
Reborn: Revenge of Time

Vincent Hundelson spent his whole life trying to get his father's love and attention even if his father didn't even care to attend all of his important event but all of it fell down into nothing when his younger brother, Tristan Hundelson was born. He was accused by the fiance of the monarchy prince and was sentenced to death but his father didn't even try to help him or even try to look at him for the last time so he has no other regret than loving his father whom never loved him in the first place. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself reborn as the third imperial prince of the hidden northern emperor named [Izeck Shawn Bravesfield]. Now that he has given a second chance as Izeck then he swore to get revenge on those who made him suffered even if it meant for him to destroy his whole reputation.....

Walker_65 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

I'm such a god damn fool.

If I should have known that my own bestfriend would betray me like this just for a stupid girl, I would have not been in my current situation right now and I should have not been locked up to be framed up with such impossible thing that I haven't done.

I had been in this underground cell for almost a week now and my father or even my mother didn't even once bother to visit me in this cell.

I just lay down in this cell all day long regretting the path that I had chosen in my whole life, why did I even bother to try to get the attention of that cold and arrogant father of mine and why did I even hated my only brother who did nothing wrong.

Tristan was my only brother and sibling before he was born my father always give me his whole attetion due to me being his only son and heir to the family but after he was born everything in my life changed, my father become much cold and arrogant towards me and our relationship becomes much more distant.

Tristan was recognized by his good swordmanship and intelligence that he was considered by all other nobles and even the eastern crown monarchy prince himself as the right fit to be the heir of the family and the title of great commander of the Blue Sovietrum Army.

I was consumed by my inner jealousy and anger that become the huge falling out between our relationship causing both me and Tristan to have a very distant relationship with each other.

If I would have known better then maybe I should had not let myself be consumed with my inner jealousy and then maybe....maybe I can be a better person in my little brother's eyes but I was a little too late to realized that now.

That damn bastard Richard...He is main reason I am here right now....That bastard, how can he betray and frame his own bestfriend just for a single lie that his fiance had said to ruin my reputation.

Fionna....you damn bastard....I have never done anything that would make you resent me.

But why.....why do you harbor such malice towards me? Everything you had just said and your action today becomes more and more different with the old Fionna I know.

I kept thinking on what are the things that happened for her to become such a liar and self-centered person but at this moment, I heard a soft footprints from a distance slowly becoming much more closer and louder towards the entrance of my cell.

"Shouldn't this be time for him to get his daily food right now?" I slowly half-opened my eyes. In my dark and very dusty room, my situation becomes very sensitive as the quietness of this cell helps me hear the chattering outside my cell.

Then I hear a very soft and familiar voice coming just outside the door.

"From here please let me go talk to him alone...I want to talk to him face to face."

"But Prince Richard ordered us not to let alone be alone with him."

"I won't ask again...If you don't let me inside...I'll make sure my father will hear about this!"

I can felt my heart beating faster and heavier as if it was about to pop out of my chest when finally recognized who this familiar voice belongs to.

Why is he here?

I heard the sound of a large door being opened above the silver white gate which was very closed to my bed. I had no idea why he was here but I felt a little bit distress and embarrass that he will see my pitiful and pathetic apperance and situation in this cell.

In the dark, I saw a young man walking towards me and it is none other than my own younger brother, Tristan Hudelson.

"Brother." When he get closer I can see a smile flashed across his face but it all banished in an instant when he saw my current situation, his face suddenly darkened and I can see the sadness and anger from his eyes.

"What did they do to you?!!" He quickly tightened his fist as he slowly got much closer to me and he sat down beside me.

When I looked much closer I can see that he seemed to be worried to me and he seems to angry to what Richard had doned to me.



"Why do you even bother to visit me here?" I asked quietly as Tristan was confused with what I had just said by now.

"Why?....Because your my brother, Dummy...." Tristan sighed and he smiled sweetly that I can felt very comfortable with him.



"I'm tired." I said casually as I lean down my head to his shoulder.

"Then sleep well in my shoulder dummy, don't worry I'll protect you and I will never let anyone hurt you if I am here." Tristan said softly that was very pleasing in my ears as I slept deeply in his shoulder.


It's been almost two days since Tristan visits and when I woke up after I fell asleep in his shoulder, I noticed that Tristan didn't bother to leave me and he quietly watched over me all day long until I woke up.

It's been a long time since I felt this warmth of a family.

I was very happy but I suddenly a loud ruckus happening outside my cell when the door in my cell was suddenly opened by a large amount of soldiers waiting for me outside.

All the soldiers suddenly grabbed me without my permission and they chained both of my arms together. After that they quickly drag me outside and I was very worried on where are we going.

As we kept on walking I saw a large crowd of people gathering and when they saw me they started to shout unpleasant things about me.

"It's him!"

"Kill that bastard!"

"It's the scumbag trash!"

"Execute him!"

Once we got up the stage, I can only fall down my head as I felt very pathetic and pitiful infront of this people.

