
Red Alert System In Anime

Sebastian Alexander traveled to the world of Highschool of the Dead. For this world doomed to Evil, Sebastian expressed great fear. Fortunately, he activated the Red Alert System. Under the powerful unit of the System, Sebastian quickly gained a foothold and even started the pace of conquering another world. ---------- This is an unofficial translation. I also edit the story to remove all the nationalism, so that you won't see anything like: 'Certain country' No.1 or 'Certain country' is inferior.

Sokdavid · Anime und Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 44: The Tip Of The Iceberg Is Enough To Shock The Entire Imperial Capital

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Sebastian squinted his eyes and observed the building in front of him. After the hail of gunfire and bullets, the originally tall and magnificent mansion was left with dilapidated walls and ruins. At this moment, he felt the ground shake slightly. He looked up into the distance, and a group of people was rushing there.

The leader of this team is a man who is as strong as a hill. His face is full of alterations, but his eyes are intense. On his body, he was wearing a unique set of armor, especially at the position of the arm armor, there were two protrusions and there seemed to be electric light jumping at the ends. His name is Budo, he is the general of the Empire, and another general of the Empire, Esdeath, has become the strongest duo of the Empire.

Budo controls all the troops in the Imperial Capital, and the garrison is also the department he is in charge of, responsible for maintaining law, order, and stability in the capital, and the armor on his body is his Teigu, the Adramelech, which can manipulate lightning. It can summon lightning to attack the enemy, with high attack power and long range, it is a very powerful weapon.

Just now, he and his group who were patrolling nearby heard the movement made by Sebastian's army, so they rushed over without stopping. In this era dominated by cold weapons, the gunfire of Sebastian's troops echoed in the streets like thunder.

"Everyone, put down your weapons." Seeing Sebastian's group, he immediately issued a warning.

He suspected that they were troops of the Revolutionary Army, but he immediately rejected such an idea in his heart, because the strength of the Revolutionary Army was far from being comparable to that of the Empire, so they could only carry out small-scale operations with guerrilla warfare.

But the commotion created today is too great, it is different from the style of the Revolutionary Army in the past. He observed them, the clothes and weapons of the other party were completely different from those of the Empire and the Revolutionary Army.

Who is this group of people? Are the weapons in their hand's firearms? He was suspicious, the movement just now was no less than his own Teigu.

Sebastian noticed the arrival of Budo but turned his head slightly, and looked at each other from the corner of his eye. Seeing that they didn't respond, Budo felt a little annoyed. No matter what the identity of the other party was, no one in the Empire did not give him any face.

His brows began to twitch, and lightning began to dance on the armor, ready to show him whose boss. He thinks that his strength is one of the best in the Empire, and the number of troops following him exceeds one hundred, so it is not a problem to suppress the other party.

But at this moment, Sebastian casually waved his hand, and a huge portal was opened, which was more than ten times bigger than the portal that Shizuka had before as if a giant was about to emerge from it.

At this moment, countless vehicles surged out of the portal. Light Tanks, Multigunner IFVs, Rhino Tanks, and even V3 Rocket Vehicles and Apocalypse Tanks. In just an instant, these heavy steel behemoths piled up in the street, flattening the surrounding houses. The huge track pressed the mud-paved road, and the loud hum of the engine echoed in the street. More than a hundred vehicles filled the entire block, and at the same time, the black hole-like muzzles aimed at Budo's troops.

"This, what is this?!" Budo was startled, the lightning around his arm had unknowingly become much smaller.

He was not only astounded by these never-before-seen vehicles but even more amazed by his ability to summon so many troops with a single wave. In an instant, he summoned more than a hundred vehicles. How did he do it?! Could it be Teigu's ability? No, impossible.

He quickly denied it in his heart. He knew that there was a Teigu called Dimensional Formation: Shambhala, which could teleport people or objects to another place, but that Teigu was in Honest's son's hand, Syura, and it is also impossible to transmit a hundred vehicles at the same time.

Even when transporting one or two people, the Shambhala can place a huge physical load on the user. The other party summoned a hundred times as many troops at once, even he, who was the most calm and experienced in the Empire, was already unsettled in his mind, with uncontrollable sweat dripping from his forehead. The subordinates beside him noticed that something was wrong with him, but they didn't dare to make a sound. If it wasn't for his presence, they might have already escaped.

But he soon discovered that his surprise was too early. Apart from the vehicle, a flurry of uniform footsteps came from the portal. In the next second, an Army Brigade walked out of the portal. G.I.s, Navy SEALs, Tesla Troopers, etc, soldiers who are not moving are arranged in different queues, and together they form a large team and the unified movements are like machines. Even the guards that Budo personally manages and trains are far less sophisticated than their soldiers.

Above the heads of these soldiers, countless Black Eagle Fighters jets flew across the air, and the sound of supersonic engines reverberated in the air and even caused a sonic boom. The lights on the high-speed fighter jets flashed like a meteor shower, and everyone in the entire capital could almost hear the roar of the Black Eagle Fighters and see this shocking scene.

In this world, there are no planes, let alone other flying vehicles. Only the power of dangerous species or Teigu can allow people to touch the sky. The citizens of the imperial capital walked out of their houses one after another, looking at the tail flames of the Black Eagle Fighters in the sky, terrified and shocked.

Some people thought it was countless raging Super-Danger Beasts attacking the human territory, while others thought it was God's punishment for the Empire and the fire from the sky would come down. No one knows what this is, what's going on with all these movements tonight.

Inside the palace.

"What happened!?" Honest, who was asleep, was awakened by these roars, and quickly summoned his aides to ask.

"Minister, it seems that an explosion occurred in a certain area of the Imperial Capital, and General Budo has already led the team there!"

"Did the Revolutionary Army do it?" Asked Honest anxiously.

"According to the communication from the front line, it seems that it is not the Revolutionary Army." Honest's men replied in a trembling voice

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