
reborn in young justice

I checked my phone before I walked down the steps into the subway, couldn’t get a.. not be book original book from https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/assimilation-young-justice-si.39011/#post-8648832 can you guys add me on Instagram tops.hotta16 my Instagram work my original work

Mdot · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs


I made no sound as I crawled through the Mountain's air vents, carefully looking for any sign of my prey. My tail swept out slowly behind me as my head moved close to the vent floor to find any trace of his passing, and while I only found a few light scuffs I wasn't concerned. He may have had more experience than I did, but by this point I could navigate the tunnels and secret passages better than anyone else on my team. And he was the only one of them still standing.

Black Canary had been too busy for the past two weeks to come by (something about a stake out in Bludhaven), so I decided to take Red Tornado's advice and tried to get some training going on my own. We didn't have a danger room or anything like it in the Mountain though, and I doubted that all the teenagers in the group would care for any kind of regimented training among themselves, so I decided to keep it simple and challenged them all to a game of hide and seek. Of a sort. Basically, the goal was to tag the person on the other team in the center of their back, and then that person was out. Last team standing won.

Oh, and the teams were me verses everyone else.

Perhaps a little egotistical on my part, but I honestly wanted to see if I could do it, plus it would make the xenomorph surprise all the more hilarious. Though to be honest I had half expected that after my 2 minute head start was up that Wally would find me instantly. That didn't happen though, as he ended up zipping by my hiding place up on the wall of the generator room a few times without even noticing. I guess it hadn't occurred to him that he'd have to look up to see me. I had also gotten lucky when he stopped nearby a air vent to com the rest of the team. The scream he made when I tagged him and dragged him into the vent was more satisfying than it probably should have been.

After that I started picking them one by one. Kaldur and Superboy were easy as the group tired splitting up to find me (Though the latter of which nearly pasted me out of reflex before he realized who I was). The remaining three wised up to what I was doing and moved into the air vents to track me down. But, even though the girls could fly, neither of them were quite as mobile as I was in the confined space. A little bit of maneuvering and I managed to get the both of them before Robin disappeared (Neither of them were that surprised by my appearance though, I guess the aliens were used to sights like me). That left only Robin, and the hyper-competent infiltration expert was a bit better at the game than the rest of the team.

As good as he was though, he had left enough of a trail for my superhuman sight to pick up on, and he was clearly heading deeper into the complex. Trying to set a trap maybe? I thought before I picked up the pace, weaving through the vents quickly and fluidly. After a minute I came to a junction in the vents going left and right, and a bit of discoloration on the path to the left drew my attention. Looking closer I realized that it was Robin's cape, apparently discarded. Had I a proper face I would have rolled my eyes. Come on, Robin, I'm smarter than that, I thought to myself as I headed down the right side path.

A few seconds later the vent widened into some kind pipe filed service room, not much larger than a large closet. Near as I could tell the room was meant to be a sort of auxiliary access for the Mountain's water filtration system. I took a quick glance around to see that he wasn't hiding anywhere in the small space before I stepped in and started to move to the exit on the other side.

The moment I did though there was a series of sharp cracks and smoke exploded up from the floor, rapidly expanding and obscuring everything. Even my infrared vision. IR blocking smoke? Should have known even your smoke pellets are high tech... I thought as I froze in place and tried to keep calm. Even though I couldn't see, I still wasn't blind. My blindsight was still giving me a clear view of the room, so rather than trying to bolt I waited for Robin to make his move. If he assumed that I couldn't see him then he would-

My patience was rewarded a second later as there was movement at the top of the room and a humanoid shape started to fall to the floor, primed to land behind me. I didn't have time to wonder where he had been hiding and jumped back as fast as I could, so that I would be behind him when he landed. He didn't react to my movement, and my hand shot out to tag him just as he came into range, securing my victory.

Except it didn't. Now that it was close enough to see despite the smoke, I saw that the thing dropping towards me was not Robin, but a dummy. Specifically one of the practice dummies we had in the fitness room. It crashed to the ground in front of me, and I blinked in confusion for a second before I straightened. A trick! But then where-

I suddenly felt something touch my back, and I froze out of pure shock. My blindsight didn't see anything behind me! What the hell?! I slowly turned my head to look behind me and as the smoke cleared I saw a black swath of cloth hanging right behind me with the middle pushed out to touch my back. Or to put it more accurately, a cape.

The cape dropped to reveal Robin with a shit eating grin, his arm still out stretched and touching me. "Gotcha."


