
Reborn into Dxd as Heavens prince.

Guy reborn into Dxd. He won't get romantically involved with every girl he meets, so even though its a harem he won't have a billion women in the harem.

Uchiha_Lover21 · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Alive again.

Four people can be seen walking towards two large white doors.

There's three men and one woman, they all look more or less similar.

The three men all have blonde hair and blue eyes, one has long hair, the other medium length hair going to their shoulder and the last has short hair, they're all very handsome almost angelic.(wink, wink)

The women has a voluptuous body that would drive any man insane, with long blonde hair and blue eyes.

They get to the big doors and stop.

"Michael what is this place? I thought it was forbidden, God said never to enter his house on the 7th floor." The short haired blonde angel asks.

"It was forbidden Uriel, but Father asked me to bring all of you here when the seal broke." Michael explains.

"I'm sure you can tell that the temperature in heaven has risen significantly, it is a sign that the seal has broken." Michael says to them.

"What's inside?" The medium length blonde haired Angel asks sternly.

"Well Raphael before Father died, he came to me and told me he sealed his heir inside this place and only when the seal was broken and we would know the seal is broken when heavens temperature rises significantly, he said that would be when his heir awakens." Michael says seriously.

"But... that's... that's impossible." Uriel says shocked.

"Are you saying Father had a child?" Raphael says shocked.

"Oh I hope they're cute." Gabriel chimes in.

The three male angels just ignore her.

"He said that his heir resides behind this door, that's all I know. For all we know it might not be a child and it could be a better version of the system." Michael says.

"But why? why would Father keep us in the dark." Uriel asks angrily.

"I do not know Uriel, but we should head inside and find out who or what is inside." Michael says calmly.

They all nod and walk inside.

Inside they see a lavish bed with lace curtuins hiding what's inside.

All four angels walk towards the bed, Michael pulls back the curtain on the left side of the bed. As Michael pulls the curtain back, the four angels are hit with an intense amount of heat. "What is this heat and that pressure is insane." Raphael asks a little nervous. In fact he's not the only one that's nervous, the other three feel a threatening pressure coming from what's inside the bed.

They fight against the pressure and take a look inside, inside lays a boy boy about 6 or 7 years old laying on it, the boy has Silver colored hair, delicate smooth tanned skin that would make most girls envious and a majestic otherworldly beautiful face that would cause anyone to be grateful that they had the chance to catch even a glimpse of it.

All the angels gasp, as they lay eyes on the boy, they can feel that the pressure is coming from the little boy, its as if they're standing in the presence of their father again, They can also feel that he has insane amounts of holy power for someone his age, it feels very warm and comfortable but also really heavy, but to the angels it's like they're sleeping in the most comfortable bed in the world surrounded by the warmest and most comfortable blanket ever because it reminds them of their father.

"It's true." Raphael says in shock after breaking out of his stupor and falls to his knees in awe.

"This boy is Gods heir and he is our prince." Uriel says in awe.

"Yes it feels like I'm in fathers presence again." Michael also says completely awestruck.

"He's so adorable, I need too hug him." Gabriel says breathing slightly heavy, blood dripping from her nose.

The other 3 archangels just look at her in disbelief, but then shake their heads with a sigh, already they're used to her antics.

"Did father tell you our princes name?" Uriel asks.

"He said his heir is to be named, Rhys." Michael says.

"Prince Rhys." Raphael repeats.

"Prince Rhys." Uriel repeats.

"Rye-chan!" Gabriel yells happily.

The other three angels just shake their head at their sisters antics again.

They notice the boys eyes flutter open and he slowly gets up, he's eyes open and they're a a beautiful silver blue color that has this mystical glow to them.

The pressure and heat suddenly dissapear as if they were never there in the first place.

"Where am I?" The boy asks with the most beautiful melodic soothing voice any of these angels have ever heard.

That beautiful face combined with his heavenly voice, stuns all of them for a few seconds, they all drop to one knee.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?" Prince Rhys asks.

"Sorry my prince, you're in the 7th layer of heaven in God's mansion?" Michael explains raising his head.

"Please all of you stand, I don't need you to bow to me, I'm sure father didn't want you guys to bow to him either." Rhys tells them.

They all stand up.

"Hmm... and Father?" Rhys asks hope in his tone.

"I'm sorry my prince he.. he's dead." Michael explains the pain clear in his tone.

Rhys face instantly drops and he seems almost close to tears.

I may not have known my father for that long but I really cared for him, he was always good to me. Rhys thinks to himself sadly.

"I'm assuming you are the four great Serephs." Rhys asks.

"Yes prince Rhys, I am Michael." Michael says.

He points to Uriel, "That is Uriel."

He then points at Raphael, "That is Raphael."

He then points to Gabriel, "And that is Gabriel."

"By the way, why's Gabriels nose bleeding and why is she breathing so heavily?" Rhys asks confused.

"Forgive her Prince Rhys she's... just happy to see you." Michael says with a strained smile.

