
5)Payment, Life death constitution

When the old man shouted everyone time suddenly came to a halt. This old man was not any ordinary man. He is a very powerful man in the society. When everyone heard his voice everyone instantly stopped.


The mid sixty's old man suddenly came forward towards 'Xiao Tian'. Although he is a senior person but he still had his young vigour.

"ha!" The old man suddenly slammed his 2 hands on the 2 shoulders of 'Xiao Tian'.

"what the?" 'Xiao Tian' suddenly found there was a mountain like thing in front of him. And the hands which were holding his shoulders were like a giant. No matter how hard he tried he could not excape.

Suddenly *foom* 'master yun' vanished. And a voice could be heard in 'Xiao Tian's' year.

"this man is no ordinary man!"" be careful!"

"what?" 'Xiao Tian' was taken back. What kind of mess was he in now?

The mountain like old man scanned 'Xiao Tian' for few seconds. 'Xiao Tian' was slightly afraid. But he tried to maintain his poker face. If not he would be in grave danger. he could tell that.

After few seconds the old man finally spoke "how do you know about it?"


"about that ----?" old man asked.

"since I am a doctor I obviously know about it!" 'Xiao Tian' spoke confidently. if few more seconds will pass he may pee his pants.

"oh! What is your name?" the old man asked.

"is curing you doctor more important or my name?" 'Xiao Tian' impatiently spoke. This line was told to him by 'master yun'.

"you!" the old man was slightly taken. Even the best doctors in the province will not dare to talk to him like this. but this kid? But he kept his patience. Treating his granddaughter was more important. He asked "can you really cure it?"

"yes but what about payment? "'Xiao Tian' asked. He is not a saint but also very poor. Now he understood what 'master yun' took him here for.

'wait can I even cure her?' this thought suddenly raised in his mind. He could slightly tell that they were not ordinary people. What if he could not cure her and fell in some kind of huge mess?

Suddenly 'Chaos Necklace' started to shine. And his mind also became calm.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" THE same middle aged man who yelled at him before yelled at him.

"I asked for payment!!" 'Xiao Tian' lightly spoke. He never spoke loudly at anyone.

"you scounderal!!"" you came here to extort money?" the middle aged went to hit 'Xiao Tian'.

We don't know if the middle aged man was arrogant or not but his action was predictable. A kid came from nowhere and tell he is a doctor and he asks payment so anyone in right mind can be…

"stop!" the old man loudly asked. But it was too late. The middle aged could not be stopped.

*wiss* just before he got hit 'Xiao Tian' got somehow free from the old man and lightly dogged and the middle aged man hit one of the black clothed person.

The old man went towards 'Xiao 'Tian' and asked him "can you really cure her?" he asked.

"yes for sure!" 'master yun' told 'Xiao Tian' to tell this. So he told.

"ok! What do you want in payment?" 'old man' asked. The old man thought he could provide anything he could ask.

Then he slightly hesitated and he took out a small piece of paper. It was not a nice quality paper.he gave it to the old man.

"I want these set of materials but only after I treated her!!" 'Xiao Tian' replied.

"OK!" 'old man' nodded.

"so can I go and check her?" 'Xiao Tian' asked.


"can you prepare a quite room please?" 'Xiao Tian' asked.

"yes!"" go prepare a quite nice room!" 'old man' ordered. Other doctors nodded and arranged for a quite room. They gnashed their teeth but could not do anything. They were powerless in front of these old man.

They prepared the best room available in the hospital. The sickly beauty was brought in there.

"can you guys remain outside for a bit! I want to assess her condition!" 'Xiao Tian' ordered.

"wai…" the middle aged man wanted to stop this but…

"ok!" the old man ordered.

Soon 'Xiao Tian' went inside the room where the sickly beauty was kept. When he saw her his heart slightly pained again. But 'chaos necklace' shined again and he got calm.

The sickly beauty was really a beauty in her prime but now she was currently devoid of life.

'Xiao Tian' went towards but suddenly

*puff* 'Master Yun' popped out. And she screamed "life death constitution?"

to be continued.