
237 Yin Xueyang's insistence, you must use that one, go buy it!_3

"Li Zhiyan, why are you getting so close to me!"

"Get lost!"

"Aunt Yin, my neck is really tired. I just need to lean on your shoulder for a bit, that's normal, right?"

Sniffing the scent in Yin Xueyang's hair, Li Zhiyan thought that these gorgeous mature women all had one thing in common, they smelled really nice and tempting.

Yin Xueyang's face had already started to heat up.

"Get lost after you lean... "

Though her words were still full of pride, Yin Xueyang's voice had obviously slowed down.

After that, Li Zhiyan placed his hand on Yin Xueyang's black silk-clad beautiful legs.

The feel of the stockings made Li Zhiyan somewhat reluctant to let go, Yin Xueyang wearing black stockings felt somehow different compared to other aunts.

"Li Zhiyan, don't you dare touch my legs!"

Yin Xueyang scolded, but her voice was fading for Li Zhiyan.

At this moment, Yin Xueyang felt her hormones secreting uncontrollably.

"Aunt Yin,"