She also loves anything cute and with the way you look, it might be too much for her, luckily Gabriel's thoughts are pure or she might have fallen inmeadiately.

"My... my prince can I hug you?" Gabriel asks hopeful.

Weird but getting a hug from a beautiful woman is always welcome. "Sure." Rhys agrees.

"Yaaayyyy!!!" Gabriel yells in a ditzy way and runs over to hug Rhys.

Now this isn't a lust thing or anything, she just loves cute things and no one can deny Rhys is extreamely cute especially with his serious demeanor.

Gabriel grabs Rhys and pulls him towards her giant boobs.

"So soft." Gabriel says while hugging Rhys and rubbing her boobs all over his face.

"Uhhh Gabriel I'm struggling to breath." Rhys says calmly.

"Oh sorry Ry-chan." Gabriel says pouting and stops hugging Rhys so agressively, she still continues hugging him but doesn't suffocate him with her boobs, she hugs him from behind and leans on the dashboard of the bed, letting Rhys lean back and just lay his head on top of her massive pillows.

Ahh so soft. Rhys thinks as he makes himself comfortable.

Gabriel slowly starts stroking Rhys's soft silver hair, she can't help but enjoy touching it, it's even softer then her hair.

Michael, Raphael and Uriel can't help but lament how lucky Rhys is before they push those thoughts away.

"So can you guys tell me what year this is?" Rhys asks.

"It's the year 2000 my prince." Raphael answers quickly

Hmmm... that's 8 years before the plot of dxd, Rhys thinks to himself.

"Thank you Raphael." Rhys says with absolutely no emotion in his voice or on his face.

The three male angels can't help but notice that, Rhys facial expression and tone of voice have stayed the same even after Gabriel hugged him, It's like it didn't even affect him at all.

Gabriel is storking Rhys hair and he seems to be enjoying it, much to the jealously of the other angels, they'd also love to be so close to the prince. They aren't truly jealous though, since that's a sin, but its a fact everyone feels a little jealous sometimes, angel or otherwise.

"We need to go to the heaven control system, I need to make the changes father asked me to make." Rhys says casually.

"You.. you can do that?" Michael asks amazed.

Even though heavens system is running they cannot do anything besides give blessings and decide who can be saved and go to heaven and and also make blessed objects work against the devils of course.

"Yes, I plan to change quite a few things, but I'll start small for now." I say casually.

"Alright my prince, but are you fine to walk, you've been sleeping for so long." Michael asks worried.

"I'll be fine, Gabriel will help me." I say casually and slowly get off the bed with Gabriels support.

I walk forward holding Gabriels hand as support, I manage to take small steps while stumbling a little, but eventually I find my bearings as my brain seems to remember how to walk.

"Alright we can go." I tell them.

They all give me a small bow and lead me to the heaven control system.

We walk out of the room and down a long white hallway, Me and Gabriel and the four archangels are discussing Heaven and they're also telling me about the three other major factions, the devils and fallen angels,

Hmmm... I'm going to try and get the fallen angels back on our side, we could use the power and numbers, but some of them are truly irredeemable, we'll figure all that crap out later. Rhys thinks to himself.

We eventually decend down stairs leading to two giant white doors.

Damn this place is too white, Rhys thinks to himself annoyed by the whiteness of the walls.

They go through the doors and walk outside, the ground is made of clouds unsurprisingly of course, we walk to another building that's quite big in size we walk through the big white doors at the entrance of the building and walk through another hallway to a set of doors and go inside, the room is giant with giant super computer, hanging on the wall and other stations filled with 20 computers and 20 angels operating them facing this computer, it looks like those Nasa control centers where they launch the rockets from.

Seriously this is heavens system, I thought it'd be grander, well time to get started.

There's a throne sitting atop a bunch of steps towering over everything, I suppose that was God's seat, well it's mine now.

"I'm assuming that throne up there was my father's throne correct?" Rhys asks Michael.

"That is correct my prince, only God may sit that throne and in order for the system to run smoothly someone needs to claim the throne the problem is that anyone else who tries to sit upon the throne will immediately be obliterated, a few foolish angels have tried and died leaving no trace that they have existed." Michael explains.

"Hmm... interesting I'm sure you guys still have some doubt to me being God's son, so sitting on that throne will prove my identity." Rhys says calmly.

"Good Morning Archangels-Sama." The 20 angels greet the archangels..

All the Angels eyes suddenly fall on Rhys who is currently holding Gabriels hand, like the archangels they're all stunned by the beauty of my face, no one recovering until Michael releases some of his pressure waking all of them up.

"My lord who is that?" One of the angels asks while staring at me reverently.

"Listen up an announcement will be made soon, but this is Prince Rhys, the heir of our Father." Michael announces.

All of them gasp in shock and awe.

"My lord are... are you serious?" Another asks hopeful.

"Yes, father himself told me this before he perished." Michael says with a sad face.

"Hello my name is Rhys as Michael says I am indeed God's son, but to prove it to everyone, I will sit upon the throne." Rhys says casually.

