
Two Teams, two stories

Inside of a large college-sized arena. The game had yet to start and fans were already showing their passion and excitement as the whole place buzzed with noise.

At the center of the court were a few individuals dressed in Dominion middle school basketball jerseys but from their appearance they were clearly too old to be players.

Music began to play from the speakers, 808s bumping on full blast as they began to dance with spotlights illuminating them from the top.

With a powerful display of breakdancing, they began to hype up the crowd who fully responded in turn with their heightened energy.

Warming up on his team's side of the court, Jason was rhythmically dribbling the ball from his left to his right hand as he took in the atmosphere.

He then turned to his teammates 'This intensity and atmosphere is nothing like they've ever faced before. But I'm sure that this won't be where our season comes to a stop.'

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