
Reborn With The Power of The King of Curses! {TBATE}

A reincarnated soul chosen to wield the power of the Cursed King. Born into the Glayder Family, the young prince decides he would rather rule than be a laid-back side character who goes with the flow. Will his changes bear prestigious fruit? Or will it be a fruit of destruction?

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5 Chs

- Quite a Misunderstanding.

So, uh... Turns out wishing for abilities doesn't come with innate control of it. Yeah, you can use it like the back of your hand, but there would be no finesse or control over the power and precision. I found out the hard way.

"Gaaaah!" The nurses in the room all broke out into a frenzy, the roof above us began to cave in a chunk of it was cut smoothly down the middle. That!

Was my fault. At least I got the curse though.

Nurse 1 quickly wrapped me up within her arms and she and the other nurse made a break for the main room connected to the room we were just in. It wasn't long until we ran into another group of people, those people being the royal guards.

The looks on their faces were all fright, anger and worry. They're most likely thinking that they were slacking so much they allowed an assassin to break into the palace. Gunning for the young prince's life, me.

Hehe, I wonder how they'll react when they find out it was an accident? Ah, that should be a wonderful sight.

"What happened!? What's going on!"

"Is there an intruder? Marcus, Luthan spread out and scower the halls! Jean, you and me will head to the sight of damage!" The captain of the royal guards immediately began to spew some orders, not letting the Nurses plead the case.

I doubt they could though, they all seem really shaken up. I don't think they have access to magic in any way, shape or form... It's nice to know that doctors and nurses are still needed though. Goes to show just how special Arthur's mother is.

"Goo~" I cooed, reaching out towards the captain of the guards. The man froze, his frown softening before coming closer. Poking my cheek, he smiled softly before returning his gaze back to the other guards.

"Why are you all still here!? An attempt on the prince's life has just occurred and you all are standing shell shocked for what!" At his roar the guards simply ran away as fast as they could manage, getting on with what they were ordered.

Welp! So much for trying to get the man's attention... Lacking the ability to speak is a lot more hindering than I thought. I could only watch blankly as the group of knights searched every nook and cranny of the room; we were just in only to come back with no report. Other than the basic destruction everyone sees.

Cleave is no joke!

"Pannival! What's going on!?" Soon enough, the King had come to see what the commotion was about. Though, with him was a boy with short cropped mahogany hair with deep reddish-brown eyes. If I had to make a guess, he looked to be around five or four...

But I didn't care about any of that.

The appearance of this child is one, a sign of bad parenting! And two, the sign that I'm indeed the second prince, ruining my aspirations of ruling a kingdom. I guess the plan of having Curtis partake in a serious accident will have to fly in affect...

But maybe it isn't all that bad.

Immediately falling back on his facade he showed to me, his whole demeanor changed to a serious tone as he answered Blaine.

"We are still trying to figure that out, my lord. As of right now, the only assumption we have is that it's possible that an assassin has come to take the life of the young prince... We have no idea why." His report was flawless and completely made up.

In my perspective, it looked like a better option to just say that he didn't know, cause after hearing his words; Blaine's face lit up with fury as he eyed me conflictedly. Putting his hand on Curtis' head, he spoke-

"Curtis, take your younger brother to your mother and don't leave the room until I say to leave." Turning back to the man named Pannival, he continued. "And you, accompany them and by all means keep my family safe. If there is a chance that an assassin is present, my wife's life may also be in danger."

Pannival nodded determinedly. Curtis looked hesitant to leave his father's side but, in the end, he didn't argue. Hastily grabbing hold of me, he followed Pannival up the grand spiraling staircase that resided in the middle of the room, right in front of the entrance to the palace, and made way straight for a room situated in, what I could only guess as the back of the mansion.

Man, this is quite the misunderstanding... I guess I should've known better than to do that, but in the end, who cares? Not like I'm going to get in trouble and in the off chance I killed the nurses... Okay? Collateral damage happens all the time! I'm sure no one would blame a newborn baby!

What felt like minutes ticked by as Curtis and Pannival ran ceaselessly down this unending hallway before finally arriving at the room. Opening the door with urgency, the duo- Plus me- Quickly settled towards the back. Near the bed Priscilla lay in.

Due to the noise we all made inside the darkened, wooden and rather empty room, Priscilla woke from her sleep. Weakly gazing around, her eyes landed on the shaking Curtis and me.

"Your Highness, please remain quiet... There is a situation going on and it'd be best if we didn't make much noise." Before the woman even had time to speak, Pannival shut her down! Woah, what a man! I bet he's real popular.

"...H-Huh? D-does it have something to do with that loud noise early?" She worryingly whispered. Her hand slowly and quietly reaching for something on the side dresser to her right. Is it a gun!? Gasp!

Eh~ Being a baby is so boring... I'm stuck in my own thoughts all the time. I'm going to go crazy if this keeps up.

I better develop my way of tongue soon! If not, Gods about to have another visitor again!


We sat in the room for what felt like hours before Blaine finally came and got us. Glossing the whole situation over as faulty structuring and the shifting of the mansion... Anyway, after that day.

The two Rulers of Sapin decided to keep me closer than ever. Constantly sleeping a wooden cradle situated right next to their giant, absolutely humongous bed. Of course, they watched me shit my diaper multiple times a day.

Mostly because I was bored and I wanted to torture em. Nothing personal really.

My life as a baby was soon coming to an end, and a year later.

Kathyln Glayder was born.



Just a note.

Seth did NOT get Sukuna's knowledge. All he wished for was his abilities, not everything that made Sukuna... Well, Sukuna.

Even if he did ask for that, I wouldn't have granted it due to the simple reason that I don't know everything that Sukuna knows.

Plus, the story would be rather stagnated if Seth knew everything about every technique within the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. I don't really plan on implementing other techniques either except maybe the twelve shadows technique.

Cleave, Dismantle, Malevolent Shrine and that fire ability already make Seth a powerhouse. Not to mention his infinite cursed energy.

This shit was boring to write. I wanna get to the action!

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