
Reborn Into HxH

A person is reborn into HxH Hello this is my first Fan-Fic please let me know if there is anything I can improve or if you have any suggestions or recommendations. Also I own nothing except for my original characters this Fan-Fic is inspired by other animes, novels, and Fan-Fics.

Blank_0_2598 · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 - Early Training

'I have already started training and I have to say it's pretty painful. They have me train my instincts by dodging things in the dark it's a room completely blacked out amd I have to dodge things based off sound. They also have me fight someone in the same kind of room, but I also fight people outside in the woods. They've already taught me how to dislocate all my joints and I can already do it my self it only took about 2 days for me to get the hang of it. But every morning after breakfast they have me do squats push ups and pull ups to failure then run until I fall not to mention the weighted clothing that makes it 100 times harder but I can't complain it's free training and good training at that. I also do a workout routine with weights. After that I fight the butlers, after that I eat another meal. Then I read I've been reading about everything I could get my hands on poisons, fighting, animals, anatomy, etc. Then comes the most painful training.'

Flashback 3 Years Ago

A younger Aizen can be seen and at this time he is 1 years old.

A brown haired butler walks in " Young Master Aizen please follow me your parents have prepared something for you."

"Okay" The younger Aizen said but his thoughts didn't match his face. 'Did they catch onto my act. Most likely not, then what is it? New training, that seems more likely'

Later Aizen was hung into the air by chains.

"Okay prepare young master Aizen" Then he flipped a lever and a surge of electricity surged through Aizen giving him his most painful experience in both lives.

"AHHHHHHH" Aizen kept on screaming but after a couple minutes he stopped. Then the electricity stopped. But all that was going on in Aizens mind was 'I'll kill you I'll kill your whole family I will skin you alive and twist your fingers and rip them off' Unknown to him he was basically pouring out killing intent.

"Young Master Aizen please calm down." The butler said, then he injected a poison into Aizen making it even more painful. Aizen thought ' He's right I need to calm down I can use this to learn to control my emotions better.' So he calmed himself down and prepared himself.

The electricity started again but this time it was more painful but Aizen was tying to endure it and keep himself calm and he was partly successful he still let out groans but he was getting better. And so the cycle continued electrocute, poison this happened for over 1 hour. After Aizen walked out he saw a young Illumi going towards the room also but Aizen only nodded at him.

After that kikyo asked him how it was and Aizen only replied it was fine. After that he has been doing it every day and it has helped him control his emotions, keep a clear head, and get used to pain.

-Back To The Present-

Aizen is sitting in his room and he makes a decision.

He is going to unlock his nen.

Thank you for reading.
