
Awakening-Year 1-3

Ahhh... consciousness 

Why is it so dark?

Wasn't I just reincarnated? 

Was I born blind?

No that cant be it, wait... is this the womb? 

That stupid goddess couldn't have put me in this world AFTER I was born???? stupid me. 

Why was it decided that I would be reincarnated this way? Now I have to go through puberty all again.

Wait.. Again? I've been through it before?

I can't remember anything, why am I here? Who am I? Why don't I remember anything? 

But I still seem to have a personality... Does that mean that they are decided in the soul? Possibly its a trait specific of souls and that regardless of memory, feelings and personalities remain the same.

Ummmm I think someone just grabbed my head... I should be the only one in here right? Wait... OW my neck, oh nice its bright. Looks like I was just delivered, I am covered in some nasty shit I want to puke, but I can't.

It makes me want to puke more. 

 I am crying profusely and I can't stop. Does that mean I was born healthy?

Looks like they are saying something...

Yeah I have no fucking clue, either my ears aren't developed or I don't understand the language. 

This SUCKS. Goddess if you're there, please reincarnate me again WITH my memories THANKS. (and a language comprehension skill please) stupid me.

Anyways I'm tired looks like I won't know my name until I can understand the language so that will be fun.

Nap Time.


Wow after that nap I feel a lot more refreshed, a little less grumpy but I still can't figure out my purpose for being reincarnated. Do I have one at all? Or is it just a second life.

As I thought about that maybe my life was just a second life and served no purpose in this world, I felt pain in my stomach I've never felt before (not that I would remember I suppose). My body starts crying even though I'm trying to hold it down, but it just keeps flooding and woah...

The figure of a beautiful silver-haired person with bright-blue and yellow-edged dragon-slit eyes, elongated pointy ears, and one horn connected to a scaly base on the right side of her forehead comes running into (my?) room as if on cue. She's surprisingly slender considering the size of the knockers she's rockin. Also, is she a human? I think she's some sort of human lizard hybrid, no this is isekai so probably a dragon then? Wait why would i remember that of all things... stupid me

Wait... she's undressing in front of me?? HELL YEAH

The pains gone, I guess tits really can cure all.

Oh... I think it's my mother.

Forget what i said about the pain I guess i was just hungry. Not that I could feel the pain anymore. Women really are something...

Man that was good, I got service and a meal, 5 stars! I will be frequenting this place a lot so I better enjoy it while I can.

I really can't help but feel I have some ulterior purpose in this world, but I can't figure it out. I just know too little. I could probably count the things I do know in one hand. 

1. My old self decided to not keep his memories before being reincarnated. The old me is stupid, I hate you, me

2. I am in a world where I know literally nothing

3. I have a purpose but it's not clear

4. My mom(?) is HOT 

... I probably should keep that last one to myself though.

Anyways I need to focus on absorbing the language so this cycle will probably repeat a lot, maybe the old me wasn't so stupid after all...

Anyways I'm tired again, nap tim.....

This cycle is meant to repeat for about the next 2 years until he is able to comprehend language.

Sleep> eat> poop> reflect

Coleoradocreators' thoughts