

A book that foretells bloodshed and the world’s apocalypse falls into the hands of a notorious crew, led by a seemingly weak captain with a hidden past. Follow Jafar Ruziel as he embarks on a perilous journey to unearth the mysteries of true magic, facing treacherous enemies, ancient secrets, and the looming threat of global destruction. Will he unlock the book’s secrets in time, or will its dark prophecy come to pass?

Drjeath · Fantasie
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20 Chs

The plot for Mecha-zarbil

After leaving Yelisa's secret chamber, Jafar headed straight home, eager for some rest before his next move.

He slipped through the backdoor quietly, careful not to draw any attention, and began packing his necessities for the journey ahead.

His mind was already racing with thoughts of his next step.

Now that I've figured out the way, the next challenge is how to steal the Mecha-Zarbil key to unlock the {Records of True Magic}, Jafar pondered as he folded his clothes into a small bag.

'I think I'll have to resort to demon summons.'

Demon summons are creatures that magicians contract or tame for their needs. They are powerful beings, often used as mounts, guardians, or even weapons. Each demon has its own level of power and pride, making them both valuable and dangerous allies.

'But I don't have one right now'

Jafar thought with frustration.

He paused, considering his options. I think I'll have to use Yelisa to get that demon, he concluded, though the thought left a bitter taste in his mouth.

But that girl is tricky. Even with the magic oath, I don't fully trust her. Jafar knew that Yelisa was not someone to be underestimated.

She was clever, manipulative, and always seemed to have her own agenda. Yet, he had no other choice. His family was not a magic family, and without their own magical resources, he was at a disadvantage.

I have no other choice, he repeated to himself, trying to convince his lingering doubts. I need that key, and if using Yelisa is the only way to get it, then so be it.

With his mind made up, Jafar finished packing and prepared himself for the challenges ahead. The stakes were higher than ever, and he knew he would need every ounce of his cunning and determination to succeed.

the mecha-zarbil huh!. this thing is surely a pain in the a**.

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