.

Akio moved his hands to his sides and took a stance. Flowey glared at him but gasped as he saw Akio's eyes change into his Sharingans. Akio then pulls out another Kunai and recalls the one he previously threw. Murderous intent was leaking from him. He was about to charge but stopped as Frisk got in front of him. Her arms stretched out to the side as if shielding Flowey. Akio was surprised at this.

Didn't this Flower try to kill her? Yet she's protecting her attacker?

"The hell are you doing?" he asks.

"Don't kill him." she pleads.

"why? He hasn't given me a reason spare him." he retorts with a glare.

"I won't stand for this!' she declares.

"You know I don't give a damn right? What's stopping me from killing you as well?" he asks darkly as he glared at her.

Frisk gasps slightly. Flowey was looking at Akio's Sharingans.

"Those eyes. I might be a Flower. But I know what those are and who those belong too." he said before gritting his teeth. "You're an Uchiha aren't you?" he asks angrily.

Akio just glared at him. Frisk—confused—looked over her shoulder at Flowey. She then stepped to the side while turning to face him.

"Uchiha? What's and Uchiha?" the pacifist asks.

Akio briefly looked at her before looking back at Flowey.

"Akio Uchiha's the name." he said coldly.

Flowey's eyes widen in anger but then smiled.

"oh-ho-ho-ho! This is getting interesting!" he said evilly.

Akio threw a Kunai at Flowey directly. Flowey just went into the ground and vanished just before the kunai hit him as it then stabbed into the ground where he would have been.

"tch." he scoffs, now seeing Flowey as a coward.

Frisk looked at Akio and watched his eyes return to normal. Her eyes widen.

(Woah, since when could he do that?) she asks mentally.

Akio turns and walks to the exit of the chamber.

"Let's go. We've wasted enough time." he said sternly as he walked away, recalling his Kunai to his hand before putting both his blades away.

Kira just watched him off and sighed disappointedly and annoyedly. If Akio tries to kill everything he sees, Kira is gonna have a tough time keeping him from murdering someone. Frisk just watched him off and now knows that she has to make sure he doesn't kill anyone. How she'll do that, she'll figure that out as they go. She then walks after Akio as does Kira.