
Reborn With The Power of The King of Curses! {TBATE}

A reincarnated soul chosen to wield the power of the Cursed King. Born into the Glayder Family, the young prince decides he would rather rule than be a laid-back side character who goes with the flow. Will his changes bear prestigious fruit? Or will it be a fruit of destruction?

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- It All Begins with God

My name is Marcel Haywood.

I was a regular, eighteen-year-old boy who aspired to be someone great in my lifetime. Someone who brought change for the good of the world and wouldn't let anyone or anything stop me. There were many ways to go about it... I could've become a doctor, a politician fighting for the good ol' rights America promised... Or I could've been a scientist who discovered life altering abilities, minerals or anything of the sort.

It was a pipe dream at most, but hey! Who could blame me? We've all had dreams like that despite our age. The fantasy aspect of it all just died down the more we lived. I was fine with it, I knew that maturity came with age and experience so I expected most of my dreams to fall down the gutter.

I still chose a path though. A man needs to make a living in order to survive this dog eats dog world. Can't be trying to change the world with no funds!

That was the hardest part to be honest. Well, the hardest START at least. Everything after that was hundreds of thousands of times harder, be it with smart investing and trying to bring about my own way to make money passively rather than always being in hard labor for it. You know, technical stuff.

Anyway, all that hard work and all the struggle, heartbreak, depression excitement lead up to me becoming the world's best Author. Yeah, I didn't expect that path either but I felt that it was calling my name... Maybe I was just born for it.

Anyway, being the best Author in the world is a self-imposed title. I didn't actually gain it from the votes of the people. I just needed a little confidence boost and who else is the best source of confidence if not from yourself?

Ugh, but that was soooo tiring!

Floating within this field of nothing but clouds was worth publishing about the dirty deeds of the FBI. My life's work was complete! Even though they most definitely took it down and got rid of any trace I ever had in the world.

At least some people saw it.

Some people mean like... Loosely a hundred thousand people at best. That's what I averaged with every NORMAL book or article I wrote. Quite a number if I do say so myself.

Dying at the grand age of thirty-two, I feel that my life was still just beginning. Like I just broke through my cocoon and was in preparation to fly! Only to have my wings cut and legs ripped off brutally before I could even flap them once.

"That's a rather gruesome way to describe it... Don't you think you should be more enthusiastic about your accomplishment?" My world stirred as I was brought out of my reminiscing. Shooting up from my back, I looked around rather fervently.

The voice I heard was no doubt a man!

Someone else was here! Woo! Experiencing total silence on a soft ass cloud was not for the weak! If not for my belief in reincarnation, I'm sure I would've given in by now and let my soul pass on to the other life!

Good for me!

The sight of a rather... Ostentatiously dressed man was surprising. Dressed in golden robes with white runic additions running up and down his copper brown skin, leading up to his brown wool hair, was a man I could only describe as...


I don't know how else to put it... He was dressed rather ridiculously.

Tilting my head in confusion, I watched as he slowly tip-toed his merry way over here. Every step parting the very clouds that filled the area.

His face was handsome, divine even. With perfect proportions and chiseled features. He was drop down gorgeous looking for a man... Even I had to resist wanting to praise the very ground he walked.

No homo.

"Uh, who might you be? Are you perhaps the angel sent from God to come rescue me from this endless sea of hellishly soft clouds!? Are you here to bring me to salvation!" I jokingly spoke, taking his enthusiasm comment to heart.

The man only paused before chuckling with a shake of his head. His every movement went forth softer and more elegantly than before.

Every step had a purpose, and his purpose was me.

"Hmm, I guess you could say that. Though, I don't know if I should take that joke of yours seriously or not... I won't tolerate disrespect to my lord, even if it's the guest he wishes to meet." The man replied, stopping in front of me after what felt like hours of waiting for him to approach.

I stared blankly.

Was this guy serious?

He's really an envoy of God sent to rescue me?!

Oh shit...