"You knew I could track motion." I said as the two of us climbed out of a duct and landed in one of the Mountain's many hallways. My tail stretched out as I stood to walk on my hind legs, towering over the much shorter boy. "The infrared thing, fine, I told you how I could see in a wider spectrum, but how did you know..."

Robin gave a lopsided grin as we walked. "It's the way you move. Everyone else reacts when I pop up out of nowhere, even if it's just a small twitch. You on the other hand never reacted at all, as if you always knew the positions of everyone in the room. I figured that with all the tech you absorbed you probably had a sense that let you do that."

"Huh. But how did you know that it was ultrasound?" I asked. While ultrasound imaging was useful and versatile, it only worked on surfaces that could reflect the sound. Anything that muffled sound, like a sheet of cloth, was more or less invisible. He had to have known that was how I was doing it or he wouldn't have tried the cape trick.

He shrugged."I didn't, but it the the only method I knew how to beat with what I had, so I took the chance."


We turned the corner and walked into the common room, the rest of the team waiting for us there. Wally scowled as he saw me. "Dude. Not cool. Did you really have to drag me into the vents?!"

I smiled as I shrugged, or at least closely approximated those actions with my inhuman structure. "Perhaps not, but in my defense, it was hilarious."

Wally shivered at my expression. "Never do that again. Also, how the hell are you talking right now?"

I tapped at a knob at the base of my throat. "Speaker." I said. It had taken a little bit of practice to manipulate the device to make human speech just thinking about it, but I had gotten the hang of it.

Kaldur's mouth twisted a little. "As... useful as that form is, I think your sense of humor could use some adjustment."

"Yeah, most people just tell jokes." Superboy said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Eh, normal jokes aren't really my strong suit." I said. "How about this: A Tamaranian, a Martian, a Half-Kryptonian and a Post Human all walk into a bar. They then all promptly leave when they realize that none of them can metabolize alcohol in any meaningful fashion."

There was a long pause from everyone else before Wally coughed. "Yeah... don't quit your day job."

Superboy on the other hand scowled at me. "What do you mean, Half-Kryptonian? You're not talking about me are you?"

I blinked. "I mean... yes? You're Half-Kryptonian right?"

"No I'm not! I mean, I shouldn't be! I'm a clone of Superman, why would I only be Half-Krptonian?!"

I was about to reply about how he told me about it when I stopped, realizing that no, he in fact did not ever tell me about his hybrid status. I had just known from the comics and assumed that it common knowledge. Except that he thought differently, and now I had to explain just how I knew/thought that.

Great job, numbnuts, you've only been at this for less than two weeks and you've already blown it.

I stammered a little as I tried to deflect the question. "Well, uh, are you sure about that? Has anyone actually checked your DNA since you left Cadmus?"

"Well, no, but... I'm supposed to be a clone of Superman." He insisted before his tone turned angry. "Why would you think that I'm only half? Is it because I'm not as strong as him?!"

That... was a plausible answer. Knowing Superboy it was also a fast way to get my head caved in if I came out and said it directly. I took a deep breath (unnecessary as it was) and answered. "Look, I'm sorry I assumed. But... if you don't actually know for sure... It might be a good idea to do a DNA profile on you regardless, to make sure that Cadmus didn't do anything-"

"No! No more labs or testing! I don't need to do anything!" He yelled at me before he stormed off. I slumped a little as I watched him go, trying to ignore the feeling of guilt settling in my gut. Maybe I should...

M'gann stepped next to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, he'll come around. You know he's just... touchy about certain things."

"Yeah..." I said. It was difficult getting the teen to talk about it, but after living with him for over a week I had gathered that he had some hang ups when came to his parentage. I honestly wasn't sure why though. Maybe Superman just didn't visit often enough.

M'gann was silent for a moment before she turned to me. "So... are you comfortable being like that?"

"Huh?" I looked at her in surprise at the sudden shift in topics. "Well, I guess. I've been practicing being in different forms and getting used to them. This is actually the first form I took after I was consumed by these things." I waved my arm as I referred to my nanites.

"Really? Why?"

"Don't know. I think this is my 'base form' for whatever reason. It probably resembles whatever species made these things in the first place. That said I would have preferred them to look a little more human like."

"Oh. Well, then change back! You don't have to look like that if you don't want to!" She said cheerfully.

I cocked an eyebrow at that, but I said "Alright", and a second later I started to shift my body back to something more human. Rather than changing into my armored form though I shifted into something I had been working on over the past few days. As my internals shifted my surface segmented into into a series of thin, interlocking plates. They were fitted closely enough that it gave me the appearance of an almost unbroken surface while actually being flexible and allowing human like motion.

