
Being intimate with Wang Shangyan_2

"There's a saying, 'A fish knows the water it drinks, as one knows the warmth and cold themselves, what your life is like.'

"You don't need to look at it through someone else's eyes and thoughts.

"Your own heart will be clearer than anyone else's."

Shen Rongfei felt that Wang Haifei's words made sense—her life, indeed, shouldn't be lived in the gaze of others.


"A 23-year age gap is too big, isn't it?"

Wang Haifei took the water Shen Rongfei handed her, took a sip, and said, "You're kind of ignorant about this."

"Actually, middle-aged men and middle-aged women are not a good match."

"Middle-aged women are arriving at the peak of their need for love."

"While middle-aged men at this age have begun to smoke, drink, play cards all around, losing their desire for love."

"It's different with young people; they crave love 24 hours a day."

"18 and 41, both are at the peak of their hormones."

"That's the perfect match."