
Chapter 760: Reality and Illusion

Jiang Fengwu finally calmed down, but his heart was still fraught with anxiety. He brought his hands together sincerely and prayed for Li Chengsheng, wishing that he could overcome this tribulation.

The surrounding clansmen were also deeply worried, fearing the loss of a young talent from the family. They were heavy-hearted and astounded by the power of the Thunder Tribulation.

Meanwhile, lying on the ground with his eyes tightly shut as if he were unconscious, Li Chengsheng was engaged in a fierce and painful struggle against the Tribulation Thunder within his body!

His body served as the battlefield, exhausting all his strength to eliminate the Tribulation Thunder, a process that was excruciatingly painful. Several times he nearly chose to give up, to die and end it all.

But the thought of his worried parents and relatives, as well as his desire to see the vast Great Thousand World, kept Li Chengsheng persevering.