
Red-Eyed. Devil.(Hiatus).

Yang Jin reincarnated on what he thought was a simple normal life. After some traumatic events, he awakens his [Sharingan] and proceeds to explore his newfound powers and discover more mysteries about himself, like the strange yellow sparks that have been helping him, or the mysterious purple flame that only appears when he is truly angry. PS: The first 85 chapters are the Prologue. Extra Tags: Ruthless Mc, Side Characters are Cannibals, Graphic Descriptions, JoJo, AU, Multiverse, Omniverse, From depressing to positive, from doomer to bloomer, gods, overpowered beings, slow-paced, slice of life, Sharingan, Ripple, Dragon Soul, Not Wyvern, True Dragon.

ClearSkySage · Videospiele
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133 Chs

Asking for blood.

Discovering Shi-Woon hospital was easy, I just called the school and asked where he was and that I wanted to visit him as a concerned friend, the school has already received the news of Shi-Woon predicament easily told me where he is.

Now I just had to put in some clothes and hope no one notices my new scars. *Sigh* it is really a pain to have a wound caused by a mix of [Ki] and [Ripple] violently destroying my skin, I am already very lucky there isn't any kind of permanent damage, at least it help on my cool intimidating appearance factor. A big and muscular dude with a battle scar, more intimidating than that only if I was bald, bald people are generally pretty strong after all, must be because they lose their hair training.

Thankfully I haven't scarred my face yet, don't want to lose this pretty boy face after all. *sigh* sometimes even I am surprised with how much time I waste thinking about the silliest of things must be my nervousness bleeding through, sadly I can't help it as my mother's life is on the line so even if someone says I have 99% of success chances I would still worry.

Before taking the bus I thought about at least bringing the guy a gift, he just had his [Ki Center] destroyed and his master disappeared, and I can guess a good old book can do wonders to help some people improve their humor. Besides, I think it is polite to bring a gift to someone in the hospital? and about that, I am not entirely sure if it is true. But It won't hurt anyone so I guess it is fine.

So before taking the bus I went towards a bookstore and brought the "Around the World in 80 Days"- by Jules Gabriel Verne. A famous French writer from the XIX century, I've already read the book and its pretty good, I guess it is also a good gift.

Gift wrapped I rode on the bus towards the hospital, it didn't take much time and I was already there, entering the hospital I went to talk with the receptionist, some questions later and I was appointed towards Shi-Woon hospital room.

The way to Shi-Woon's room was at the minimum interesting, I could clearly see signs of a fight and some sort of skirmish in the corridor [Sharingan] is useful like that. And if I am not mistaken this fight is the one where the nurse fought again a spy disguised as a medic.

When I was close to his room I was able to see the Chundomoon heir going back from there, he has barely noticed my presence his mind seem in another plane of existence entirely, and I am actually thankful for that because if he was attentive as he normally should be he would probably stop the huge buff dude with a scar on his right hand.

Knocking on the door three times I enter the room, and I come across what could only be described as a sorry sight, Shi-Woon si really feeling quite down now that his [Ki Center] was destroyed and his master disappeared. The gloomy atmosphere is almost palpable in this room, guess the previous night wasn't gentle with him either.

Looking at the new person that entered his room Shi-Woon was a little bit surprised.

"Jin, what are you doing here? I tough this was-"(Shi-Woon).

"Don't worry Shi-Woon, I know about the cultivation world you don't need to create some excuse. And before you ask yes I was in the crowd yesterday, and I know what happened."(Jin).

"*Sigh* My master he-"(Shi-Woon).

"Probably have his motives for doing everything he did... But destroying your [Ki Center] that was dirty even for my incredibly low standards..."(Jin).

All this time my cellphone was with the Bluetooth function on downloading some pretty important videos, better not waste valuable time, right?

"I... I don't really know what to say besides that I believe in my Master. But changing the subject a bit, are you really part of the Murim?"(Shi-Woon).

"Yeah I am, sadly I am fairly new to it much like yourself. I've been training in my spare time and I gotta say it's quite fun."(Jin).

"Indeed it is."(Shi-Woon).