It was a form I had derived from the android that had been piloting Mister Twister. His internals may have used traditional robotic hydraulics and actuators rather than some kind of synthetic muscle, but it had been brilliantly constructed so that the surface shifted and moved to mimic human biomechanics. It was almost perfect... save for the occasional ridges and lack of realistic skin. Either the android hadn't bothered with synthetic skin below the neck or my nanites couldn't replicate it. I still had my own efforts in that regard, but manually trying to create a membrane of nanites that resembled human skin and fit naturally over my frame was... tricky. Besides which, even after assimilating the android I still didn't have proper tactile sensation (guess the creator didn't think it was necessary), so I didn't see much of a point in the extra step anyway.

As the changes finished I rolled my shoulders to make sure everything fit the way it should. I was thinner than when in my armored form, but I was still about 6'6'' and built broad in the shoulders, so everyone gave me some room. After that I glanced at a mirror hanging on the far wall, and promptly grimaced at the flat, near featureless face that looked back at me. Damn, still looks like that, I thought. I had hoped that all my practice at shaping my face over the past few weeks would cause my casual efforts to be more productive, but that still wasn't the case. I'd have to spend another hour or so fixing it.

Kori saw my grimace and gave me a reassuring smile. "Do not worry, you will get there. You have already improved so much."

"Thanks, but I know I have a ways to go. Just have to eat a few more androids..." I remarked. "Unfortunately, Kord Industries' robotics department is behind where I need it to be."

"So that's who you decided to go with..." Robin said. "How did the meeting go?"

When I had brought up the subject of outside help to Batman (who was still dragging his feet with the cadaver), he had given me the options of STAR Labs or Kord Industries, and after some thought I had selected the later. I couldn't cite any one major reason, but I did have a few minor ones. Though I couldn't be sure it was the same here, I had not forgotten how Cadmus had compromised STAR Labs in Justice League Unlimited, and my paranoia was telling that I really didn't want data on my nanites falling into the wrong hands. There was also the fact that after taking a look at how both organizations worked, it was clear that while STAR Lab's was primarily a research institution, Kord industries put a lot more technology into production. Given that I already had the data from Green Lantern's scan, I figured that what I needed was someone who could help me use and apply it, an engineer over a scientist.

Alright, the chance to meet Blue Beetle may have played a part in my decision too.

"Pretty good, though Mr. Kord could only give me a few more ideas that I hadn't really thought of yet. He wants to do more, but first he put me in contact with a specialist in Nanotechnology and Claytronics. I'm going to be meeting her in a few days-"

Before I could say anymore, the Mountain's speakers came on and Batman's voice echoed through the hall. "Team, gear up and assemble in the briefing chamber in five minutes. You have an assignment."

We all stopped for a moment before Robin fist pumped. "Yes, finally!"


"Isla Santa Prisca," Batman said as he gestured to the holographic screen that floated next to him and Red Tornado, the display in the main hall showing a top down view of the island along with extra information. "This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neo-steroid. A strength enhancing drug sold on the street named Venom."

Bane started mass producing the stuff? Wonder why I hadn't heard of this before, I thought to myself. I had been pouring through the Justice League's database for information every chance I got, but even when I had been looking up important villains and their crimes I hadn't seen any mention of Venom save for in Bane's file. Maybe this street level stuff is just that, and he keeps the good stuff for himself.

The holoscreen shifted and turned into as set of blue prints and a layout of the factory. "Infrared heat signatures indicated that the factory is operating at full capacity, but all shipments of Venom have been inexplicably cut off. That's where this team comes in. This is a covert, recon mission only; Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will."

Our first mission... is covert? I thought to myself as I glanced at my teammates. It was the first time I had seen them all in their costumes and while I had gotten used to the idea of people in brightly colored outfits being taken seriously, aside from maybe Robin we did not look stealthy. Hell, Superboy was still wearing his t-shirt and jeans (and standing on the opposite side of the group from me, I noticed).

As well, I had wondered for a while just what Starfire was going to do when it came to her costume, but the result was something I didn't quite expect. She wore a midriff revealing long armed top that extended slightly over the back of her hands, with a green stone embedded in each. There was another green stone right beneath her throat, and the whole thing was purple with silver at the cuffs. Her bottom half had the same color scheme with close shorts and thigh high boots. Definitely more modest than her v-shape bikini costume of the 80's, but still showed more skin than you'd expect.

