
Reborn with Steve Stand

This FanFic Novel is about a Chinese Guy from Earth who died, transmigrated, and awakened with Steve (Minecraft) Stand (Jojo). Get overpowered by using Minecraft Mod, travel through different worlds, anime or movies. And also, because he's Chinese, he likes to make fun of... Black people, Hitler, Japanese Nuclear Bomb, etc. you name it, he dare make fun of it. Like all Chinese FanFic, this fic loves to make tons of Jokes that are unhinged and not "popular" to western people. = Worlds: Minecraft -> Marvel -> X-Men -> Naruto -> Bleach -> Jojo -> Chainsaw Man -> One Punch Man -> DNF/DFO -> Fate/Stay Night -> = This is TRANSLATION! (AND ALL MY WORKS ARE TRANSLATION) Support me Financially Here: Patreon.com/Bleam — 100 Chapters in Advance in Patreon.

Bleam · Anime und Comics
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706 Chs

Chapter 346: Newcomers Party

After obtaining the answers he sought, Kishibe did not linger for long.

Currently, he has assessed the situation here. Although this Fang Mo was a very troublesome presence, the only piece of good news was that this person was not in league with Makima. Moreover, Fang Mo had even cooperated in a one-on-one conversation with him. Although the results of this private communication were not ideal, Kishibe still gained considerable intelligence.

Previously, his superiors had ordered him to test Fang Mo's stance. Now, he had a general guess about it. Fang Mo's attitude towards Makima seemed rather negative, even hostile. Perhaps this could be exploited. This seemed like good news since everyone understands the saying 'when the snipe and the clam grapple, it is the fisherman who profits.' However, Kishibe couldn't shake the feeling that this matter was not so simple.

Fang Mo's attitude was peculiar, and his abilities were astonishing - stopping time, instant movement, sealing Devils, enhancing strength... Fang Mo even joked about killing Makima over a hundred million times to exterminate all the Japanese. Although Fang Mo's tone in saying this seemed nonsensical, Kishibe, perhaps due to his Devil hunter's intuition, felt that Fang Mo was not joking about this matter.

Just thinking about this made him furrowed his brows, unable to alleviate his tense nerves even by drinking heavily. Up until now, the powers that Fang Mo had shown were just the tip of the iceberg.

But this alone was enough to warrant their serious attention. Honestly, Kishibe was more worried about the decisions of the higher-ups. After all, he knew about the deal between Makima and the cabinet ministers - using the lives of the citizens as the price of the contract and then creating a monster gradually escaping control... These people were indeed hopelessly foolish.

Of course, Kishibe was more concerned about how the higher-ups would handle Fang Mo. Fang Mo seemed to be very familiar with the Japanese government. During their discussion on this topic, Fang Mo's expression was always filled with a mocking and disdainful smile.

Considering the nature of the people at the top, Kishibe felt he could vaguely understand the headache that Hayakawa Aki experienced.

While Kishibe was suffering from this headache, on the other hand, the instigator of this whole affair, Fang Mo, did not take this matter to heart. At this moment, he was still engrossed in his experiments on materializing MC items.

As mentioned before, Fang Mo had accumulated many items. These included not only the Eye of Mercury from Equivalent Exchange and the Portable Transmutation Table, but also various other items from different mods, such as the Dusk Quadrant Wand, Disassembly Table, Sorter, and Ore Tree.

Fang Mo had just tried to materialize the Dusk Quadrant Wand. The appearance of these four wands was quite similar. They were less than a meter in length, entirely carved from some kind of bone, looking very exquisite. The top had a gemstone base shaped like a bone claw, embedded with a fist-sized round gemstone.

(TL: I don't know)

Different scepters correspond to different colors of gemstones.

The Dusk Scepter has a dark green gemstone, while the Vampire Scepter features a deep, translucent red gemstone.

Fang Mo had Ah Xue try out these four scepters and discovered that the Dusk Scepter shoots a twisted ball of gravity, which tries to tear and destroy any matter it touches upon contact.

The Vampire Scepter targets a unit and forcibly extracts blood from their vessels. The scepter then absorbs this blood and attempts to heal its holder.

The Shield Scepter is relatively simple; using it creates a pale golden protective shield around oneself.

Actually, the effects of the first three scepters are quite ordinary, just meeting basic expectations. However, the last one, the Zombie Scepter, was somewhat unexpected for Fang Mo.

The Zombie Scepter in the game.

It can summon a green zombie out of thin air to attack enemies.

But after being realized in the real world, its effect seems to have changed somewhat. Summoning zombies out of thin air has turned into controlling the dead bodies.

For this, Fang Mo even made a special trip to the cemetery.

Ah Xue, holding the scepter, sensed that she could potentially revive all the corpses in the entire cemetery.

Out of curiosity, Fang Mo also tried using the staff himself, and in an instant, his spirit covered the whole of Tokyo and kept expanding outward.

This meant that if Fang Mo wished, he could instantly raise an army of the dead.

However, he wasn't really interested in zombies. This wasn't like the Edo Tensei from Naruto; these raised zombies had no thoughts from their past lives, just decaying shells.

Driven by curiosity, Fang Mo even conducted experiments with Weakness Potion + Golden Apple.

But, unfortunately, these zombies seemed different from the undead in the world of JOJO. Even with Weakness Potion + Golden Apple, they couldn't be turned back into humans.

How to put it?

It's somewhat like the ability of that zombie Devil.

