
Reborn into the Nasuverse with a System (18+)

(xOXXOX WARNING: currently editing, so some things may be out of place, I don’t recommend reading this.) You probably already know. Dude gets ran over by van. Meets God. Gets a sick ass system. Goes to other worlds. Pretty generic, nothing special here. I forgot the plots for some of these so don’t get triggered if I skip or miss some details. I will mess up the plot a lot cause I think it’s easier to write that way. Harem... Though I don’t really like them, gotta do it. I have many characters I like anyways. Note: I’m young and failing in English class, don’t expect much. I’ll be happy if you read it though :3 Purely wish fulfillment. I’m not good at plots. Will still work on this when I finish editing.

OreoNut · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Taking Saber(No ero)(Short Chap)

Everyone ate Shirou's cooking. Even Illya and Aria, who already ate, ate it. After finishing, Shirou and Emiya went to wash the dishes.

"Hey Ayano." Emiya called while washing a dish.

"Hm?" Shirou listened

"Why did Rin's Servant attack me? He kept talking about my ideals and discouraging me." Emiya asked, he saw Shirou and Saber come right before he fainted and it seemed that they resolved it somehow.

"Oh, he's the future version of yourself, but he didn't live a good life." Shirou replied.

"So that's why he attacked me? Because he failed his ideals or something?" Emiya was surprised that Archer was him, but felt confused at why he wanted to kill him.

"Yup. He was trying to undo everything by killing you, though it probably wouldn't have worked." Shirou confirmed, he didn't really know what would've happened if Emiya was killed, but probably nothing good since Archer was already in the Throne of Heroes with no way out.

"What do you think I should do? I mean if I would regret my ideals that much, I don't think I should keep going down this path. My dad also did the same thing and tried to become a hero of justice, but he regretted a lot..." Emiya said with a sad tone.

Emiya wanted to become a hero of justice, but after being beaten brutally by himself he started rethinking things. His father tried to become a hero of justice, but he neglected a lot of things that were important to him. He didn't want to do the same.

He started liking Rin as they spent more time together. He also could tell that Rin had some feeling for him. If he chose to go and become a hero of justice, he may lose her. If he stayed with her, it would be very difficult to save everyone. He had to either chose her or go save the world, but when he thought about what Archer said about it being impossible to save everyone, his ideals wavered.

If he couldn't save everyone, he might as well as just make sure his loved ones are safe.

"Why don't you just get together with Rin and go study magicraft? You could also help some people, just don't go overboard." Shirou suggested.

Emiya blushed at his suggestion, but didn't refute it. He really liked Rin.

"Alright... I'll try to do that." Emiya nodded.

"Oh, can you give me Aria?" Shirou suddenly asked.

Emiya was confused "who?"

"Oh sorry, I meant Saber." Shirou quickly corrected, he became too used to her new nickname.

"Um... I'll ask her first. I don't want to betray her after all. I promised her that we'll win and she'd get her wish." Emiya answered. He wasn't against giving Shirou his servant, only afraid of what Saber would think about it.

"Ah okay." Shirou said. He already knew that Aria would say yes. They finished cleaning the dishes and went out.

Emiya called Saber to him and Shirou. "Saber, do you want to change your master to Ayano? I promise he's a good guy." Emiya asked Aria.

Aria was surprised at first then she blushed and then she nodded. "Y, yes. I'm fine with him as my master." Aria said, looking down. She peaked at Shirou who saw her look, so he winked. Aria got even more embarrassed and refused to look up.

Emiya thought Saber was acting weird. "Alright then, what should I do?" Emiya turned to Shirou. Shirou told him the steps and Emiya transferred Aria to Shirou.

Now, Shirou had 3 servants, Medusa, Medea, and Aria. Archer is helping him, Berserker and Assasin are dead, and the only ones left are Lancer and Gilgamesh.

"I'm your master now." Shirou told Aria. She nodded. "What will you do now? Emiya." Shirou asked.

"Hm I think I will try to help you guys. After fighting Archer, I found out some ways to use my magic." Emiya answered.

"You don't really need to." Shirou didn't think it was necessary since it was basically just them versus 3 people.

"No, I want to." Emiya said with resolution. He wanted to make sure that the disaster didn't happen again.

Shirou sighed "Alright." He was glad that Shirou didn't want to become a hero anymore, but wasn't sure if he would feel the same forever. "You should confess to Rin. She'll probably do it, but it might be a little later due to her personality."

Emiya got embarrassed. "I will after the war." And he walked out of the kitchen. Shirou and Aria also followed out.

Shirou told them that he was Aria's Master now. They got surprised. Rin became jealous because she wanted her as her servant from the beginning. Rin asked.

"Where was Archer last night? He disappeared and came back. I asked him what happened, but he said to ask my b- no! To ask Emiya!" She remembered what Archer told her and slipped the words out.

Everyone gave her a curious gaze. Shirou started explaining what happened. Sakura and Rin were mad at Archer for nearly killing Emiya. 'That's why he ran away after coming back!' Rin thought.

When they heard why Archer attacked and who he was, they started having mixed feelings. Sakura became sad, especially when she heard about what happened to his friends.

Shirou also told them about how they revived Illya, killed Assassin's master, and fought Lancer.

The three were shocked at how much they missed in one day, while Rin was kind of regretting leaving Emiya and going home. She made a mental note to punish Archer in any way she could.

After they finished talking, Shirou called Aria and Emiya out into the yard.

"What's up?" Emiya asked

"Yes master, what do you need from us?" Aria asked after.

"I wanted to make Aria stronger." Shirou told them.

"Me?" Aria asked confusedly, "how? And what does that have to do with Emiya?" Emiya was also quite confused.

"Do you know why he was able to summon you?" Shirou asked Aria.

