
Reborn of a vampire king

This story features a vampire king who was sacrificed for the wrong doings of his people but gets reborn he does not wish to take revenge but wish to live a life on his own accord but what happens when he is to fight the vampire's he once protected?

Dreamy_winter · Fantasie
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28 Chs

Who are you?

After Ryan had been hit by the minotaur he had thought it was the end of the road for him but to his suprise he had woken up in a dark space.

Nothing could be seen here as it was pitch black'have i been here before'Ryan thought as he looked all round him it looked familiar.

All of a sudden he was transferred to another place or rather a palace where he could see a grand chair'i know i have been here before but my memory is fuzzy'Ryan then looked at the large door at the back of him he then went ahead to open it but it did not even seem to budge.

Ryan continued looking round him but he could not find a single window,'hmmm am i meant to be locked in here'Ryan then thought of something'hey Tigroran are you there'Ryan asked to check if Tigroran was with him in this space'um i am'Tigroran replied as if waking up from a nap.

"hello Ryan we meet again"a figure that appeared on the grand chair said to him,'ahhhh i hate this feeling i know i remember this voice but my memory is fuzzy.'

"you always seize to impress me but this time you went to far"the figure said chuckling,"what do you mean and who are you"Ryan asked confused and angry but memories then rushed in his head of his mother being killed and him getting hit by a minotaur's hammer.

"so do you remember now and for your second question about who i am you really don't have to find out now but i can show you my face"the figure said removing the vail on her face even Ryan at this moment fell for her beauty she was like a goddess as he could not stop looking at her what made her more beautiful was her curvy figure and her perfectly round shape chest.

she then was not seen again as she appears at the back of Ryan hugging him while nipping on his ear she then moved to his front giving him a peck on the lip but she then appears back on her grand chair,Ryan was lost by the peck of this beauty even he who had thought to not like women was lost by this beauty.

"anyway as you already know you died and your friend should already be trashing your other friends but do not worry as i promise to bring you back but with a time limit power hmm"she said looking at Ryan as he seemed to be listening"and that power will be royal blood if you are really special as i thought then you should be able to use it by your self after this is just a gift from me to you and i will give you another one very soon if you entertain me enough that is."

Ryan was happy hearing this gift as he would not need to stress himself about getting the royal blood but when he was about to ask her a question he was then quickly transferred back but something changed his fuzzy memory became worse as the only thing he could remember was how his mother was killed which made him fight the way he fought.

Opening his eyes he found out that they were still in the forest trying to move up it was hard for him as he lay back down i pain,Lisha who seemed to be watching over him"Ryan are you awake"she asked looking at Ryan who was obviously awake but he still nodded his head in response seeing this she smiled while putting his head on her lap normally Ryan would have complained but he just let her do what she wanted.

Layla and the other then came back as they supposedly went for scouting seeing Ryan and Lisha the way they were she had and irked expression on her face while the others seemed to find another place to rest but Layla still stood there.

Lisha then asked Ryan if he was hungry and he was trying his best to forget about it but now his stomach hurt him like his intestines were being removed but he told her that he would eat when they got to the city but what she revealed next was shocking"Ryan we know you are a vampire"she said looking at him seriously"h-how did you find out"he asked looking shocked"wow so it really is true i just guessed and you confirmed"hearing this made Ryan almost go mad'did i just get played'Ryan thought.

"ok,ok i am a vampire so what"Ryan asked but he didn't get his answer as she them gave him her blood to suck.

Night came and they were still in the forest'well i prefer i rest now.'