
reborn of Jin li

writerfavvy · Geschichte
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5 Chs


Jin li was in the hospital after been killed by her fiancee and sister in her past life, she woke up and saw that she was back to the night of her eighth birthday and that was the night that she was almost violated by some guys which her step sister sent to Violate her so she could marry her fiancee. Jin li was the only child of her Dead mother she was only four when her mother fell sick and she died, and full months later her father brought his Mistress home and married her after full years she give brith to twins aboy and a girl. as they being to grow up her step sister Jin man make sure she took everything that belongsto her away and their father did not seem care he love Jin man and her brother so much that they were the only one who were allow to go for high class party and attend party at school Jan li was literally a shadow of Jin man and her brother,ever time Jin man took Jin li things no one would scold her but any time Jin li touch Jin man things she would be beating and she sleep in the cold floor in the kitchen. And this continue to happen over the years and her father did not seem to care either he was busy or he was playing with jin man and her brother Jin xan , some things they would go on family vacation and live Jin li at home for months with not thing to eat they make sure that there wasn't any food before they left and so things they would lock the house before they left for their vacation and when all this happen she use to stay with her friend xin ji they were poor but they still manage to accommodate her till her family came back from their vacation and some things after school Jin li work in one pharmacy because most things they don't use to give her food .