You could see that Shi-Woon's mood instantly went down after my last phrase, guess I was a little bit rough on that one. But I know something that will make him fairly happy.

"Don't be that down dude, there is a way to heal your [Ki Center]."(Jin).

"A-ARE YOU SERIOUS! "(Shi-Woon).

"Yeah, I am. Before you scream some more I will say, the method of you to most easily heal your [Ki Center] is called [Overhaul Rebirth]."(Jin).

"[Overhaul Rebirth], what is that?"(Shi-Woon).

"An [Overhaul Rebirth] is more of theory, albeit a well-grounded one. The theory behind the phenomenon is a common case for every person. The healing of a wound or injury and the formation of new muscles through working out are all considered to be cases based on the theory of the [Overhaul Rebirth] phenomenon. However, this phenomenon in itself is the case where such change happens a lot faster and changes the body's structure from the bones to the organs. This faster restructuring of the body is caused by the excessive amounts of [Ki] in the individual's body. Meaning the more [Ki] and the more you stimulate your body, the closer you got to experiencing an [Overhaul Rebirth]."(Jin).

"Is it really possible."(Shi-Woon).

"Yes it is, in more simple terms is just the normal healing process of your body expanded and elevated to the extreme enough to completely revamp yourself... But there is another thing..."(Jin).

"What is it?"(Shi-Woon).

"It's just my guess and I could be wrong, but the [Overhaul Rebirth] have a lot of ties with your spirit, in the process of pressuring your body enough for such a process to happen, your spirit will basically be the only thing that will hold you together, principally now that you do not have a [Ki Center] anymore."(Jin).

"So I can be cured if I pass through this [Overhaul Rebirth]?"(Shi-Woon).

"Yep, and even if you have some hidden injury or shaky foundation it will also fix it. You will literally become the best vessel/user of [Ki], and after such a phenomenon occurs the body shows a great change in the aspect of functionality. Although it is referred to as restructuring there is no apparent change in the outer appearance of the body. The individual, on the other hand, feels the body to be lighter and more sensitive while the five senses are enhanced making it possible for the individual to feel and hear things that should not be possible under normal circumstances. And after the change, the one who undergoes such is ready to use techniques normal people couldn't imagine. The limitations of the previous body are not present in the new body and the energy inside him is stronger, faster, and more "free" than anyone else's. It is said that a person undergoing Overhaul Rebirth can become the strongest in the Murim if he let go of his doubts and fear. There is also a lot of speculation on it being one of the key factors for someone to reach the [Beyond] cultivation rank."(Jin).

"Wow, I didn't expect such a thing... It feels almost like a-"(Shi-Woon)

"Like a novel? some straight out of a fantasy history? I completely agree with you, but this is our world now, the impossible just became possible, and limits are just there to be broken."(Jin).

"I guess you are right. When you can easily crush rocks with your bare hand's reality and fantasy start to become quite a blurry line."(Shi-Woon).

"Heh, you have no idea. [Inner Power techniques] have much more uses than just destruction, so your statement is undoubtedly correct there... Oh, I almost forgot, here I brought I gift for you. It's a book and seeing as the hospital could be quite boring I am sure you would like something to pass time."(Jin).

"Thanks, jin. You've helped me more than you could've imagined. With this info you gave me more than just hope, it also ignited my determination to continue advancing forward. If there is something I can do for you just ask."(Shi-Woon).

"*Sigh*, I won't lie to you and say I come here with just pure intentions. I do indeed want something from you."(Jin).

"As I said, you've helped me a lot with just that info, if it is in my power I don't mind returning the favor."(Shi-Woon).

"Good. I just want a bit of your blood."(Jin).

"... What?"(Shi-Woon).

I am making Shi-Woon mature a little bit faster this time, one thing I didn't like in canon was how sometimes it felt like he didn't change much, even after the traumatic events on the rooftop.

WARNING: I will take some liberties with the content, IT WON'T BE CANONICALLY ACCURATE. So please don't state the obvious, it's just a waste of time.

DISCLAIMER: I only own my own original creations, the rest is owned by their respective owners.

~~Thanks for reading~~

ClearSkySagecreators' thoughts