
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasie
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78 Chs

Holding Her Hand To Chase Away the Nightmares

Kite's face lit up with a smile as the wagon came into sight, still on the same dirt road where Mako had parked it.

Mako's blue eyes grew wide with surprise as he gazed upward at the kids. His smile broadened, and he enthusiastically waved at the children. "Hey! You're back! And you found Sylvana too!"

"Sorry we took so long, Dad," Ludo said as the griffin descended onto the dirt road cutting through the forest. "We got into a big detour."

"Yeah, Kite ended up bouncing down a big drop!" Liliana said. She smiled at Sylvana. "Thankfully, he got saved by Liliana who happened to be nearby. Meanwhile, Ludo, Elian, and I ended up running into some bad guys. We struggled at first, but then Kite can in. Together, the four of us kicked some bandit butt! Then Sylvana came out of hiding. She's pretty shy, you know."

Sylvana looked away, her cheeks pink.

"And she called Zephyron, and we flew here," Liliana continued. She pointed at the griffin. "That's Zephyron by the way. Sylvana likes called him Ron."

Ludo sighed and shook his head at his cousin. "Liliana..."

Liliana blinked and tilted her head as she said, "What? Was that supposed to be a secret?"

He rolled his eyes. "Minus the last stuff, yes."

Mako sighed. "Well, can't say hearing that doesn't make me worry about you kids going on adventures."

"It's fine. We ran into a ram some days ago," Liliana said. "We came out of that just fine."

Ludo face palmed.

Kite chuckled nervously. Liliana wasn't exactly the brightest bulb, was she? No, she could be smart. It was more she was honest to a fault.

Mako's expression softened as he took in the sight of the children, safe and sound, with the addition of Sylvana and her griffin. "Well, I'm just glad you're all okay," he said, his voice filled with relief. "And thanks for bringing them back, Sylvana."

Sylvana, still a bit flustered by the attention, managed a small smile. "It was the least I could do after Kite helped me earlier," she said quietly.

Ludo, finally lowering his hand from his face, added, "We've all had quite the day, but we learned a lot too. And made a new friend."

Mako nodded, his gaze lingering on the griffin. "Zephyron, was it? Magnificent creature," he remarked.

Sylvana beamed at the praise for her companion. "I met him last night," she shared.

Kite gasped. "Just last night?"

"But you already look like such good friends," Liliana said, mouth agape. She glanced at Kite and chuckled. "Although one could say the same about me and Kite."

He smiled. "Yeah."

Mako's eyes were still fixed on the griffin, a mix of admiration and curiosity in his gaze. "To form such a bond in a single night," he mused aloud, "that's quite extraordinary."

Sylvana shrugged, a hint of pride in her voice. "Zephyron and I connected instantly. It's like we were meant to find each other."

"It's been a day full of surprises. And I think we've all learned something valuable," Ludo said, smiling as they made their way to the back of the wagon.

Elian nodded in agreement. "Yeah, like how important it is to stick together and watch each other's backs."

Liliana, still brimming with energy, bounced on the balls of her feet. "And that we can handle whatever comes our way!"

Mako chuckled, shaking his head. "You kids are something else. Come on, let's get you home. You all deserve a good meal and rest."

As they climbed into the wagon, Sylvana hesitated, looking back at Zephyron. "Will you be okay here?" she asked the griffin.

Zephyron let out a soft meow, nuzzling her affectionately. "He'll be fine," Sylvana said, more to herself than anyone else. "He knows the forest better than anyone."

With a final pat on Zephyron's beak, Sylvana joined the others in the wagon.

They found Skyla inside, sound asleep. Spread on the floor around her were several drawings. They were of her family and friends.

"Who is this?" Sylvana asked.

"She's my sister," Ludo said, smiling. "She couldn't come with us to look for you because her legs aren't the greatest."

"It's a good thing she didn't. That landslide would've spooked her," Elian said, hands behind his head.

Kite nodded. Even now, he was a bit uneasy about wet ground.

