
Reborn Professor

======== Haaa.. So this is the end *Cough* *Cough* As I sat there with two bullets in my body I was slowly dying. The world slowly turned dark and I finally took my last breath. ______ Huh? Where am I? Wait a minute am I inside a novel? But wait isn’t this 10 years before the plot starts. Let’s go! Now I won’t have to deal with the crazy plot as a weakling. I’m going to make sure that I am strong enough to survive and who knows I might even teach the Main Characters. ========= This is my first attempt at making a story. So keep in mind that this might not be the best at the beginning or even throughout the story. The main character will be OP but he won’t be the only one. As the story goes on I’ll introduce other characters but very few will actually be able to touch our main characters.

Unknownducky · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Press Conference Ch.9

(3rd Person POV)

Their was currently 4 people sitting at a table. They were Bruce, Luna, James, and Ashley. Their are cameras point at them from lots of angles. But even though they were in this situation they weren't nervous at all since they have been through similar experiences.

Lots of people surrounded them as this was a press conference. The people were angry because not only did the 4 of them disappear for over 5 weeks. They also close the academy down and the human domain was attacked by demons and devils killing thousands of students and awakeners.

Then the president of the Awakening Association also know as the A.A. and the Human Domain president came out. They were both also SS rank, so currently 6 of the now 10 were here.

The AA president was named Lewis Carter and know as the Mountain because of his strong body and heavy attacks. He was a big guy but despite his looks he was a nice guy. He wasn't ugly, he was actually good looking but his big build gave his a imitating aura.

The Human Domain President was named Steve Miller and is know as Hawkeye. He was known for using a bow and using the elements. He was on the lean side and tall. A good looking guy but his personality wasn't compatible with most.

He was also the one that set up this press conference. He would be asking questions and informing people about the situation.

The press conference was about to start when all of a sudden a beautiful woman entered. This shocked most because she is rarely seen in the public eyes. It was a SS ranker and one of the most well know one beside of Bruce or Directors.

Her name was Ava Mist. She know as the Misty Saint. Her ability was a magician based on water and healing. She had Blue eyes the same color as the ocean and looks that were stunning.

This was probably the most SS ranks have been at a single placed that was not a battle field or a government summon.

Now that people were settled down they started the pressed conference.

Steve Miller: As everyone knows we have been attacked by demons and devils recently and they have cost lots of damage to society. We have also noticed that the most affected was the True Hero Academy since it was closed for 5 weeks without explanation and the public would like to know why.

James: We would first like to apologize to the family and friends of the lost ones. But as to why the academy was close it becau-

Then all of a sudden Bruce interpreted James.

Bruce: It was because of me. I tripped and released my SS ranked aura by accident and the mana was dangerous to be in so we decided to close the school.

The crowd was shocked because who would believe that oblivious lie. Then Steve got annoyed.

Steve: Bruce! Take this seriously, you big mouth idiot!

Bruce: Haah, I'm the idiot? Where were you when the attack happened.

Steve: This isn't about me!

Bruce: Damn straight, it about me and my beautiful face!

Ava: Seriously, why do you two always have to argue. Bruce just tell us what actually happen for y'all to close the academy.

Bruce: Nope, I don't want to your being rude.

At this moment the crowd remember Bruce's personality was that of a man child. The SS rankers just looked at each other and sighed.

Lewis: Bruce, can you please tell us what happen.

Bruce: Nope unless you say pretty please.

Lewis: Hah, sure, Bruce can you pretty please tell us what happen.

Bruce: Haha, that was funny. Anyways it not even my story to tell so, No.

The SS rankers were slightly annoyed at his word but they knew Bruce's personality, so they let him be.

Steve: Then who's story is it to tell?

Luna: It would be mind, so I will tell y'all.

Bruce: Hey don't tell them, you should show them!

Luna: Fine.

Then Luna released a little magic that wouldn't harm anyone. The SS rankers were shocked because they realized the power coming from her.

Ava: Amazing, you have become a SS ranker!

