
chapter 3 DRAMA

Things went well in the morning after 3 classes the bell rang for lunch and a girl called Yali came to me to take me around parts of high school. I'm grateful for that because I would have needed to use the map all time to get around.

After my tour I was starving so she took me to the cafeteria which was 9 classes big which wasn't the only one there were 28 more as big as that one. well its a big combined school so I understood the reason. we took orders and sat done to have our lunch,it was my first time talking to a teenage girl like me and then there was this noisy girl who walked to our table I found her name was Mia she sure talks a lot and I found we were in the same class just different rows man she never gets tired of talking but she's fun so I would nod and humm whenever she asked me questions.


I just heard barbie talking about a new girl's welcome toast and it didn't sound good so Lin you better watch your back she's a sly of course we'll help you deal with her if she's trouble as always. mmgh I think I'll enjoy it since I never took my chances on her.

I never really had friends before than subordinates who take missions and I respect rules so no violence okay.

yeah yea you have Yali and me now so don't worry much okay friends stick together.


I think Lin is for keeps she's understanding and I wonder what kind of village she's from since she says she's never had friends before and what's up with these subordinate stories? anyways as long as we keep her company she'll get used to the school and us too.I can't wait to take her around the city for tours.

Suddenly the cafeteria noise stopped all heads snapped to the second floor entrance where a young handsome man walks in with his friends and head straight to their new found table since it's their first time in this cafeteria.

He's Xavier Chauhan Mia says to me,he's the schools king and a final year in our Uni,girls like him and he's got many crushes too bad he's never had a girlfriend i wonder what kind of girl he likes.

after Mia and Yali are done introducing Xavier they're surprised to find Lin still eating not sparing a glance at Xavier. Her plate is the only thing clicking in the quiet cafeteria suddenly Xavier stops walking and looks at their table so does everyone else but Lin just eats her food slowly and so full of elegance that when you watch her eat you'd forget about your own food and just watch. wow Lin you're so cute I could just watch you while you eat says Mia.

stop spouting nonsense and eat Mia I'm no celebrate to watch.

Xavier walks to his table and they order but he keep stealing glances at Lin who doesn't seem to notice.


I couldn't wait to go to school but I still woke up late,picked up my friends and went to school.our classes went on as of last term but my heart wasn't at ease it had breathtaking riddles and it made me anxious as hell.I wondered all morning what could surprise me so much.Then came lunch time,on our way to lunch with my friends my heart started the riddles again then I found myself going to the opposite direction rather than our normal cafeteria like what the hell was going on with me? I stood at the entrance as I regained myself but what greeted me were many eyes but those light brown eyes caught my attention the most,she only glanced for a sec then continued eating.oh she's the new girl I read about on our school weibo last night damn she's cute and all pale and beautiful. I went to my table with my friends Max and Aun but my gazes never left her figure.my friends found my gazes suspicious so they grew curious and found out it was Lin I kept stealing glances at man was I in for trouble from them.


I couldn't believe what I was seeing with my very own eyes,Xavier stealing glances at the new girl.don't tell me he came here for the first time just for her,what has she got that I don't have?I felt like crying but crying wouldn't help me so I kept on looking at Lin to see if she knew Xavier was looking at her but to my dissatisfaction she wasn't even aware of it.which made me so mad because such a chance got wasted on a simple rat rather than me.so I stood up and went to her table to look for trouble of course haaaa what can she do to me anyway. Everyone watched and kept silent some had their phones ready for a show for their weibo updates.

I knocked twice on their table and she looked upat me with her beautiful light brown eyes which were so clear that I wanted to ruin them and her skin so white and flawless like snow,I was almost distracted but regained my senses.Wei Wong I said giving her my hand,which she took while saying Lin Yang nice to meet you.man her hands were so soft I think better than mine like what the fuck? where are you from I smiled but it didn't reach my eyes?

I'm from Pitino village she said and I smiled but not a friendly smile rather a mocking one and took my hand back then wiped it.she didn't mind instead she smiled.