"A-ah, I'm sorry! I didn't mean anything by it... I just thought being enthusiastic would've been a good idea! You know, taking your words to heart? There wasn't much of that before I died and your words affected me more than I thought-" Raising a palm, he stopped me from rabbling any further.

"I don't wish to hear you ramble about, trying desperately to make up for your mistake. I wish to proceed further, and if you don't mind, you should too as this will be greatly beneficial to you in the long run." With a shake of his head, he swiped his hand and for a second, I swear I saw a white sun engulf the man, me included.

However, the next second I found myself alongside my new friend in a place with beautifully developed white sand stoned brick pillars, buildings and even quart houses, pillars and statues. The roads seemed to be made up of glossy gold and everything here was... Bigger by a far margin than whatever I thought was big on earth.

Including my pen-

Ahem, anyway.

"My lord, I've brought him." The man who so kindly kidnapped me with good intentions, spoke. Kneeling with his head down before swiftly standing up and moving along somewhere else off in the background.

He essentially just left me with his boss...

The big man himself... The creator of all and the ender of all...


"Yes, that is what the lower realm calls me... Judging by your expression, am I not what you envisioned?" He was right on the money. God stood before me and yet I couldn't help but look at him as if he was a human.

Just like the angel that brought me here, God too had bronze colored skin, though absent of the runic marks. His face was well-crafted, divine above even divine. His sharp but lofty eyes, thick eyebrows that accentuated his friendly but tough appearance... A figure that could only be described as perfect followed too. Hidden beneath a white robe that hung loosely from his shoulders with a string wrapping around his waist to support it more.

By all means... He was human.

"I-I, I guess? I just thought that you'd be much more divine in appearance. Maybe a giant white flaming head whose heat threatened the peace of all existence! Something along those lines... You're much more human than I imagined." I summed up, a bead of nervous sweat rolling down my cheek.

In all honesty, I didn't mean to say any of that. I wanted to say something completely different but my mouth had other plans.

I guess I'm more foolish than I thought to actually try and LIE to God himself... Ah~ This is definitely not going to end up in my favor...

"Haha! Don't mind the small matters. Saying that you all were created in my image was by no means a lie. It was very much the stone-cold truth... As for my appearance... Why would I be something so destructive? I bring peace and create life; I don't destroy it. Unless I have too of course. Everything needs a new beginning at some point... Much like you." He said, pointing at me with his finger.

Mimicking him out of curiosity and pure surprise, I pointed at myself too, my expression no doubt failing to hide my expression.


"Yes, you. Marcel, one of the most foolish authors to ever make an appearance. Successful in the fact that your imagination was quite the mystery, but that brain of yours seems to have led you to your end. I really didn't expect you to go after something as random as the deeds of the FBI/CIA... You had no motive." He was totally amused... He finds my death amusing! Ah! Ain't this just a stroke of luck!?

I could probably do something with this! I could be back in his good graces!

"You were never on my bad side..." He suddenly spoke, closing my window to reply.

"My thoughts...? Ah, I should've known... I don't know why I keep down playing your abilities..." I sighed in resignation... all this time he's heard everything I ever thought... All the plans, the borderline insults. All of it!

I'm fucked!

"It's not your fault. The human mind downplays potential mind breaking or boggling experiences/ideas. It's mostly why you guys' power trip and like to let your mind play tricks on you. Quite fascinating, though I guess that is due to your own faults." I wanted to question, but he seemed to be in a hurry.

Waving away his last statement alongside my question. Though I had a guess, all I could really picture was the punishment Adam received alongside Eve for eating the apple and betraying his words.

This is all really difficult to understand! Meeting God is a huge achievement, I get that. Literally the BIGGEST achievement in all of existence... But I want to save myself from the headache and leave! Take me back to the clouds! Please!

"I don't mean to be rude or anything like that... But why am I here? There has to be another reason you brought me here other than to point out my flaws and teach me history." My expression fell, becoming completely avoid of any emotion as to show my seriousness. God smiled softly, nodding to my words in response.