Lewis: Hah, looks like our number increased.

Steve: Ha, I didn't expect this. You are a monster just like Bruce. No offense, of course.

The crowd went wild. A new SS rank had just been born. Now all top ten in the human domain were SS rankers.

Steve: Now quite down everyone, we are changing topics to what to do about the demons and devils attack.

The crowd went silent at the reminder of what the press conference was called for.

Steve: As everyone knows we're attacked by demons and devil to weaken our race. So we have decided that we shall declare wa-

Then Bruce interrupted and said

Bruce: Declare a mass investigation on who let and informed the demons and devils. Some one obviously aid them and once we figure it out we're going to get information.

Everyone was shocked at this news even the SS rankers.

Steve: Bruce, do you know anything about this?

Bruce: Duh, I mean I stopped clear dungeons because of this. Why else would I do it?

Steve: So, do you know the culprit?

Bruce: Nope, but I narrowed it to ten high rankers, so I'm close!

Steve: High rankers?! Are you sure about this.

Bruce: Yeah, I mean if I stop clearing dungeon for this. I would trust my investigation more then your whole government investigation.

Steve was annoyed but Bruce was right. Steve also trusted Bruce more then his whole government investigation team.

Steve: Alright, I trust your judgement. Anyways, let's answer the people's questions.

After a while of answering questions most for Bruce, Ava, and Luna. They were about to finished the press conference but Bruce had to make sure to leave the press in shocked.

Bruce: Before we go I have an announcement.

Bruce said this seriously and the people listen, even the SS rankers listen closely.

Bruce: I am getting married, isn't that great!!!

Bruce said this in a cheerful and joyful tone. The crowd and SS rankers were shocked beside of the directors.

Bruce: I would like to officially invite all these people on the stage to my wedding and ask Ava to be my wedding officiant.

Now the SS rankers have to go to this idiot wedding or else the public would be all over them about it. But Ava had it the worst because she had to be this idiot Wedding Officiant. Legally she was able to do this as she is a high ranking member of the church, not even the pope had a say to her.

They would have been mad but what they felt was more of a curiosity to who would marry a idiot like him.

Lewis: So, who is marrying you?

Then Bruce pointed right next him and pointed at Luna. The crowd and SS rankers just lost it and if this were a comic they probably would have fell off their chairs comically. They were shocked because they were known as the strongest of their generation. Then they looked at Luna who was looking down at very few could see the red on her face.

Luna: This idiot!!

Luna used her ability and send Bruce flying into the sky. Then she spoke.

Luna: Press Conference is over!

The crowd just look at this interaction between the two but Luna didn't say that she wasn't marrying Bruce. So on this day it was know that the relationship between the two was officially announced.


Name: Lewis Carter


Condition: Healthy

Potential: SS+


Unique Skill:

Titian Might(Active)

Skills (5/5):

Giants Strength(Passive)

Titanium Body(Active)

Earth Transformation(Active)

Titian's Vitality(Passive/Active)

Giants Wrath(Active)

Arts: Giant Combat (SS)


Endurance: SS+

Strength: SS+

Mana: SS-

Stamina: SS

Perception: SS-

Charm: SS


Name: Steve Miller


Condition: Healthy

Potential: SS-


Unique Skill:

Seeker Eyes(Passive)

Skills (4/4):

Prediction Mind(Passive)

Elemental Boost(Active)

Skywalker Steps(Active)

Tracker (Passive/Active)

Arts: Elemental Arrow(SS)


Endurance: SS-

Strength: SS-

Mana: SS-

Stamina: SS-

Perception: SS

Charm: SS-


Name: Ava Mist


Condition: Healthy

Potential: SSS-


Unique Skill:

Divine Water(Passive)

Skills (5/5):

Elixir Blood(Passive)


Liquid Magic(Active)

Saint Touch(Active)

Water Blessing(Passive)

Arts: Holy Water(SS+)


Endurance: SS-

Strength: SS-

Mana: SS

Stamina: SS-

Perception: SS

Charm: SS