"Lift his head up."

At Judge Vincostis command, the general who was holding me suddenly grab and held up my hair to lift my head to face up the judge.

My black hair that before very soft and silky was now become a very shaggy fur of a pig that was rolled down in very disgusting and smelly mud.

"Do you know what your sins are?"

"I don't know.."

Judge Vincostis was surprised and was pissed with my sudden answer so he ordered the general to whip me countless times in the back.

"Stop lying!" He shouted as I was whimpering in pain.

When I slowly opened my eyes, I saw Richard cold eyes slowly drift away from my direction and Fionna smiling at me while I was suffering.

The soldiers made me get up from the floor and make me stand up even after the pain that they had given me.

Judge Vincostis looked at me with vicious eyes as he turn around to face the people that was gathered everywhere in this place and he took out a small piece of paper and he began to read the content of the letter.

"I Judge Dan Vincostis hereby announced the order of the majesty, King Lucius Courtess, and you Vincent Hudelson was found guilty by the support of the enough evidence with the crime of posioning the fiance of the crown prince Richard Courtess. The majesty has ordered for you to be executed infront of the crowd gathered here today!"

"What?!" I said helplessly when I heard what Judge Vincostis had just said and face become distorted.

Once the soldiers heard the order they drag me towards the beheading stand and waited for the command.

"Finally, is there anything else to say? Say it since it's you last chance."

I grinned, as my eyes and my mind is consumed with full of hatred.

Have I had something to say?

I just sneered and laughed as I know that no matter what I said the outcome would be just the same as today.

I looked around trying to find my father but I guess even now he didn't bother to see his first son for the last time.

Tears rolled in my eyes and I try so hard to hold back the tears the flowing in my eyes and my body was shaking very nervously.

I'm such a fool...Why did I loved that father of mine?...What did I do to deserve this?.....

Judge Vincostis only sneered when he saw my current expression and soon, Judge Vincostis lowered his hand to signal my execution.

As soon as the soldier received the signal they pull down the lever where the metal blade that cutting through the wind start to go down separating my head from my body in a split moment, ending my pitiful life just like that.

"Kyaak!" Soon I heard a person's scream echoed as my head rolled across the ground but even though I should had felt pain, I felt nothing.

The family I loved and my two friends betrayed me, and no one believed me.

Everything is ridiculous.

Suddenly I lost my vision but I don't know much has past but when I half-opened my eyes I notice that my vision is much more blurry then later on I heard some voices coming from my side.

"This is our younger brother?"

I was startled when I heard a voice of a small boy but I was confuse on who is the one talking.

"Yes, my little angels, do you three promise me to protect your brother?"


I can't see much of their face because of my current vision but from what I can see it seems that I am currently being held by some women in some large room. Infront of me was three children looking at me with confuse and sparkling eyes, two boys and one girl that was wearing a very elegant royal clothes.

The boy in the left might be the middle child, he has very nice but messy long medium ash color hair and dark blue diamond eyes, and the boy in the right might be the oldest child, he has well comb short black hair and deep ruby eyes, while the girl in the middle might be the youngest of the three, she has platinumn golden color hair and deep ice blue color eyes.

"Why don't you three introduce yourself to him?"


All the children said cheerfully as I was still confuse on what the hell is happening right now.

"Hello my little brother, my name is Edric Lyoid Bravesfield and I'm your oldest brother."


Wait a minute did he just said...

Bravesfield as in the Emperial Bravesfield family in the hidden nothern Empire!

Why am I here with them?!?

"Gee brother stop with the formal greetings!"

The boy in the left said teasingly as Edric that was on the right was trying to held himself together from punching him from the head.

"Let me show you how it should be made, Hi my brother! My name is Nicolas Marcus Bravesfield!"

Nicolas said with full of energy and he looked towards me with sparkling eyes as if he was like a small puppy waiting for someone to praise him.

"Umm Felly say hi to your brother."

The women that was holding me said softly to the girl who seems to be a little shy and was hiding from Edric back.

Hmm I almost forgot, this women holding me must be Empress Xianna Bravesfield.

"H-hi my...my name is Felicia Shan Bravesfield."

Does all of the children in the Nothern Empire really all have long name?

But why does I heard that name before....


I kept trying to remember if I had some memory of that name...

"What is his name by the way mom?"

Nicolas ask curiously as I was also waiting for her to aswer but I know what my name is...

My name is Vin-

"Your father and I named him Izeck-"



Don't tell me....

"Izeck Shawn Bravesfield, the third prince of the Nothern Empire!"

Isn't that the Emperial prince Izeck that becomes my rival back when I was in the academy?!?!

Why does I have his name?!?!

"Today on the 5th day in the year 4021 of the Matthew calendar is the birth of a new prince!"

4021 but I was executed in the year 4043.

Does that mean I am back in the past?!?!

Did I travel back but most importantly why am I in the body of Izeck when he was a baby?!?!

What the hell is going on!