
Chapter 277: New Finding

"Sister Yu Qi, is Commander Long really your boyfriend?" Zhu Xiao Ling whispered to Yu Qi after they went inside their room to change their clothes for bed.

"Yeah." Yu Qi admitted it very clearly.

"How did you two meet?" Zhu Xiao Ling inquired. "He is a handsome man, but scary."

Yu Qi laughed silently when Zhu Xiao Ling honestly expressed her opinion about Long Hui.

"He is a soldier. Soldiers are supposed to look scary." Yu Qi said to Zhu Xiao Ling.

"I"m tired. I want to sleep right now." Zhu Xiao Ling could not stop yawning. She was exhausted from all of the training that they did that day. As soon as she got changed, it hit her how tired she was. She could barely keep her eyes open. "Good night, Sister Yu Qi.

"Okay. Good Night."

Zhu Xiao Ling fell asleep a few minutes after she placed her head in the pillow. Yu Qi chuckled when she saw this scene. She must be very tired.