

When I was going through the memories I was amazed by his Luck he found 3 owner less Immortal Estate's in which 2 where Celestial Immortal and one Pure Yang True Immortal before he was earth immortal that Pure Yang True Immortal was good at treasures refining he got his inheritance in which he find an Fiendgod Body Refining Technique called "five element Calamity Fiend", To train it, one needed to temper one's body with five element energy and there are total 24 stages in this technique first 3 stages for Houtian body after that he donot know because he was late to cultivate this technique when he got this technique he already cultivated "Eternal Mysteries of the Yellow Earth"technique to earth immortal level, but it is good because be he also got "five elemental universal Qi sutra" with both arts together cultivating will become easy that is good thing to me.

After some days going through those memories I find something that I can edit my memory as I wish. I think that his soul energy together with memories was also absorbed by my soul, the shocking thing is he also got an soul cultivating art called "divided and grow soul art" it do not contain any type of levels of cultivation just divide your small part of soul and nature that part around your main soul until it can become your independent small soul after that continue the process it will be pain full every time I divided my soul for total an month so before am out of womb I can cultivate 9 souls that is good thing and I got nothing to do anywayam

And I examined that art for all most for haaaa how do I know the time any way you think that divine will or sense you can see through any thing may be but I cannot is it my problem or another thing i don't know .

Time goes by after going through this art some more times I determined it is safe to cultivate this art so first divide small part of my soul my soul is like large glowing ball it also contains some gold colour to it and as said in art I proceeded to cut my soul by my will power as I concentrate on small part of soul suddenly pain hit me that was too much as I was thinking that part of soul was already half gone I don't have that much will power so it happens at last I was able to save 1/5 of that small part. It's too much pain really man I was thinking it will be fun cultivating not painful what can I do it had already happened

I cultivated that art by motivating my self like "it's just pain what can it do to me","I have to be strong to travel with our MC" like that I was able to divide an total of 18 small soul parts if we look at that number it's almost 2 years since I got reincarnateed but am not born at ,I think my parents are some powerful immortals we will see what happens next and I went to my cultivation

When my soul parts hit 32 I stopped cultivating the soul art because it been 3 years I think I will born any time now as I was waiting to be born our MC must be 3 years old now the story truly starts from when our MC is 8 years I think that got me more 5 year's to catch up to ji ning our MC

As I was thinking about what to do after going out of hear I hit by an strong push and am out with out even sound I am not even seeing blood hear some women and my mother who was seeing me lovingly and there is no need to get clean because I am clean as clean as new . This is my favorite LN world I love this world so much I will be doing so many thing from now on