Aria thought about it. "In the last war, Kiritsugu summoned me because he had..." she came to a realization.

"My father?" Emiya asked, he didn't know that his father was a master and summoned Saber as well.

"Yes, your father and I were in the last war as a pair. I hated him because when we were about to win, he made me destroy the grail. I'm not mad anymore after finding out the truth though. I feel bad for him." Aria answered him.

Kiritsugu was very unfortunate to find out that not only could he not get his goal for peace, but also lost his wife in the process.

Emiya looked down, he also felt bad for his father.

"But, everything happens for a reason. That's why we're here now." Shirou tried to cheer him up.

Emiya nodded.

"Kiritsugu implanted Avalon into Emiya to save him. That's why he was able to summon you, because of it's connection to you." Shirou explained. Aria nodded, she found out as well.

"Avalon?" Emiya questioned.

"Yes, it's Aria's scabbard for Excalibur." Shirou answered.

Shirou continued. "Now that he doesn't need it anymore, I thought Aria could have it."

"Of course. If you want it, I'll give it to you." Emiya told Aria.

"Really?" Aria wanted to get stronger. She missed having a scabbard that could protect her from all attacks. Getting Avalon back would help her a lot.

Emiya nodded. He wanted to help out in any way he could.

Shirou guided Emiya and showed him how to take out Avalon. As he did it, a golden scabbard appeared in front of him. It's clear features couldn't be seen due to the light covering it.

Aria touched it and it disappeared, or more like it fused with her. She felt her body getting tougher and could use Avalon now.

"Do you feel anything?" Shirou asked, he also had Avalon because it came with his wish. He knew what it could do, but asked anyways.

"Yes, I feel stronger than before. Thank you Emiya." Aria bowed gratefully.

Emiya wasn't used to her calling him by his name. "No. You don't have to thank me. It was yours from the beginning anyways."

Aria listened, but still thanked him anyways.

"Do you want to spar?" Shirou asked. He wanted to test his skills even more and wanted to see how strong Aria is.

"Yes master. I would love to." Aria smiled. They got into the open area and took out their weapons. Shirou took out Yamato and Aria took out Excalibur.

Rin and Emiya left the house because they had to do other things, so only Sakura, Illya, Medusa, and Medea were watching.

Shirou had a sharp aura around him and Aria emitted a valiant aura. They got into a stance and charged towards each other.

(Note: You thought I was going to make an actual fight scene? M-maybe later *cough*)


At a certain church.

"It seems he is stronger than what we've originally thought. With four servants, he will be a threat to our plans. We'll have to improvise quickly before they attack." A person in dark robe said.

Lancer was sitting. He didn't like being used to spy, but he had to agree that they were in a sticky spot. He couldn't even defeat the master. He sighed and lamented on the fact that he got a bad master in this war.

(Note: He couldn't hear what they were talking about if anyone's asking.)


Back at Shirou's house

Shirou was panting, he limited himself to using Yamato and the Hiten Mitsurugi style. His skills were good, but he needed combat experience.

Aria was less tired than Shirou. She was more used to combat and knew how to execute her attacks, unlike Shirou who had good abilities, but couldn't find a way to use them efficiently.

Shirou's fast attacks were blocked by Aria's sword. All Shirou could do was try to move fast enough to catch her off guard.

After a bit more battling, they stopped. The sky turned dark as the sun fell in the horizon.(almost nighttime)

"That was a great fight, master." Aria complimented. She knew he held back and only used techniques. She also relied only her swordsmanship. She found out that her master was very inexperienced in battles, but had great power.

"Thank you, Aria. You're very strong!" Shirou was sweating and felt very tired.

"Thank you for your praise. Having Avalon back increased my endurance." Aria put away her sword.

Shirou felt like he lost the spar, so he decided to at least win at something. He went towards the entrance and as he passed Aria, he whispered "I hope that also includes your endurance in bed."

Aria heard him and blushed deeply. Her body twitched as she clenched her fist. She wanted to punch him, but when she turned around, he had already gone to the door where the other three were. She could only grit her teeth and go into the house, feeling humiliated.

"That was an awesome fight Onii-Chan!." Illya ran and hugged Shirou while looking up at him.

"Thank you Illya." Shirou rubbed her head.

"Hehe." Illya liked being spoiled.

Sakura came up with a towel. "Senpai, you're all sweaty. You should take a bath." She handed it over to him.

"Thank you Sakura. I will." Shirou felt very hot and tired. A bath sounded great. He took the towel and put it on his head.

"I want to take a bath with Onii-Chan!" Illya suddenly jumped and pulled Shirou's arm.

"W-what!? You can't!" Sakura refused, she didn't want a child like her to take a bath with Shirou. Who knew what would happen in there. She is still a kid in Sakura's eyes and shouldn't take a shower with the opposite gender.

"Why not!?" Illya looked fiercely at her.

"You're too small to do that. Boys and girls should take baths together." Sakura looked like a mother that was scolding her child.

"She's right, sorry Illya." Shirou also felt weird about the idea of taking a shower with a person that had the body of a developing child.

Illya looked down at her body and puffed her cheeks. "Fine!" She stomped and walked away.

Aria went after her "Illya, you can take a bath with me after them." She tried to cheer her up.

"Okay Aunt Aria!" Illya became happy again. Aria reminded her of her mother a bit, so she felt close to her. (Note: Everyone got used to her new nickname.)

"A, Aunt?" Aria said in a low voice.

"Yes! I heard from mom that servants are all old people." Illya explained.

"Old?" Aria's mouth twitched.

Medusa sat on the floor quietly while Medea looked like she was thinking of something.

I um have to read the last chapter again. I forgot what I wrote. I might have to change some things up.


Short chapter for today.


*Toot* *toot!*

It’s my birthday!

Can you guess my age?

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