The wagon creaked gently as they all settled in, the comforting presence of Skyla's drawings a silent testament to the bonds they shared. Sylvana glanced at the sketches, each line and shade capturing a moment, a memory, a piece of their lives.

Mako held out his right hand and formed his wind horses, the wind began to pull the wagon down the path leading to Valoria. The rhythmic trot of hooves was a soothing melody, a lullaby for the adventures that lay behind and the promise of peaceful rest ahead.

Sylvana found herself gazing at the drawings once more.

"She has a talent," Sylvana remarked, her voice soft but filled with admiration.

Ludo's smile was tinged with brotherly affection. "Yeah, she sees the world in a way that makes you appreciate the little things," he said.

Elian leaned back, his gaze on the passing trees. "We all have our strengths," he mused. "Today proved that."

Liliana giggled. "We should all draw something when we get back. A big picture with all of us in it!"

Kite chuckled at the idea. "That sounds like a plan. I'm not much of an artist, but I'll give it a shot."

"So, Sylvana. I know it's late now, so could teach me about summoning magic tomorrow?"

She nodded. "Sure!"

He beamed. "Thanks!"

The girl sighed and leaned against his shoulder. Quickly, she dozed off.

Sylvana must've been exhausted from the day's events. She had summoned multiple times.

The wagon rolled on, the gentle sway lulling Sylvana into a deeper sleep. Her head rested lightly against Kite's shoulder, her breaths even and calm. Kite looked down at her, a sense of protectiveness washing over him. He adjusted his position slightly to give her more support, careful not to wake her.

Liliana watched the exchange with a soft smile. "She looks peaceful," she whispered to Kite.

Kite nodded, his voice low. "She's had a long day. We all have."

Mako glanced back at them, a knowing look in his eyes. "Let her rest," he said. "Summoning takes a lot out of you, especially when you're summoning mythical beasts at such a young age."

"Yeah," Kite said, holding the girl's hand.

The wagon continued its journey through the night, the soft glow of the lanterns casting a warm light inside. Kite sat quietly, Sylvana's hand still in his, her gentle breathing a steady rhythm in the quiet space. He watched over her, a silent guardian as she slept.

As the night deepened, Sylvana began to stir, her brow furrowing and a soft whimper escaping her lips.

Kite leaned closer, concern etching his features. "Sylvana?" he whispered, unsure if he should wake her.

Her murmurs grew more frantic, words spilling out in a hushed, pained tone. "No… please… don't hurt Daddy and Mommy…"

Kite's heart clenched. She must've been reliving that terrible day, the day she lost her parents.

He squeezed her hand gently, whispering reassurances. "You're safe, Sylvana. You're with me. You're with friends."

Slowly, the tension left her body, her grip on his hand tightening before relaxing once more. Kite continued to whisper to her, a litany of comfort until her nightmares seemed to recede.

As the wagon rolled into Valoria and pulled up to the Silver Scepter Inn, Kite helped Sylvana down, her steps unsteady as she woke fully. "Did I…?" she started, her voice trailing off as she remembered.

Kite nodded, giving her a small, supportive smile. "You had a nightmare, but it's okay now. We're here for you."

Sylvana looked up at him, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you, Kite," she said, her voice thick with emotion.

They entered the inn, the warmth from the hearth chasing away the chill of the night. The innkeeper showed them to their shared room, and they bid each other goodnight.

As the other slept, Kite sat by the window, gazing out at the stars. Today had been a day of battles and new bonds, of fears faced and friendships forged.

He eyed Sylvana who slept near him. Reaching down, he grabbed her hand. Sylvana's nightmares were a part of her past, but her future was with them.

A small smile crossed his face as she slept soundly. Kite wanted to be the light that chased the nightmares and darkness away and lit her future. And as the moonlight bathed the room in a soft glow, Kite made a silent vow to stand by her, to be her steadfast guardian against the shadows of yesterday and the beacon for all their tomorrows.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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