"That is indeed true... My true motive is to reward you for your foolish bravery. Not many choose to fight against a power they can't fathom and expect to win. Yet, your actions brought forth change. Minimal, but still." He shrugged.

I sighed. Maybe my pride was too much for me.

"You will be gifted with two gifts alongside a world of your wish. Be it fantasy or Earth. Choose wisely as whatever you pick will be stuck with you until the day you meet me again. And that may never come."

"Eh?" I stood there, blankly. Taking in his words like a sponge takes in water... Though, with great difficulty.

"Wait so I was right? I'm going to get wishes alongside a new life!? Going against the government is proving to be a wise decision on my part!" I was considerably excited about this and you can't possibly blame me. Getting two wishes AND a new life in a world of my choosing... For being a dumbass? Who could've asked for more?

"Indeed. Do make haste. Your soul won't last much longer up here. This was made for divine beings, not for humans." He was right. For the longest I felt like my "body" was weakening or something. I don't know, but I was definitely struggling more than I was before.

Immediately falling into thought so I don't waste time, I considered my options. The world I want to go to was something I've already fantasized about a couple times back in my teen years, early twenties when the story first came about. After catching up recently before I was so rudely shot in the back of the head with a shotgun, I thought it'd be interesting being in a world with a constantly growing power level like the one in The Beginning After the End.

My latest manga I read though was Jujutsu Kaisen... I didn't get to fully catch up but I was fascinated with the abilities of Sukuna Ryomen... Yeah, there was Gojo but I'd be practically invincible with Gojo's abilities. That wouldn't really be all that fun. Knowing that I'd be protected would ruin the thrill of life itself, as well as give me a God complex no doubt.

Sukuna's abilities most likely will too, but at least it'd be worth it.

"Can I just go ahead and tell you my wishes? Or do I need to like... Write it down or something?" I questioned, getting a head shake in response.

"No, just tell me them directly and I will gift them all at once alongside with your reincarnation. Start with your world." I nodded and got busy!

"In that case, for my world I wish to go to The Beginning After the End." Getting a nod in response, God closed his eyes. Grunting softly before opening them once more.

"Continue. On with the wishes."

"I wish to have every ability Sukuna has to offer from Jujutsu Kaisen, and for my second wish I'd like infinite cursed energy." It was two rather overpowered abilities, but I wished for infinite cursed energy because I found myself remembering Toji.

That absolute beast had no cursed energy but still basically killed the strongest sorcerer in that era. Now I couldn't wish for Heaven's Restriction due to the fact that it'd coincide with my other wish, but having Infinite amounts of cursed energy would allow for me to imbue myself with infinite amounts of it. Meaning my strength would be the strongest, technique wise and physicality wise.

"Huh. Interesting... Granted nonetheless. Your reincarnation will start soon. Now before you go, I do wish to have a word with you." Gods tone dropped drastically from his relaxed, playful- "Everything's alright" tone from before. The one now held a weight I could barely lift.

All I could manage was a meager nod, anything more than that and my legs would give out.

"Going into this new world, you will find yourself to be free. Especially with the wishes you were granted. It can sometimes make or break a person, especially if morals get in the way. I say all this to say that you should be yourself. Your, unbridled and unrestrained self. Don't try and put on a facade your whole life like you did your previous, I know that was draining. As a matter of fact, it's still weighing on your very soul now... Whatever path you choose, be it evil and destruction or good and peace, just know that I will support you and you have no need to worry about the consequences of a higher power.

However, you live your life is up to you, and if you get too out of hand, I could always stop you." He smiled softly.

"Go forth into this new life with a vision of what you want, but never forget that I will always be by your side." As his speech progressed, I felt myself getting more and more sluggish, my knees weakening by the second, threatening my fall.

Next to faulter were my eye lids, those suckers barely stayed open. But, even then... The whole time my mind was focused on his words. The words of promise God had spoken to me.

'That's quite the freedom he's giving me... I guess it's for the best. I was wondering for just how long I could keep this up.'

And with that, my consciousness slipped and I felt my body hit the cold stoned floor.

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