It might be somewhat useful in cleaning up the battlefield. For instance, if there are too many corpses to handle, the scepter could be used to make the corpses stand up and queue for cremation. But beyond that, it doesn't seem to have much use.

So, Fang Mo shook his head.

And continued to study other MC items.

Fang Mo tried to realize a Dusk Disassembly Table in reality. However, after a flash of white light, he found a table in front of him laden with a bunch of tools like screwdrivers, electric drills, circular saws, and welding guns.

If you insist on calling it a disassembly table... well, it might pass.

Shaking his head again.

Fang Mo then tested the Sorting and Ore Tree.

After being actualized, the Ore Tree is somewhat like a tree with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Its canopy extends countless tendrils that can move and compulsively arrange various things in an orderly manner.

As for the Ore Tree, it is an exceptionally tall and magnificent giant tree. Unlike the Ore Tree, it has no tendrils, but its roots can move freely, slowly bringing deep underground ores to the surface.

The abilities of these two trees are indeed quite interesting.

However, in terms of practicality, they are not as useful as their elder, the Time Tree.

If it were in the past, Fang Mo would have only considered them as toys. But after creating a Thorn Tyrant in the Marvel Universe, he developed many new ideas.

It is well-known that different species are reproductively isolated.

But the birth of the Thorn Tyrant.

Clearly broke this concept.

Fang Mo suspects this might be a feature inherent to a certain mod, like the hybridization setting in forestry, giving him the ability to break the reproductive isolation of plants.

The birth of the Thorn Tyrant is the best example.

Fang Mo pondered for a moment, thinking that since he could mix and create the Thorn Tyrant, he could definitely create other hybrid plants as well.

If he could use the Thorn Tyrant as the female parent.

And hybridize all the plants he has, what kind of spectacle would that be?

Keep in mind, Fang Mo already has plants like the Beyond Orchid, Dusk's Three Great Divine Tree Saplings, Sky-reaching Beanstalk, Enchanted Holy Rubber Tree, and more.

Not to mention, as he continues to travel through worlds, he will acquire other powerful plants from different worlds, like the Century Flower from Terraria, the Divine Tree from Naruto, the Stormack Baron from the One Piece world, and even the Longinus from EVA... which is essentially the remnants of the Tree of Life, Kabbalah.

Logically speaking, isn't this the true meaning of a Divine Tree?

Fang Mo doesn't lack ways to become stronger now, but one must set goals for oneself. Having aspirations provides motivation and prevents boredom.

"Unfortunately, I forgot to bring back the Thorn Tyrant."

Looking at the pile of saplings in his hand, Fang Mo shook his head: "Seems like I can only wait until my next visit to the Marvel Universe to host a silver party for it."

The time for experimentation passed quickly.

Unknowingly, the sky gradually began to darken.

"Master, it's almost dinner time."

As Fang Mo was interacting with Shoggoth, Ah Xue also slowly approached: "What would you like for dinner tonight? How about oxtail stew in red wine with salmon salad, creamy mushroom puff soup, and croissants? Or would you prefer that?"

"Suddenly, I feel like having sour cabbage stew with glass noodles..."

Fang Mo suddenly said.

"…Huh?" Ah Xue seemed stunned for a moment: "That sounds like something I've never heard of before, Master. What is it?"

"It's probably a dish from the northern part of my hometown."

Fang Mo also recalled a bit, "It seems to be a dish from my partner's side. It's said to involve fermenting cabbage in a jar and then stewing it with pork belly. I've tried it at a Northeastern Chinese restaurant near my home, and it's incredibly aromatic."

"Is that so?"

Ah Xue nodded, "Then I'll go and look up how to make this dish. I'll prepare it for the master tonight..."

However, before she could finish her sentence.

Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell rang again.

"There sure are a lot of visitors today," Fang Mo noted, finding the doorbell odd, and said to Ah Xue, "Go and open the door to see who it is."


Ah Xue nodded and then went to open the door.

"Ah... hello." Soon after, the unexpected voice of Hayakawa Aki at the door said, "Excuse me, I'm looking for Fang Mo."

"Hayakawa Aki?"

Hearing this voice, Fang Mo was also a bit surprised and thus got up and walked towards the door, meanwhile, he didn't stay silent: "We agreed to take a day off today, why have you come over again? You wouldn't be craving my meat slices again, would you? But I don't have many hemorrhoids left..."

"Who would crave that!"

Hearing Fang Mo's words, Hayakawa Aki indeed couldn't hold back, "You Devil are always talking nonsense. That thing could never be... hemorrhoids..."

"Young people these days, so young yet already suffering from hemorrhoids..."

Fang Mo teased with a laugh.


Hayakawa Aki seemed to feel a bit nauseous, but then he shook his head vigorously, "Forget it, I don't want to discuss this with you now. Anyway, I came to invite you to a newcomer's welcome party. All the newcomers from the fourth course will attend. Will you come?"

"Oh, that."

Hearing Hayakawa Aki's words, Fang Mo then realized.

In the original story, there indeed was such a welcome party. Because Denji killed the Eternity Devil, Himeno promised him a tongue kiss at this newcomer's welcome party.

However, because Himeno got drunk and vomited, Denji's first kiss experience turned out to be the taste of vomit.

The most outrageous thing was that he subconsciously swallowed a mouthful.

"Haha, sure."

Thinking of this scene, Fang Mo also laughed, "Tell me the address, I'll bring a camera with me."



— 50 Advance Chapters!