
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasie
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78 Chs

Reliving the War

"Dragon!" Tomas said, pointing at the dragon carving.

"Right. We forgot to come back for it yesterday," Liliana said. She smiled and gave her kid brother a coin.

Smiling, Tomas waddled over to the stand. The kid put down and coin and pointed to the dragon carving. "I want that one!"

The vendor, a kindly old man with a bushy white beard, chuckled as he handed the dragon carving to Tomas. "You've got a good eye, young man. This dragon is said to bring good luck and courage to its owner."

Tomas's eyes widened with excitement as he accepted the carving. "Thank you, sir!"

He turned around and showed it proudly to Kite, Liliana, Elian, and his cousins. "Look, Kite! It's a dragon! Isn't it cool?"

Kite smiled warmly. "It's very cool, Tomas. Dragons are powerful and majestic creatures."

Skyla nodded.

Liliana ruffled her brother's hair. "You picked a great one. Now let's make sure it has a special place in your room once we get back."

He grinned. "Okay!"

As they continued to wander through the festival, they passed by a stage where a group of performers were putting on a play about ancient heroes and their legendary battles. The crowd was captivated.

Elian nudged him. "You look like you're deep in thought. What's on your mind?"

Kite shrugged, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Just thinking that there's so much I still need to learn and discover."

Liliana grinned. "And you will, Kite. We're all here to help you."

Ludo nodded.

Suddenly, a loud cheer erupted from a nearby stall, drawing their attention. It was a contest of strength, where participants took turns trying to lift a heavy stone. The prize was a beautifully crafted sword, the hilt adorned with intricate designs.

Elian's eyes sparkled with interest. "Think you can give it a shot, Kite?"

Kite looked at him as if he were crazy. "Unless there's a ten and under division, I ain't entering. I don't wanna die."

The azure eyed boy chuckled. "Yeah. Hey, once we're older, we should definitely enter it."

He smiled and nodded. "Sure."

Skyla gasped.

"See something you like?" Ludo asked his sister as he pushed her wheelchair through the festival grounds.

Skyla pointed excitedly at a nearby stall where a woman was demonstrating small, magically animated figurines. Each figure moved with lifelike grace, dancing and performing intricate routines. "Look at those! They're amazing!"

Ludo guided her closer to the stall, and the rest of the group followed. The vendor noticed their interest and smiled warmly. "These are enchanted figurines. They come to life with a bit of magic and can dance, sing, or act out stories. Would you like to see a demonstration?"

Skyla nodded eagerly. "Yes, please!"

The vendor selected a figure of a knight and placed it on a small platform. She whispered a few words and tapped the figurine with a wand. The knight sprang to life, drawing its tiny sword and performing a series of impressive maneuvers. The crowd around the stall clapped and cheered as the figurine finished its routine with a dramatic flourish.

Skyla's eyes shone with delight. "That's incredible!"

The vendor leaned closer to her. "Would you like to take one home with you? They can be great companions and provide endless entertainment."

Skyla looked at Ludo, her eyes pleading. "Can we, please?"

Ludo smiled and nodded. "Of course, Skyla. Pick the one you like the most."

Skyla carefully examined the various figurines before selecting a graceful dancer with flowing robes. "This one, please."

The vendor wrapped the figurine carefully and handed it to Skyla. "A fine choice. May it bring you joy and wonder."

Tomas reached for the knight from the demo and gave the man a coin.

Kite glanced at a smiling Liliana with a bag of coins in her hands. He couldn't help but smile back. For as mischievous as she could be, Liliana was a nice big sis.

As they continued to explore the festival, the group stumbled upon a storytelling tent where the blond bard from before was recounting tales of old. They decided to take a break and listen to the stories, finding a cozy spot inside the tent.

The bard's voice was mesmerizing, weaving vivid images of mythical creatures, brave heroes, and far-off lands. Kite was captivated by the stories, feeling a deep connection to the adventures and the lessons they imparted.

As the bard concluded a particularly thrilling tale, he looked out at the audience and smiled. "Hope you all enjoyed my tales."

Liliana and Skyla clapped while Ludo hummed as if wondering anything said was actually real.

After leaving the storytelling tent, they continued to enjoy the festival, trying different foods, playing games, and making memories that would last a lifetime.

As the afternoon sun began to dip lower in the sky, they decided to head to Ludo's father's shop. The idea of meeting a summoner still intrigued Kite, and he hoped Ludo's father might have some leads.

The shop was a treasure trove of goods from all over Eldoria.

Ludo's dad greeted them with a wide smile. "Welcome, young adventurers! What brings you to my humble store?"

"We were wondering if you knew any summoners," Liliana said, getting straight to the point.

Her uncle Mako stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Summoners, eh? They're a rare bunch. But I might know someone who can help."

