
Reborn to be a daddy

Introduction: In his last life, he was willing to degenerate and gambled so much that his wife and daughter died one after another. In this life, he came back from rebirth, reformed his mistakes, and spent his whole life to make up for his guilt. As the Immortal Emperor, I shall suppress all enemies in the world!

Mr_Thief · Urban
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31 Chs


Weiwei shook her head and finally kissed Lin Yan gently on the cheek.

"Daddy, please hurry up and teach Weiwei, okay?"

"Hehe...I'll teach you in a few days."

"Dad is cheating, dad is a big scoundrel..."

During the interaction between the father and daughter, the three of them walked up to the third floor of Jade Plaza. Compared with the grandeur on the first and second floors, the shops on the third floor looked much shabby. There was no bright light that illuminated the entire store. Some shops even just hang up a light bulb and start doing business.

There are no good-looking salespersons. In most stores, there is only the boss sitting there, and everyone is just making their own choices.

Jiang Yuhan frowned. She had never expected that the third floor of Jade Plaza would look like this. If you didn't look at the jades displayed on the counter, this place would be no different from an ordinary supermarket.

"Lin Yan, what's happening here...?"

"Haven't you been here before?"

Lin Yan was also very surprised, but what was strange to him was that Jiang Yuhan had never been to Jade Square but asked him to come.

"I've never been here before. I thought Jade Square was really a square..."

"You may not think that the decoration here is very good, but most of these jade stones are of high quality. If you don't believe me, you can just ask about the price. It will definitely not be lower than the ones downstairs."

At this time, a man next to him came up, holding a few pamphlets in his arms. He looked like he was in the reselling business.

"Hey, what this big brother said is absolutely right. Most people who come here for the first time are very confused. I have a jade introductory manual here, fifty-one, which is absolutely complete with information."

Jiang Yuhan seemed to be very interested in this, but she was pulled by Lin Yan to continue upstairs. She gently stroked the warm and strong hand on her arm, and couldn't help but show two blushes on her face.

Lin Yan noticed Jiang Yuhan's change and calmly let go of his hand, and the three of them fell into silence for an instant.

"Dad, why do we still have to go upstairs?"

Weiwei was the first to break the silence.

"Because there is something more interesting upstairs. Weiwei doesn't want to see something more interesting?"

"I want to see something, Weiwei wants to see something fun!"

"Okay, then let's walk."

The three of them quickly climbed up to the fourth floor. Jiang Yuhan looked a little out of breath, but Weiwei was fine in Lin Yan's arms.

The fourth floor was more deserted than the three floors below. Some shops only displayed some semi-finished jade items, but there was no one around.

"Wow... why is the fourth floor so empty..."

Jiang Yuhan asked Lin Yan while panting heavily.

Lin Yan knew what was happening here as soon as he felt it. It turned out that there was an auction on the fifth floor. The auctions were all rough stones, some were semi-finished products with windows opened, and some were pure rough stones.

Most people on the fourth floor were doing this kind of business, so Dou Wang went to the fifth floor. The third floor was filled with high-end finished products, and they definitely didn't have much interest in this kind of auction.

"I received another message yesterday that there is an auction on the fifth floor. Let's go and take a look."

As soon as Lin Yan finished speaking, Jiang Yuhan shook her body twice. She felt like she had collapsed. She originally thought she would stop when she reached the fourth floor, but she didn't expect to have to climb another floor.

She just happened to be wearing a tight-fitting short skirt that covered her hips today. Coupled with the high heels that were no less than five centimeters, it was really hard to climb the stairs.

"Dad, you go up with Auntie on your back, Weiwei can go up by herself."

It was okay if Weiwei didn't say anything. When she said this, both of them fell into embarrassment, but Lin Yan reacted faster.

"Let me help you up."

After saying that, Weiwei gently put her down and gently held Jiang Yuhan's arm. The latter leaned towards Lin Yan very naturally. Lin Yan instantly felt a large area of ​​softness in his hand...

Weiwei jumped up and down the stairs, while Lin Yan slowly helped Jiang Yuhan go up, and also sent a stream of true energy into her body. Jiang Yuhan felt a sudden surge of energy in her body. Strength, the pain of walking in high heels has also been reduced a lot.

The moment he pushed the stair door open, his ears were filled with noisy exchanges, and then two waiters came over.

"Hello, sir, madam, please come and take a seat. The auction is about to begin."

Following the lead, the three of them quickly arrived at the second half of the auction area. Only by sitting on the chairs did the three of them have the opportunity to observe the fifth floor.

This auction seems to be a temporarily arranged venue. It is clearly in a building, but judging from the remaining sheds and storefronts, it seems like a market... This venue feels like the sheds in this area have been cleared. Then a circle of stools was placed and the auction began.

After the three of them sat on the chairs, the auctioneer walked to the center of the venue.

"Hello everyone, I am the auctioneer of this auction, and this auction has officially begun!"

I remembered the sparse symbolic applause from the audience.

"I believe you are all very confused as to what is available in this impromptu auction. However, I just received the news less than two hours ago. So, please present our first auction item..."

As soon as the auctioneer finished speaking, Jiang Yuhan looked at Lin Yan angrily. The meaning was quite obvious.

Even the auctioneer just received the news, how come you knew it one day in advance?

Lin Yan could only cough to cover it up. He couldn't say that he knew what kind of underwear everyone in the building was wearing. That would be too perverted...

Seeing that Lin Yan didn't reply to her, she didn't ask further. After six years, she felt more and more that Lin Yan must be hiding something from her, but it was hard for her to ask, so it was good to keep the status quo. The three of them Just like a family of three...

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuhan's face quickly turned bright red, and she quickly lowered her head to cover it up. She glanced at Lin Yan again, and when she saw that the other party didn't notice her, she slowly raised her head, but she didn't know that all of this was happening to Lin Yan. In Yan's perception, he could only pretend to know nothing.

"The first auction item is a very large rough stone that Mr. Zhong personally cleaned the windows. It is nearly 1.5 meters tall, 65 centimeters wide, 50 centimeters thick, and weighs nearly three tons. Please invite Mr. Zhong!"

Following the auctioneer's words, an old man slowly stood up, and at the same time, four people carried a big guy towards Taichung.

As soon as Lin Yan sensed it, he was sure that these four people were all warriors, and they were relatively powerful, no less powerful than the so-called Master Chen under Zhao Tianhai before.

Not only that, there seemed to be many warriors of similar strength nearby, which inevitably aroused Lin Yan's suspicion. What was the origin of this auction and why so many warriors were used to protect it?

But in his opinion, they are just chickens and dogs.