
Chapter 2

At same time Zuko is sleeping at that his ship. He being having a same dream of the women since he meet the Avatar. The women said with scare and sad voice, "Hurry to find me!! I'll wait for you!!!" He awake up with gasp of terrify and sweaty of it. He almost get out the bed, but he didn't, he was still on his bed. He put his left hand on his forehead. He wonder to himself that why I was dreaming of that women. Why I eager to find her? Why always think about her? Why I couldn't see her face? Why she appeared in my head? Who is that women? Why do I feeling I met her before? He was lost in thought.

Then he heard the knock on the iron door. He said, "Who is it?" Replied from the side said, "It's me Zuko can I come in?" That was his Uncle Iroh. Zuko exhale, sigh to let out and said, "Come in." Iroh twist the hatch, open the door and then he come in the inside a zuko room. He saw his nephew that he awake a nightmare. He worries about him, asked to zuko, "Are you alright Zuko? You look like you awake from a nightmare." Zuko said tried with clam voice, "I'm alright. I just have a bad dream. Any news about the avatar?" With silent without no answer that make he got out the bed with angry, and said again, "Any news about the avatar?!!!" Uncle Iroh responded to him, "No we have nothing of the avatar but, he sure is a tricky fellow to find." Zuko said with anger voice, "He is a tricky fellow to find alright. Find him no matter what!!" Uncle Iroh almost hesitate to asked zuko but he did asked, "Zuko do you want still work on your training?" Zuko said, "Yeah I'll get ready for training but, give me minute to change." Uncle Iroh said, "Alright I'll give a minute." After he twisted the hatch, door open, and he left the room. Zuko change his clothes, did wonder what if he tell his uncle about his dreams then he realizes that he would say, "Probably the tea leafs on the cup it will tell us or Pai Sho. It is not just a game it's kinda like fortune teller." With smiling grin. At he doesn't want to tell him. After he change.

He twist the hatch it open the door, walk out the his room. He turned the his door, close door with twist the hatch. He walk to front the forecastle deck to training. There's three guy's at the deck. His uncle sitting on a chair at the deck. Zuko walked at where the three guys are. They took big breath and let it out after that they make position. His yell, "Begin!". After that three men fire bending at Zuko. He dodge the fire of the men's attack him. He used his fire to attack and physically attacked. But every time he doing fire bending, he saw a vision of that women and hear laughing. He tried to forget. He want to remember to capture the avatar his top goal, but he can't forget about it if the women. His uncle always tell the basic of fire bending. But every time when he bending he is still thinking about her. No matter he want want to force he still think her. Uncle Iroh noticed he nephew is distracted on the training. He shout, "Stop Zuko!!" They stop moment after they heard Iroh said. Zuko is angry when Iroh said stop, they stop right there. He walk to his uncle and asked him with frustration voice, "Why did you interfered there?!" Iroh said, "Is there something in your mind prince zuko? Because I noticed that you acting strange past few days." Zuko doesn't know what to say about but he got to tell his uncle about it sooner than later. He said to the men's, "Leave us." They did leave them at the below deck. He look at his uncle, he grad the chair sit down, and he said, "I been having same dream ever since I meet the Avatar." Iroh was curious about that, he asked, "What is about your dreams?" Zuko said, "It about a woman. I been having some dreams about her every night, I don't why I have dream about her. But it feels like I know her, and I want find badly her all the world. Do you know what it means Uncle?" There was silent for while, Iroh was thinking by stroke his beard. Iroh said, "I don't know but, I know there someone can tell you anything about this. But that means we have to change the coursed if you want to Zuko?" Zuko was surprise of he thought his uncle will do tea leafs or pai sho but, he didn't. He have to think about it what his uncle said. His main goal is capture the avatar to restore his honor, but he couldn't help that feel if doesn't find out his dream it will go bad. So he took a deep breath, gets up from the chair, and said, "Tell the Captain to the change the coursed, Uncle" Iroh get up from his chair and said, "Very well, Zuko" he went to control room to tell the captain. Zuko walked to port bow of the right side the looks at the ocean, he saw a vision. He saw a that women with laughing and said, "I always will there for you no matter what it's, morning, night, good, or bad, I always been." After that he walk back up quickly, he so scared that, but felt something on his face. He check with his right hand, he was crying. He wonder why did I'm cry? What is going on? He hoping that person can help him, the one who uncle talked about.