Kite's interest was piqued. "Who?"

"I met this girl once in one of the nearby towns. Despite being a year young than you, she could summon large beasts. Some I had never even seen before."

Kite's eyes widened with excitement. "Really? Do you know where we could find her?"

Mako nodded thoughtfully. "Her name is Sylvana, and she lives in the town of Valoria, a few days' journey from here. She's a bit of a wanderer, but she has a knack for summoning creatures from the wilds. If anyone can help you understand summoning magic, it's her."

Liliana turned to Kite, a gleam of adventure in her eyes. "Sounds like we have our next destination, Kite. What do you think?"

Kite nodded, feeling a surge of determination. "I think it's worth a try. If Sylvana can teach me about summoning, it could be a valuable skill to add to my magic."

Elian, who had been listening quietly, spoke up. "Valoria is a beautiful town. I've been there once with my family. It's known for its vibrant markets and friendly people. I think you'll like it."

Ludo grinned. "Looks like we're going on another adventure. Count me in!"

Skyla clapped her hands in excitement. "I want to go too! It sounds amazing!"

Mako chuckled, ruffling Ludo's hair. "Looks like you'll have quite the entourage, Kite. Just be sure to stay safe and look out for each other."

Kite smiled, feeling a sense of camaraderie and support from his friends. "We will, Mr. Mako. Thank you for the information."

As they left the shop, the group discussed their plans for the journey to Valoria. They decided to gather supplies and set out the next morning, eager to meet Sylvana and learn more about summoning magic.

"Hehe, well, let's go enjoy the rest of the festival!" Liliana exclaimed.

Elian nodded as he swung his hands behind his head. "The fireworks still have yet to start!"

Fireworks? Kite hummed as he followed them. Did that mean this world developed something akin to gunpowder too?

As the sky darkened, anticipation for the fireworks grew. The festival-goers gathered in the main square, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns and the last rays of the setting sun.

Kite stood with his friends, the excitement palpable in the air. "I've never seen fireworks before since I came here," he admitted, his eyes scanning the horizon. He wasn't even sure how he would react to them... Rockets bursting in the air, it wasn't something he associated with fun anymore.

Liliana squeezed his hand. "You're in for a treat. They're like magic in the sky!"

Tomas bounced on his toes, clutching his dragon carving. "Are they loud?" he asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"A bit," Ludo replied, "but the beauty is worth it. Just wait, you'll see."

Skyla, her figurine dancer cradled in her lap, looked up at Kite. "It's like the fire dancers, but even brighter and higher up."

As the first rocket soared into the sky, a hush fell over the crowd. With a brilliant burst, it exploded into a cascade of colors, showering the night with reds, blues, and greens. One after another, the fireworks painted the sky, each explosion a symphony of light and sound that left the onlookers in awe.

Kite froze up. Sweat began to run down his face. His hands went to his ears to muffle out the sound.

The whistle of the rocket was too similar to the rockets fired at his people in his old world by the machines that had brought destruction from the skies. His heart raced, and his breath caught in his throat as memories flooded back—flashes of running, hiding, the ground shaking with each impact.

Liliana noticed the change in Kite immediately. "Kite? What's wrong?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Kite tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come. He was there again, in the midst of chaos, the sky alight with the fire of battle, not the joyous display of fireworks.

Elian stepped closer, his expression turning serious. "Kite, talk to me."

Kite's hands were shaking, and he clenched them into fists, trying to ground himself in the present. "It's... the rockets," he managed to say. "They remind me of... of the mechas."

Understanding dawned on Elian's face, and he put a reassuring hand on Kite's shoulder. "You're safe here, Kite. It's just a celebration."

Liliana wrapped her arms around him in a gentle hug. "We're here with you. You're not alone."

Tomas looked up at Kite with wide, worried eyes. "Kite, don't be scared. I'm here."

The warmth of their support helped Kite to focus, to pull himself out of the grip of his past. He took deep breaths, each one steadier than the last, as the sounds of the festival gradually replaced the echoes of war in his mind.

The fireworks continued, but Kite no longer saw them as a threat. With his friends by his side, he began to appreciate their beauty, to see them as a symbol of the peace and safety he had found in Eldoria.

As the night progressed, Kite's anxiety faded, replaced by a sense of gratitude for the new life he had been given. The festival, with its lights and laughter, was a stark contrast to the darkness of his past, and he was determined to embrace the light.

The fireworks ended with a grand finale, a brilliant cascade of color that lit up the night. Kite watched, a small smile forming on his lips even as his hands continued to shake. While he had yet to overcome them entirely, his friends had nudged him toward doing so.

The festival might've been over, but for Kite, it was a new beginning. A beginning of healing, of finding joy in the present, and of looking forward to a future filled with hope. One that left behind the mental scars of war.

Thoughts on Kite?

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