

Have you ever thought about dying? Well in this book our main character will die. He will infact die many many many times, because he is useless. At least for now, our poor protagonist must suffer through hell in order to rise to glory in the magical world known as Aelis This is my first attempt at writing something, so feel free to leave constructive criticism!

Marcel_ · Fantasie
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1 Chs

1. New Beginnings

As his life faded away, Jean could not think. He always assumed dying would be painful, but as he was mangled by a pack of wolves, he felt nothing. He could not help but think that this was the way of life. The weak perish.

Jean Lowe came to life of 2 poor farmers in a small village called Seige. The population of Seige was 20, now 19, and if he was to wed anyone; his chances were highest with his younger sister Freide. Just saying this is making him roll in his deathbed. Jean was left nothing at birth, neither of his parents were Casters, and in a world where magic means the world, he lost his chances at a fair life. Jean was, like his parents, a Mutt. However, he did not think it to be too bad, Jean never went to sleep too hungry, and he was only worked half to death at 17. Ironically, the most alive Jean felt, was when he tried defending Freide from previously mentioned wolves. 'This is it, my chance at being a hero' he thought. These thoughts quickly resided as the first wolf quite literally lunged at his neck and ripped a large chunk straight off the bone.

'Atleast my sister will survive' was the last pheasable thought that escaped poor Jean's mind as his lifeless body was dragged into the forest.

Trying to find a capable Caster that could save her brother, Freide ran, and ran, and ran until she was out of breath 3 times over. 'If only I didn't take the shortcut home' and 'if only any of us could were any useful magus' were thoughts spinning in her head. Freide was only able to conjure a little water- and shriveling up like a raisin if she conjured more than 1 liter.

By the time Freide found the slightly capable guards and a search party was established. Jean was already far beyond this world. His spirit sat atop a mountain high in the skies were no soul other than him was. He had already accepted that this was the afterlife, and The search party was never able to retrieve his remains, as the wolves had dragged him deep into the forest, way deeper than safe to Mutts.

Thanks to the few neighboring farms, the Lowe's were able to make ends meet in the absence of Jean, atleast for their time being. When winter comes, no one can save them if they do not have a bounty-full harvest...