
Reborn Professor

======== Haaa.. So this is the end *Cough* *Cough* As I sat there with two bullets in my body I was slowly dying. The world slowly turned dark and I finally took my last breath. ______ Huh? Where am I? Wait a minute am I inside a novel? But wait isn’t this 10 years before the plot starts. Let’s go! Now I won’t have to deal with the crazy plot as a weakling. I’m going to make sure that I am strong enough to survive and who knows I might even teach the Main Characters. ========= This is my first attempt at making a story. So keep in mind that this might not be the best at the beginning or even throughout the story. The main character will be OP but he won’t be the only one. As the story goes on I’ll introduce other characters but very few will actually be able to touch our main characters.

Unknownducky · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Annual Meeting Ch.12

(Bruce POV)

After all the boring things were done they finally started to talk about the more important things.

Steve: So next on our agenda is the investigation about the demons and devils. Bruce claims that he has eliminated most of the culprits but a few still remain.

Bruce: Yeah, the culprits that I can't find right now have run away to demon territory, so without causing a ruckus I doubt I'll be able to get them.

Steve: That's find as long as they won't be a threat anymore. Am I correct to assume that?

Bruce: Yeah, basically destroyed them and there cult I even got a few useful items like a Rune Stone.

This was true because in the novel they grew to be so big that half of the government was basically them. They even tricked Steve into protecting them.

But with my interference this changed drastically, as when I first found then they were still the size of a middle ranked guild.

From that day forward I would ruin their plans and reputation. Lots of them were killed and they got scared and stayed in hiding. Every once in a while, I would go loot their base for items if I was ever running low on money.

But now a days I have to much money. So by doing that I removed a massive variable from the story. They were originally going to start a civil war and lower our number so that demons and devils could take our resources. But now that wasn't happening, so pat on the back for me.

Steve: Ok, but we still need to figure out what we are going to do about the demons and devils, any suggestions?

Lots of people gave their opinions about this. Some wanted to fight, while others wanted to negotiate for some sort of compensation and treaty. But us SS rankers didn't even speak a word.

After a while everyone came to a conclusion. They wanted compensation but if they were unwilling then we would go to war.

The SS ranker looked at each other and gave a nod.

Steve: So it is decided, we will ask for compensation first and if unwilling then we fight.

Lewis: So how is this going to happen?

Then the the people just looked at each other having no idea how to execute the plan.

Bruce: Haaa, I swear for people that are supposed to run humanity, y'all are a bunch of idiots who don't even know how to execute a plan properly.

They just looked at Bruce as if he were a hypocrite. He had barely been listening to this whole meeting and now is calling people idiot.

Lewis: So do you have a way to do it?

Bruce: Of course, you see when I was looting I got this Rune Stone, right. It special because it a communication rune and most likely belong to a high ranking devil or demon.

Steve: Really? That great now we can have negotiations with them.

Bruce: Hush, I'm going to use it now.

The rune stone actives and then slowly a mana hologram starts to appear. Then a image of a person with red horns and red eyes appears. Then he starts talking.

???: Well this is interesting, why hello there.

Bruce: Yo, didn't imagine it be you.

???: Well, who else do you think could command that many troops to attack your human schools.

Bruce: Nah, I thought you be busy crying since we last met and gave you a beaten of a lifetime.

???: You!! How dare you say that!! I the Greatest Devil in existence do not cry!! I am the Devil Lord Owen Crimson!

Bruce: Did I hit you in the head to hard? Hmm, did you forget our deal after your beating?

Owen: I was not beaten!!! I do not care about that deal that you forced me into either!!

Bruce: Well you should have because if you don't offer us some good compensation for the attack I'll make sure to kill you.

The Devil Lord got scared for a second but because of his prideful nature he quickly recovered.

Owen: What do you want human?

Bruce: Hmm, I don't know I'll leave that to those guys over there.

Owen: No, I shall only talk to you.

Bruce: Nope, you listen to me and talk to those guys or else it won't end up pleasant for you.

Owen: Haaa, find just state your term humans.

The people around Bruce were shocked. It only does he know the Devil Lord but by the way the Devil Lord was acting it seems like Bruce beat him up.

The people then got a reminder of how strong Bruce actually was. He had beaten the Strongest member of the Devil race. Not only that but it seem that the fight was completely one sided.

