
Reborn into a Magical World

Avonturier · Fantasie
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8 Chs

006 - Epic Spar

As we approach the training ground I notice that there are five people standing within a circle with a

diameter of about ten meters. In the centre is a feminine figure with long green hair tied in a rough bun. Her dark chocolate face has a blank expression. She is wearing thin gambeson and thick sackcloth trousers and bare feet.

The other four are in full body thick gambeson of different colours. One looks to be a woman while the other three are men. Three of them have spears and large shields. And one of the men has two staffs. The woman in the centre only has a sword which the blade is curled into a circle.


Came a shout from an older man who was standing to the side of the circle. Instantly the woman in the middle pushed her arm out. With her thumb still gripping the handle of her sword all her fingers let go allowing the sword to unspool. I'd seen one of these before but never someone use one of them. Instantly the sword shot out of its place and went straight before flopping on the ground like a wet noodle.

The green haired one raised her hand above her head bringing a tug along the length of the sword. This type of sword was called an Urumi and it is fought to have originally come from another continent.

In the same second since the fight begun all four the opponents raised there shields and weapons. She began to flick the sword. It made a whooping speed as it began to gain speed. It length was roughly two and a half metres long.

She began to pick up speed as she moved her feet in a circle while her right arm went back and forth creating a bubble from the blade. As one of the spearmen approached. She created a flick from her wrist and the tip of the sword went straight at the man who just raised his shield to where it sat just in front of his face with his spear held above his head.

The Urumi slammed against the shield the tip of it being blocked by the spear. The man took a visible step back from the built up momentum colliding with his large frame. The other three took the opening to charge.

The large spearman still stunned by the attack back up a few feet. The green-haired swordswoman realizing there tactic. twisted her whole body bringing the tip round as the middle collided with the other spearman's shins. He fell flat on his face.

As the Spearwoman and the Dual-Staffman came within a meter of her the tip wrapped around the Spearwoman's head. As it collided, she flopped down having been knocked out by the momentum.

The green-haired Swordswoman dropped as one of the short staffs swung in an arc for her head. She raised the guard of her sword now pinned under the collapsed Spearwoman. The other staff on a downward swing was blocked by the cross-guard.

She wrapped her legs around the Staffman's knees. He collapsed as she brought the blade of her Urumi to his neck. She froze as she felt a cold blade on the side of her neck.

She lowered her head before chuckling and getting up while shaking her head. She lends a hand to the one she pinned down. As all five of them get up. The large man who took all the momentum from the whip is still a bit shaky, but all the others are fine.

The entire fight only lasted ten seconds at most. I the turn my head to Richard and ask.

"Why did they all gang up on her?"

Richard just responds while still looking at the fight, the wrinkles on his face seeming more pronounced.

"Well, about a year ago she got a high affinity with whip-swords and your father had that one specially made for her. The entire design for the sword is meant to allow one too face multiple opponents. But as you can see, she still needs practice. Also none of them have activated an Aura so there fight is nothing to marvel at."

I just contemplate what he is talking about, but soon my mind is shaken from my thoughts when, he gestures for me to follow him to a stone building on the opposite side of the compound to the weapon shed.

(A/N: Google some clips of the Urumi Sword. It's an Awesome Weapon.)