In any case, none of them seemed to be feeling the same concern for the mission as me, so maybe I was the only one worried about sending a barely cohesive team of teenagers into a stealth mission. Still I decided let that go and address my other concern as I raised my hand. "Sir, I have to ask... since was already have so much intel and know that they're making illegal drugs at this factory... why don't we just take the place out?"

He looked at me with a light scowl. "This team isn't ready for an assault mission like that."

I waved my hand. "Fine, but I was talking about the Justice League in general. Why does this place still exist with you guys running around? Or hell, why haven't you just given this info to the proper authorities?"

"In this case, there are no proper authorities." The man replied. "The owner of the factory has the dictator of Santa Prisca in his pocket, and the facility is officially used for industrial chemical manufacture. Any local authorities have already been paid off. The League hasn't dealt with the matter directly because it's outside it's UN charter. We provide disaster relief, crime fighting, and handling supernatural threats. Stepping in to stop drug manufacture in a foreign nation would set a bad precedent."

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow skeptically at Batman. If this factory was in Gotham I had no doubt that it would already be shut down. I understood his reasons, and how it could look bad for the League if they started interfering with nations that didn't want them... but it somehow felt really wrong to have superheroes needing to bow to political realities.

Starfire felt the same way apparently, as she then said "But surely after our reconnaissance is complete there will be some action taken, yes? If this drug is as bad as you say, we can not let these villains do as they please."

"The Justice League will take care of it." Red Tornado said. "For now, focus on your own mission."

Starfire frowned but said nothing else. After a moment of silence Robin spoke up. "Who's team leader?"

Batman and Red Tornado looked at each other for a moment before they turned back to us. "Decide that among yourselves."

After that the briefing boiled down to going over little details and contingencies. Soon enough it was time to head out and the team made their way to the bioship. As we walked towards the cargo bay, I voiced the question. "So... how are we going to do this? Vote?"

"For what?" Robin asked.

"For team leader."

"What? Dude, we don't need to vote. I'm team leader."

I blinked in confusion. Did I miss a team meeting at some point? Turns out I didn't as second later Kid Flash spoke up and said "Whoa, hold up. I think you're getting a little big for your tights. There's no way that you're the leader."

Robin's head snapped towards Kid Flash in irritation. "Why not? I have the most experience out of all of us, and Batman's practically been training me for this!"

"You're not Batman, you're a thirteen year old kid!"

"And you're a 'mature' 15? Get real!"

I realized that the conversation wasn't going to be productive, so I said "All right, all right, that's enough. Assuming that's true, Robin might have a point about experience," I looked at the boy directly. "But does any of that experience involve leadership or group tactics?"

He shrugged. "Not really, but I'll pick it up. Just follow my lead and we'll ace this mission in no time."

I looked at Robin flatly for a moment before I face palmed and let out a sigh. Aqua Lad then spoke up "Robin, battle leadership is not as trivial as you seem to think it is. Atlantian commanders can spend months training with their squads so that they can preform maneuvers without signals or discussion. While you know what we are capable of, that's not the same as knowing how we work together under pressure."

Starfire then spoke. "A leader must also command the respect of those under him, be willing to take any risk he would give to another, as well as trusting those he gives these risks to that they can do as he commands."

I raised an eyebrow at the two. "I take it that you've both had training, then?"

Aqua Lad shook his head. "Not as such, but I have managed to pick up a great deal while apprenticed to my king."

Starfire shrugged. "A little, but most of my lessons on the commanding side of warfare were strategic rather than tactical, and even then it did not involve individuals with such varied abilities as yourselves." She paused before she continued. "Perhaps we can only determine who is best to lead when we are already in the field."

"And here I was thinking we'd get some training to figure that out before we were sent out into the field." I said throwing up my hands in exasperation. "I really hope this is an easy mission, because if things goes wrong we could make it worse by not all being on the same page."

"It won't come down to that." Robin insisted. "Come on, I'll show you I can do this."

I sighed before lifting up my hands. "Alright, we'll just have to wing it."

Aqua Lad nodded. "Do not worry, we have come together before, we should be able to do so again. As our support, you can keep an eye on the rest of us." He paused for a moment as he looked at me before he continued. "Jacob, have you selected your name yet? It would be unwise to use you're real name during a mission."

Before I could respond, Kid Flash pipped up. "Oh, I know! We should call you Beast Borg!"

I stared at him flatly for a long moment before I said. "No. No I will not call myself Beast Borg." Even if it is weirdly apropos... I thought to myself. "Besides which, I've settled on a name."

"Oh, what is it?" Starfire asked.

"Call me... Machina."