
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasie
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98 Chs

73 - Finalizing Their Shop

After the visit, Annie and Poppy worked hard on their small shop. With the help of Aster's supplies, they were able to make the big room comforting, with baby blue walls and white curtains. They had kept the dark brown wooden floor, only putting small gray carpets strategically around the room. Aster even brought in nice cream sofas for customers to sit in. With the tables, they decorated with fresh flowers every morning.

When the mannequins were brought in, Annie placed some by the windows. Poppy had brought out the some clothes she made and dressed them. They had simple blouses and dresses with no embroidery. Aster was able to get a good contract with a factory that produced clothing in bulk by their requests. With that, they would be able to have lots of stock.

Poppy had started sketching ideas and touching up her embroidery. Maddy and Ollie helped stocked the bolts of fabrics. When they all finished, Annie was amazed how pretty the place looked. There was a desk near the entrance. Annie had made it the reception desk.

Aster had given her the catalogs of the factories he had contracted with. Maddy and Poppy made a book with samples of fabrics and sketches of embroidery. After it was all finished, Annie told Poppy that she was the one who will be the owner of the store. Poppy was shocked and started to refuse. Maddy and Ollie convinced her differently.

Poppy had no choice but to accept. She was happy and a sweet smile brightened her face. They all hugged each other, with Poppy swearing to do her best. Ollie swore to protect the shop and Maddy will help any way she can. Annie was tasked with advertising. That left her free to walk around town.

With the shop being opened more than a week, Annie had been going around putting posters up. She never really came to town in the past, except to steal from nobles. When she did, she always went by the alleyways. Annie had memorized most of the alleys in town. Some she wouldn't go, due to rumors of bad vices. That was what her street acquaintances would say.

Even the guards didn't go down those specific alleys. Even so, she will have to go now. Annie was trailing after a suspicious man. He had come to the shop using the secret word Aster had said. Aster was very tight lipped about the basement and wouldn't give much information.

The door downstairs was locked with the same combination like their back door. If she didn't know the code, she wouldn't be able to open it. Annie surmised that it must be a magic door too. There was a slot which would open to show Aster's eyes when they knocked to inform him of their guests. Annie couldn't see past Aster into the room.

Annie knows she should trust Aster after everything he had done for them... But her curiosity won in the end. So here she was, trailing after this man who had left after a few hours downstairs.