
Reborn: Never Again

(Coming off a long hiatus, slow updates, don't hate me) A heartbreaking betrayal from her bestfriend and fiance, who conned her out of everything, murdered her grandfather, sent her brother to prison for crimes he didn't commit and then drove her to the edge of a cliff side by the ocean. Though bleeding profusely from being shot. She would not allow them to have the satisfactory with finishing her, so with all the strength she could muster up, she jumped from the cliff. Upon reaching the water, she felt as if all her bones had shatter from the impact, before succumbing to death, she swore if she could do it all over again she wouldn't be so naive, she would protect her family so they can be happy. She was not expecting to awaken in a hospital 5 years before when she was just 16 years old. Having just been reborn, she just wants to protect her family and prevent her past lives events from happening again, she has no care for revenge as long as you don't cross her bottom line. Despite her naivety with love before, she doesn't completely close herself to love, and a certain sinfully handsome business tycoon wouldn't allow it if she did. *I would just like to let everyone know that I am new at this and started with one idea how I wanted things to proceed, but changed my mind. I will try to update the summary better, the main character, Serenity, has a very laid back, cold, kind of personality, but with people she is closed too, she can behave a little childish. She doesn't as much care for revenge as she just wants to be happy and protect her family this time around. * It's basically your cliche romance kind of novel with hopefully some unique twists and turns to keep you interested! ****PLEASE keep in mind this is just something I write when I have free time, I am a full time student and work full time as well, so everyday chapters are not easy, sometimes its once a week.******

Caity_Sylvia · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 28: Taking advantage

With Serenity sleeping peacefully in his arms, he couldn't help but stare at her bruised face. Even injured, she was still absolutely gorgeous.

Her skin is so fair that she bruises more easily, so the smack had caused a nasty blackish purple bruise to appear on one side of her face. Her lip also got some damage and was swollen, while her head which looked the worse made him worry over whether or not he should have tried to keep her awake to in case it was a concussion, but she looked so peaceful now, he could only look after her carefully.

Seeing his little goddess in this state with her dress in tatters after she had poured her heart into the design of it just for tonight, made him want to burn those men alive.

With a glint in his eyes, he made a call.

On the other side of the call, Hayden had been freaking out up until he recieved a call from a certain devil, "Did you find her? Is she okay? I'm gonna kill those bastards!! where is she??" he questioned continuously.

"Stop yapping incessantly so I can answer you." Colton says with an eye roll at this sis con.

Hayden makes a zipping motion with his hands across his face, but forgot Colton couldn't see him since it was a phone call and hurriedly said, "Okay tell me now."

"She is with me, but her physical state left her too exhausted, so she is asleep. No need to worry, but ..." He trailed off as he repeated what he walked in on and the injuries he found on her as well as the type of drug administered to the girls.

Hayden was pissed and could barely see any color but red, as he managed to tell Colton he understood, before hanging up the call.

He had watched the footage earlier to figure out which characters played a roll in this debacle and was able to collect the bastard waiter, who not only served the drugged drinks, but could be seen dropping a fast dissolving pill into each drink moments before.

His men also took control of the two knocked out men that were trying to rape his sister and had taken them somewhere private to be dealt with.

Let's just say, they won't be seeing the sun anytime soon especially once Hayden and Luke gets to the meeting point.

Speaking of Luke, he had only gotten a very brief text from Braxton that his sister was okay with him and that was it. He chose not to think too much on it as long as she was safe.

He really wanted to wring the culprits heads until they bleed out.

They were able to discover Arabella and a girl named Hanna Wayne played a part in organizing this scandal.

Arabella, had a mysterious backer, so they couldn't do anything to her just yet, since they needed to tread lightly for more details, but the Wayne family would see the wrath of these 4 demons for daring to target Melody and Serenity.

While plans for attacks were taking place, Braxton indeed had Melody, but wasn't as strong willed as a certain demon.

He had also taken her to a private room, but the gorgeous model that had barely contained an ounce of sanity due to the intesity of the aphrodisiac, had no worries about letting Braxton, whom she had liked since she was little take her first time and she whimsically took her clothes off without looking the slightest bit as drugged as she was and successfully seduced him with her charm.

Braxton could only gulp and touch his nose before he proceeded to make love to his queen all night long.

'It's too late for her to have any regrets after tonight,' he thought since he would definitely never be letting her go now.

Luke should have been worried after all.

His baby sister was just stolen in more ways than one.

Short chapter today. Sorry I'm so bad at updating daily! This is kind of just something I do for fun, i will try to be betterish??

Caity_Sylviacreators' thoughts