Steve: First off we would like a treaty that Demons and Devils will not attack the human domain anymore.

Owen: I can only guarantee that only Devils will not attack you.

Steve: That is find, we also demand that we get a massive Brimstone Metal shipment and Rune Stones.

Owen: Hmm, I can give you 1,000 of the highest-end Rune Stones and sell you Brimstone Metal at a very reasonable price. I need to feed my people too, you know?

Brimstone Metal is a very rare Metal that is considered one of the top 5 Metal in the world. It has a balance properties of mana conduction and strength. The only Metal stronger is Adamantium but has worsened mana conduction. Then there's Mithril which is weaker then both of them but better mana conduction. Then theirs divine iron which is considered the best but also the rarest metal. It has the best mana conduction and strength. Then the last Metal is Nil Iron which is strong and absorbs mana once it touches the iron.

Rune Stones are basically prepared spells that you setup and prepare for later with no mana cost.

Steve: Very well, one final thing we want the Hell Fire Orb.

Owen: May I ask who it is for?

Steve: It's for no-

The Bruce decided to intrude on the chat.

Bruce: It's for me.

Me and own just stared at each other

Owen: I see very well. Now that deals are concluded I shall destroy this rune.

With that the rune shattered. The people just let out a sigh. The Steve looked at me.

Steve: Why did you interrupt me? I thought you said that you wouldn't.

Bruce: He was up to no good, the second you mentioned his weapon he was already planning to somehow steal it back.

Steve: But we have a treaty.

Bruce: Haa, look Steve, I let you guys have your moment with your own demands but you guys don't know how one sided that deal was.

Steve: What do you mean?

Bruce: Have you ever heard of the term making a deal with the devil and how it usually ended up bad for the person but not the devil.

Steve: Yeah, so?

Bruce: Basically they got off Scott free and their still going to cause us problems.

Steve: No, they can attack us because of the treaty and causing a problem would be a attack. They allows had to give us resources.

Bruce: Yeah, ONLY DEVILS can not attack us. Do you know how many devils there are in there armed forces? There only a few thousand the rest are either demons or hybrids between both.

Steve: That low!

Bruce: That not only it. We get Rune Stone which is good but we have to buy Brimstone.

Steve: It seem far since the Devils need to eat and need money for other things. I'm trying to get our compensation for the attack. Not ruin a race.

Bruce: They don't need food. They live based on mana, idiot.

Steve at this point looked defeated. Who can blame him, he spent hour with the governments trying to figure out the compensation that they should receive, just for it to turned out the almost got scammed.

Bruce: At least you got the Hell Fire Orb. That a plus right?

Steve: Yeah, a SS ranked item is always good.


(An Hour Later)

Bruce: Listen everyone, I have an idea.

The people just looked at him. They were waiting for what this idiot was going to say. They knew nothing good ever happened when he open his mouth.

Bruce: Let's have a death tournament

Everyone except a dumb idea but not this dumb.

Bruce: Let's make a international one, so we can see other races fight too.

Luna: Hmm, that might not be a bad idea.

The other SS rankers also agreed which shocked everyone in the room. They were either missing a piece of information or SS rankers don't care for people's life's.

Lewis: But let's not have it to the death.

Steve: Yes, that would cause lot of problems.

Ava: But who would be fighting in the tournament?

Ian: How about anyone under the age of 20?

Chloe: Yeah, that sound like a great idea.

Bruce: Then that settles it. We will invite all allied races for a international tournament. We can even throw in prizes for the top three competitors.

Luna: Wow, I can believe your idea turn out good for once.

James: We could host it at True Hero Academy since it close to all the allied race borders.

Ashley: Yes, we would love it if it was held at my academy.

James: Don't you mean ours?

Ashley: I know what is said.

Jame: ah, ok.

Bruce: HAhah, that was funny.

Luna: Oh we can even held our wedding before the tournament since all the important people we be their for a few days before the academy.

Bruce: That a good idea, but I should warn you that me and the Elven Queen have history before you invite her.

Luna: Oh, what kind of history?

Bruce: The drink wine and both of us wake up naked in the forest cuddling each other type of history and then leaving the same day and never coming back. You know that type of history.

Luna: No, I don't know that type of history.

Luna seem angry no, she was furious. Luna then prepared a attack that even a SS ranker might not survive and blast it at Bruce. He then went flying off again into the sky.