"No prince Rhys we believe you, but if it was only meant for God you might die, even being his son." Raphael staunchly disagrees. Raphael believes that with Rhys's power, they will once again bring heaven back to its former glory.

Rhys shakes his head.

"No, father told me I'd need to reclaim the throne for heaven to reach it's former glory." Rhys says calmly.

I walk to the stairs still holding Gabriels hand, I may be able to walk but my legs are still slightly shakey. As we reach the bottom, I let go of Gabriels hand which earns a pout from her.

I walk up the stairs under the worried eyes of all the angels, because even if i can't sit on the throne, they're still enamored by my looks and voice and the aura I'm giving off, which is very similar to their father, so they don't want me to die since I'm the closest thing to their deceased father.

I make my way to the top and slowly descend onto the throne and as I make contact with the chair, im hit with information about both systems, the sacred gear one and the heaven control one, but for now all I care about is the heaven control one.

Basically, I can control everyone, who falls who doesn't, I can change the rules of heaven, which is what I plan to do.

"It is fathers child, he's sitting upon the throne there can be no doubt now!" One of the angels yells excited.

Suddenly all the Angels get out of their seats and get on one knee, the archangels join in aswell.

"Please everyone rise, there is no need to do this." Rhys says annoyance in his tone.

They all get up, still awestruck by Rhys occupying the throne.

"Now everyone, I'll be making some changes to the rules, considering our shortage of angels, we need to make a few changes." Rhys announces.

This earns gasps from everyone, they can't believe he can actually change the system, but his words have made the. curious.

"Firstly I'll sort out our lack of angels problem."

"How so my Prince?" Michael asks with hope

and curiousity in his tone. The rest of the angels are also looking at Rhys with anticipation.

"We need to start interacting with the churches more, I have plan." Rhys says all this with his eyes closed.

Right now inside Rhys's head he's looking at a virtual computer that hosts both the sacred gear system and God's system. Right now Rhys is changing a few of the more stricker rules, as well as trying to implement a new system like the card system that was originally created in the anime. Thanks to my bloodline the system has integrated with me nicely. I feel as if I know it from the inside out, so making this new system with the help of my father's system shouldn't be too hard. I can probably even improve how it works, like allowing anyone who was reborn, to be reborn with a special skill. Honestly God's system is crazy, it has a ton of amazing information on it, but I'll go through that later, right now I do need to tell the angels of my plans.

"What do you mean my Prince?" Raphael asks confused.

"I have a plan to increase our numbers by creating a new system, a system that involves letting devout followers be reincarnated into angels."

Rhys's words cause all the angels to gasp with shock.

"Are you serious my prince?" Uriel asks shocked.

"Yes, it'll take me a few weeks to make however."

"Anyway that's why I want us to become closer with the church, it'll help us find prospects to reincarnate."

"Also, Michael I'd like for you to announce my presence to the higher-ups in the church, but make sure they're sworn to keep it a secret, tell them I'll meet them as soon. I want to finish the system first. Then I'd like for you to get them to spread rumors of my existence all over the world, I'd like people to think I exist but not know for sure." Rhys instructs Michael.

"Happy to do that my prince." Michael says with a smile on his face and walks out of the room.


"Yes Rye-chan." She looks up at me curiously.

Damn she's so adorable and those boobs, damn those things are huge. Rhys thinks to himself.

"Gabriel I need you to keep an eye on a girl named Jeanne, she hosts the spirit of Joan of Arc, make sure she's treated well by the church, I'd like to reincarnate her in the future as well as a girl named Lint Sellzen." Ryths order.

"Of course Rye-chan." Gabriel says with a big smile on her face.

"Also scout out potential people not just from the church that might be suitable to be reincarnated as Angels."

"I'm on it Rye-chan." Gabriel says with a serious expression on her face, that makes her look really adorable.

Honestly it's hard to believe Gabriel is one of the strongest angels in heaven. Rhys thinks to himself.

"Good, thank you Gabriel." Rhys says with no emotion on his face.

"Lastly I'll need a combat teacher, my father wasn't able to train me... before, anyway who is the best fighter among you and Raphael, Uriel?"

"That would be me Prince Rhys I'd be honored to teach you." Raphael says respectfully.

"Very well Raphael, I'll be in your care." I say with a nod.

"Uriel I want you to announce to my presence to the angels, and then tell them to meet on the fifth floor in two days, that's when I plan to address them and explain the new rules."

"Of course my Prince." Uriel bows before walking out.

"Alright Raphael let's go." Rhys says and gets up off the throne.

"Yes my prince." Raphael says respectfully.

As Rhys is walking out of the room, the angels quickly get up and bow as he leave.

Arghhh I guess I'll have to get used to that. Rhys thinks to himself annoyed, though his face doesn't show it at all.

Alright I have 8 years to increase my strength, by then I should be atleast stronger then an ultimate class devil, I'll need to be in the top 10 of the strongest beings in the world.

Anyway let's do this.